Matthew McConaughey for Dallas Buyers Club. I never appreciated his work before but I found him very credible and just enjoyed the role.
Sue Kuncl
Santa Cruz | Office Assistant
Sandra Bullock is deserving of an Oscar for Gravity. She’s a fantastic actress, she’s been in the game for a while, and she works really hard.
Molly Barrett
Santa Cruz | Kitchen Worker
Kristin Scott Thomas as The Invisible Woman because she was just frickin amazing the way that she decided to become invisible, and then realized that she could not live a live of invisibility. She figured it out. It was kind of a painful way, but she learned that she was never going to be number one in Charles Dickens’ life.
Megan Lynch
Santa Cruz | Cab Driver
Leonardo DiCaprio, Wolf of Wall Street. Extreme Bacchanalia of drugs, alcohol, cheating people out. People loved the movie, and perhaps even loving the bad wolf of Wall Street himself. Always an enjoyment, always a treat to see Dicapio, Wolf of Wall Street was one of the best films I’ve seen all year. Good luck, Leonardo!
Harleigh Marsh
Santa Cruz | Ph.D. Student
I nominate Jennifer Lawrence for American Hustle because she’s hot!
Esperanza Galera
Salinas | Demo Person