April 5-12, 2006

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Fool Me 113 Times: E-40 had the Clear Channel airwaves all to himself Saturday.


Ghost Ride the Whip

By Bill Forman

TELL ME WHEN TO STOP It was like Bill Murray's Groundhog Day gone hip-hop, or maybe just promotional airplay taken to its inevitable conclusion: Every time I'd start up the car on Saturday, Tell Me When To Go would come blasting out of the car speakers, just as it was when I'd gotten out a half hour earlier. Reflexively, I'd look over at my iPod, but no, it was the radio playing. Turns out the folks at KDON decided to celebrate April Fool's Day by playing nothing but the E-40 single all day long, causing motorists along Pacific Avenue and throughout the county to experience a sudden urge to ghost ride the whip (i.e., exit your car while it's still rolling). According to the station, "Tell Me When to Go" was played nonstop (well, except for commercials) from 8am to 7pm, a total of 113 times in one day. By our calculations, that's at least twice its normal airplay.

NOTHING TO LOSE BUT OUR STANZAS In other April Fool's Day news, Muz stumbled upon what it understood to be the inaugural meeting of the Great Lost Poets' Salon at the downtown Bagelry this weekend. The congregation of eight wizened individuals lounged in the Saturday afternoon sun, reading selections from their work and passing around a signup sheet that was met with distaste by one of the more curmudgeonly participants. "I'm an anarcho-syndicalist," he grumbled. "We don't sign things like that." Of course, this being Santa Cruz, the rest of the poets were quick to sympathize.

METAMORPHOSIS While poets bucked the system in the midday sun, revolutionary hearts and minds were stirred come nightfall as well. The previous evening, Steel Pulse held sway at the Catalyst, with frontman Michael Riley explaining that, while the Man may step on us like caterpillars, one day we will all be butterflies. M1 of Dead Prez waxed metaphorical on the same stage a week earlier, extolling the virtues of his Revolutionary But Gangsta philosophy and explaining how Malcolm X comes to him at night and whispers to him the intro to Dead Prez's one hit, Bigger Than Hip-Hop. Which, when you think about it, must get really annoying after a while.

LIFE BACK IN BALANCE National Geographic wildlife photographer/local hero Frans Lanting is going all Koyaanisqatsi on our asses this year as his amazing images are set to the music of Philip Glass for the opening night of this year's Cabrillo Festival of Contemporary Music. Lanting and Glass will also be appearing in person, as will Evelyn Glennie, the Scottish percussion phenom immortalized in the documentary Touch the Sound, which had a good long run at the Nickelodeon. Glennie will perform a solo percussion piece composed for her by Kevin Puts as well as a concerto for snare and orchestra by composer Askell Masson, whose work she recently performed at Iceland's Dark Days Festival. The Cabrillo Fest will run from July 20 to Aug. 13.

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