For the Week of
May 14-20, 1998
Cover: The Poets of Time and Space
Astronomers like SETI's Jill Tarter stretch ordinary language and let metaphors do the work to describe their latest discoveries.
News: No More Mr. Niceguy
Fred Keeley is much more than an eco-warrior in a cardigan.
Night Howl: My Best Friends chronicles the life of children's writer/illustrator Beatrix Potter.
Dialing for Dylan: The elusive Mr. Zimmerman is more than just a pop-music superstar--he's a star in the firmament of English literature.
Notes From the Underground: Junk Sick Dawn delivers some of the finest metal-pop tunes around.
Boxer's Rebellion: TwentyFourSeven fight film doesn't have a fighting chance.
Fore Score: The country club that Marion Hollins built spreads down toward the ocean from the charming dining room that bears her name.