When you’re feeling low,
what will always make you smile?

Making myself a hot macha green tea and taking time to relax by myself.
Nhi Le, 20, UCSC Computer Science Major

Being with my friend Nhi Le, and spending time with my roommates, doing things that doesn’t take much mental effort.
Waylon Williams, 20, UCSC Computer Science Major

Golden Retrievers! When I see a Golden Retriever, I can’t help but smile.
Irene Hunter, 17, Student

The sun makes me smile, and I’m happy when I go bird-watching on a sunlit day.
Jim Sylva, 80, Retired

When I go out in the morning, what makes me smile is a sunny sky and twittering birds.
Kathleen Sylva, 73, Retired

Lunch with my friends is a guaranteed smile, getting Mexican food at La Cueva in Saratoga.
Tom Vaughan, 18, Student