I hope that she, when thinking about it, thinks long term.
Allison Harre
Santa Cruz | Psychotherapist
My hope is that we can find a way to make sure that clean water is available for everyone, and I would consider a tertiary water treatment to recycle the water that we use.
Jenifer Lienau Thompson
Aptos | Science Writer/Mom
Get people to stop watering their lawns. Don’t flush your toilet when you just pee in it. Be more conscious of how long you take a shower. Reuse your pasta water.
Jennifer Parker
Santa Cruz | UCSC Professor
Maybe we should have two systems of water so we don’t use our drinking water to flush our toilets. And how can we totally recycle our water? How can we reuse it again? Can we do it in a permaculture environment where we bioremediate it? How can we effectively bioremediate our water and reuse it?
Hank Helbush
Ben Lomond | Landscape Architect
I hope she knows how to rain dance.
Jessica Rimmer
Santa Cruz | Teacher/Childcare