.What’s your take on the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy for the military?

LocalTAlk_nedHI think it’s long overdue that it should be abolished. It’s just plain discriminatory, pure and simple. And like all things discriminatory, there’s just no place for it in our society.

Ned Hoey

Santa Cruz | Photographer



LocalTAlk_jeffLI believe in truth and honesty, but at the same time I don’t believe that that needs to be disclosed either. I think that a person’s personal sexual preference is a private matter that doesn’t need to be shared with other people.

Jeff Larkey

Santa Cruz | Farmer




LocalTAlk_alCI think it’s fine. It works better than what they had before. I thinks it’s nobody’s business, so don’t ask.

Al Courchesne

Brentwood | Farmer




LocalTAlk_brentEMy take is if you’re qualified to do your job, it’s not a problem. You can fight for your country, you can protect your fellow soldier, your fellow marine, it’s fine.

Brent Edwards

Santa Cruz | Mortgage banker


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