I’m very much for Obama. I believe he’s trying to do the best thing for as many people as he can, and I believe that it would be nice for everybody to have healthcare. We have to pay for auto insurance and home insurance, so why not health insurance?
Bonnie Belcher
Santa Cruz, Account Clerk
I just dont like the government telling me what I have to do and what I have to pay for. It’s not legal.
Jeff Engles
Hollister, Gardener
The way things are going with Obama, I think it will probably be a bad thing.
Ron Fox
Santa Cruz, Buy/Sell Storage Units
I thought it was fascinating that the conservative justice, who’s the head of the Supreme Court, sided with the liberals. All in all I’m glad about the outcome.
Ken Ridino
Watsonville, Self Employed
I think it’s a step in the right direction. When the government takes over certain things, some would call it Socialism or Communism stuff, but I do feel like there are things we take for granted. It would be nice to have some things government regulated, other things certainly not. But in this case, I think this is a step in the right direction as far as healthcare goes.
Andrew Searson
Santa Cruz, Data Analyst