.Person on the Street

See what Santa Cruz has to say about the new Cabrillo name change

With a decision imminent in the renaming of Cabrillo College, Good Times asked some downtown denizens and visitors which of the proposed names is a winner and which one lands with a thud.

The five possible choices are Aptos College, Cajastaca College, Costa Vista College, Seacliff College, and Santa Cruz Coast College.

The final decision will be announced in August.

Carrie Earles, 20, UCSC student of politics. “I like the name Aptos because of the connection to the indigenous people, but not Santa Cruz Coast. Don’t choose and name associated with the missions.”
Jacob Oliveira, 20, student. “Aptos seems like the best choice, it honors Native Americans and it’s familiar. Santa Cruz Coast would be my last choice.”
Enn Louise Demos, 19, sales associate at Realm SC. “I would choose Cajastaca, because I like the meaning, “the place of the jackrabbits.”
Dag Yasui, 60, scientist. “Aptos is my favorite of the five, but Costa Vista is my least favorite, to me it just doesn’t ring well.”
Cassandra Morales, 24, insurance broker. “I like Costa Vista College the most, it’s just a pretty name with a nice sound.”
David Cisneros, 33, mechanic. “Seacliff is best because it’s the easiest to pronounce, people who don’t live here would have a problem saying the others.”


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