.As Above, So Below

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The Sun and the planets shift about more than usual in the following days, which means more shifting about and activity on Earth. As the outer planets are contacted, we see signs of continued transformations in our world. Mercury and the Sun change signs this week. Mercury left risk-taking Aries and entered slow-moving, Taurus (Monday night), sign of the Art of Living.

On Saturday, Sun leaves Taurus (comfort) and enters Gemini, sign of the messenger instructing humanity in communication.

Friday (possible difficult day) things get all shook up due to interactions between Saturn/Uranus, Mars/Pluto and Venus/Jupiter. As above in the heavens, so below on Earth.

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With Saturn trine Uranus (in fiery Sag and Aries), everything that is staid, unmovable, crystallized and locked into place is shocked into instability. Uranus doesn’t allow the old ways to hinder the new ways from forming. Uranus disrupts everything, allowing new rhythms to take shape.

With Mars/Pluto (Gemini/Capricorn), the old world comes tumbling down with a fury! Nothing seems to work. Messages (Gemini) are lost in the rubble.

With Venus opposite Jupiter (Aries/Libra), something new “over there somewhere (opposite us)” appears. We can’t comprehend it, so we ignore or destroy it. But Venus/Jupiter is benevolent, kind and expansive. They bring awareness, love and wisdom to our relationships. Eventually, we allow ourselves to see what new is being introduced. Gradually, we accept and integrate it. We always learn through conflict and chaos.

With Sun in Gemini we are more communicative, friendly, sociable, interested and curious to learn about everyone and everything. We gather information and share it. We listen to Blake Shelton’s music (Gemini Sun). And our hearts open. Why? Gemini distributes Ray 2 (Love/Wisdom) from a star in the Big Dipper.

ARIES: You may be dreaming more often, feeling more instinctive, sometimes confused, sensitive, inspired and insightful. Prayer, meditation, study, contemplation are good for you. They create compassion and a deeply caring way of being. When you find yourself in a group calling you to leadership to help create the future, the needed skills, tools and virtues appear. The new world is what you are to initiate.


TAURUS: You have one task now—a focus upon health. Tend to joints and bones and your heart, taking more calcium/magnesium, not allowing anxiety or stress, eating calming foods. Swimming in warm salt pools is recommended. Use practicality to care for yourself. You must choose daily—to be out and about socially, leading everyone into the future, or remaining at home, in the garden, building toward perfect health. Begin each day facing the early morning Sun. Eyes wide open.


GEMINI: Something revelatory happens between you and the world, you and work, and you and certain groups. You’re inspired, encouraged and guided. With careful study, years of preparation, and viewing the past in terms of cultivating your gifts, a spiritual pathway opens. Choices and commitments are more easily made, and gratitude settles in your heart. The next festival is the Gemini festival of Goodwill. Plan to participate.


CANCER: What have you been sensing, feeling and thinking of during these spring festivals? Do you feel you’re being introduced to new qualities within yourself, a new identity emerging? Do these days make you feel generous and at home? Is there a new reality or interest presenting itself? You want to participate fully. But you know it’s not quite the right timing. Are you gardening, redecorating, expanding your foundation? Love is close by.


LEO: You’re becoming more perceptive, intuitive and enlightened, and this affects those you work with. Someone, something (words, ideas, memories of someone in particular) will create a shift into greater and deeper awareness of how you have related in previous relationships. Your mind sorts through ideas of intimacy, money, sadness sometimes, and old dreams. Love is good, all the time, even when it hurts, which means you’re learning.


VIRGO: You will relate better with others, especially those close to you, if you offer love as unqualified and unconditional. This is something many of us need yet to learn. We don’t quite know how to love. But when we do so, we flourish and thrive and discover greater support and the needed guidance. Challenging others doesn’t work. Curiosity, listening, care and compassion do. They nourish all hearts.


LIBRA: Think, visualize and pray daily for all that you want and need your life to be. Include art, creativity and loving relationship partnerships. If you’re not sure of your needs, ask yourself each day, “What are my hopes, dreams and wishes? What are my abilities and gifts?” In the coming months, you become stronger, more resilient. Take cautionary care with money and resources. You need fishes in a fishbowl and an apricot canary.


SCORPIO: Use your resources and investments in terms of preparing for the future. Find a forward-thinking money manager. Think seriously about a new economy needing to unfold. It will look much different than our present one. Don’t speculate on the old economy. Consider precious metals. Study books on greenhouses and bio-shelters and the resources needed to create these environments. You then become forward thinking.


SAGITTARIUS: The planets are affecting your sense of self, your identity, your money, your family, home situation, creativity and possibilities in terms of relationships, partnerships, and for some, marriage. So many different realities pulsing about. Something kind and benevolent, something sacrificial and sad is remembered in your family. Are relatives and loved ones on your mind? Your remembering creates the needed relinquishment.


CAPRICORN: You’re thinking optimistically about doing something new about who you are in the world, your talents and gifts. You want to bring more grace, goodness, ease and beauty to your life and the life of humanity. You recognize everyone’s doing their very best, especially you, and you’re asking for more opportunities in the world. Begin writing (journaling) in earnest and even drawing how you want to serve the world. This is your next creative endeavor.


AQUARIUS: Money and resources are going through a definite change. You want adequate money in order to stabilize yourself in the future. This means more attention to the well-being of your finances. Don’t forget to always help others. When we serve others, our needs are always taken care of. The charts show a focus on home, past, present and future. Follow what calls to you. It loves you.


PISCES: Neptune in Pisces brings forth revelations and visions and, at times, confusion. Neptune blends many realities into one reality and specifics dissolve away. Be aware and observe this occurring. Neptune is not the planet of detail. It’s the planet of refinement, of parting the veils, of creative imagination and realms where dreams come true. Neptune transits can make us experience exhaustion. Magnesium, vitamins A, B and D3 help stabilize the body. Tend carefully to health in these times.


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