With the Nov. 2 election just around the corner, and a whole slew of candidates running for local office, now is a good time to start narrowing down your picks. Is there a question you’d like to hear the city council candidates answer? Good Times would like to know. Send in your question for the council hopefuls and be automatically entered to win some stellar prizes, including dinner for two at Clouds, tickets to the Jack-O-Laughter 2010 at the Rio Theatre on Oct. 29, and a dozen cookies from Pacific Cookie Company. Your question could also be selected for the candidate questionnaire in GT’s forthcoming Election Guide. Questions will be accepted for the Santa Cruz, Watsonville, Capitola and Scotts Valley city council candidates, as well as for the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors contenders. Just email your question to le*****@gt******.com, with “Candidate Question” in the subject line, to enter.