.Amidst the Whirling Forces

RisaNewSThe astrological week begins Thursday with Mercury opposite Chiron (seeking to heal) and Mercury inconjunct Uranus (puzzled about creating the New Era Community). We feel saddened (Chiron) at the state of our world and feeling unable to change it. Sun/Saturn tells us we have the tools for the new world. Saturn in Scorpio helps us emerge out of the Matrix of our present thinking. Here is how humanity, in turmoil, feels at present as we enter the new Aquarian world.

“Amidst the whirling forces, we stand confused. During all our past, they swept us up and down the land wherein we moved, blinded and unaware. From place to place and point to point, they drove us up and down the land—nowhere was there rest.”

Aquarius is humanity, the World Disciple, given the task (and tools) of creating the new Aquarian world. Along with the 12 zodiacal signs engaged to help us, within each of us are the tools—of creation—imagination, ability to visualize, communicate and form community. The most important being imagination and visualization. “The spiritual imagination, our creative process, is of greatest service to humanity. It takes the place of (supersedes) ancient illusions and dissipates ancient untruths that have fabricated the untrue world we live in. Imagination releases us from the unreal to the real, from death to immortality, from darkness to light, from chaos to beauty”—releasing us from the Matrix. What do we imagine our new world to be? Visualizing in groups creates the template of the future reality.

Esoteric Astrology as News for the week of Aug. 29–Sept. 4, 2013 For Sun and Rising Signs

ariesAries-March 21–April 20
You become deeply aware of details, efficiency and order, seeking only the best, most organic enterprises and foods for your life. You express yourself less through taking chances, more through a sense of serving others and tending most carefully to your health. It’s important to realize what reality and being in the Matrix mean. It’s best to not offer or adapt your skills and versatility to upholding that Matrix.

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21
It’s important to feel joy and enthusiasm. Joy is an aspect of the Soul. Enthusiasm means “filled with God.” It’s best to spend daylight hours on creative artistic projects. You have precise technical skills and knowledge. It’s important to remain somewhat aloof from distractions. Find your most favorite Nicholas Roerich painting and spend time each day copying it. An exercise in learning about light.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20
You will communicate the practical reality of daily living. You will ascertain what is your inner self and what is the outer world, remaining within the boundary of yourself at all times. It will be good to visit the seashore, observing the life of crabs. Notice they circle around, never walking in a straight line. Notice their protective covering. You’re somewhat the crab (the si

cancerCancer June 21–July 20
You’re discovering you communicate efficiently with great self-expression. You observe your perceptions and impressions and communications from the natural world, which talks to us all the time. You know and listen. And this changes your viewpoint each day. You realize we’re all in training, and nature is our greatest teacher. You’re able to capture the messages of nature acutely. The Devas begin to trust you.

leoLeo July 21–August 22
More and more you’re discovering your gifts, valuable offerings to the world. You notice your power, priorities, spirituality, history and your need for boundaries and rest. It’s most important to learn that, while helping others, you do not set yourself, your needs and values aside. And that eventually you don’t disappear in relationships as tend to the “other.” Each day you define your unique sense of self.


virgoVirgo August 23–September 22
It’s your birthday month. I hope you have a party, cakes and candles, a celebration. Be aware of your physical presence in all situations and how it influences and impacts the energy of others. It’s most important to learn magically how to adapt to the needs of others, to shine in the field of service, to eliminate all distractions, as you gestate always new states of consciousness. Happy Birthday.


libraLibra September 23–October 22

There’s a timeless quality to your life these days. You rise with the Sun, meet daily goals, at nightly review (Mystery School work before Night School, 10pm – 5am) you see your day was good. You’re in tune with the atmosphere and architecture of all environments. You spend time in solitude, you observe details, and everything becomes meditation. You realize all of us are in training. You recognize how to love. It’s a process.

scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21
You want all things practical. You see systems to be created for the good of humanity. You want to link people and resources together creating community. You’re someone everyone can trust. There are resources in your home needing tending. You need advice from professionals. You do research in order to be intelligent and mindful about the Right Use of those resources. The right resourceful people arrive, coming to your aid.

saggSagittarius November 22–December 20
Always you seek to be unpretentious, share your knowledge of reality in real ways, present your discoveries and worldviews in the broadest possible light. You’re entertaining and humorous, too. It’s good to assess your relationship with God or whatever Power you ascribe to realities greater than you. Only this gives true meaning to life, provides us with the revelation that we “never dim the light of others by stories or criticism.”

capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20
Because you’re always a leader in the world (Capricorn is the Gate of Leadership) you learn how to tend to other people’s vicissitudes with effective guidance, direction and loving-kindness so they can release whatever is afflicting them. It’s not problem solving. It’s listening quietly for a long time, assessing the central issue, asking crucial questions, and then listening more, till you hear they’ve internally solved their problem

aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18
In relationships we often give ourselves over so deeply to the other that we lose ourselves in the mix of you/me, mine/yours. The “our” eventually consists only of the “other,” you no longer in the mix. You always long for the “other.” You will have relationships that teach you how to remain free even within intensity. We have relationships over and over to learn how to be in them. You’re learning always.

piscesPisces February 19–March 20
Pisces is known for many things—alcohol, drugs, confusion, delusion, watery insights, otherworldly. But Pisces is also other things—the best of parents, excellent teacher, humblest companion, visionary, devotee, mystic (later brilliant occultist), world savior. Every level is a developmental stage. Each stage builds the most important virtue of all—compassion.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.

More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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