.Autumn’s Circadian Rhythms

I have mentioned often circadian rhythms often in my columns, website and Facebook. These are the rhythms of light and dark, sun and moon, the seasonal rhythms, new and full moon rhythms, etc. Last week three scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine for their work in circadian biology, the field of science dedicated to the 24-hour internal clock on which our bodies run. This 24-hour cycle determines and controls everything in our lives, internally and externally. It’s about biological rhythms, synchronized to Earth’s revolutions around the Sun and light from the heavens—from Sun, moon and stars.

Following each season’s rhythms is part of circadian rhythm, foundation for year-round health. Each season calls for different types of food for our body’s balance and well-being. Foods for the Autumn season, under the Ayurvedic dosha (energy) of Vata (air, wind, sky, clouds) are to be substantial and nourishing, high in protein and ghee (clarified butter), hot (not cool) foods made with stimulating spices. These keep our inner organs moist (Vata is air) and our minds and emotions anchored in the practical. We reduce summery cool, cold raw foods.

Autumn (Vata) calls us to begin consistent daily rhythms and routines, following the changes in light (circadian rhythms). To have silence, stillness and peace in the early hours of the day. Using specific fragrances—vetiver, geranium and citrus essential oils. We wear autumn colors of red, golden yellow and orange. Asleep by 10 p.m. we rise at dawn, listen to bird calls while standing in the rising morning light of the sun.  

ARIES: The season has changed and so must our health regimes, our diets, the ways we exercise and how we plan our day. As Autumn begins it’s good to think along new lines, preparing for the coming changes in light, color, sun and shadows. All of these are reflected in our fall and winter festivals. The seasonal changes are reflected within ourselves, too. Relationships need extra tending so everyone doesn’t feel isolated, cold, alone, withdrawn, and left out.

TAURUS: It’s good to be out and about, learning new things, attending lectures, classes, gathering information. Or, perhaps creating and teaching a class yourself. Always in your life your task has been to illumine the minds of humanity, a serious and disciplined task. It would be good to consider what would be playful, bring enjoyment, fun and a calling forth your lightness and spontaneity? Perhaps you need to swim in a warm natural pool.

GEMINI: What constitutes family to you, whether biological, friend, group (esoteric?), colleagues, etc.? Family matters more and more even if you tend to reject that thought. Something’s not complete with someone. What would that be? With whom? Listening to others until you understand the essential message is an important Gemini goal. All of this brings love forth—your spiritual task.

CANCER: Make contact. These two words have a depth most don’t understand. Making contact releases Love. But it must be true, authentic and intentional contact. It must be from the heart, connecting heart to heart, Soul-to-Soul. The results are that Love being released creates liberation for everyone. You are the one to begin this process. Do this ceaselessly, quietly, with heartfelt intention of contact with all kingdoms.

LEO: There’s a sense that you must create a new plan concerning finances and resources. When this is accomplished, a new state of values will come forth. You may want to communicate more deeply with those close to you, sharing with them your values, asking what values they hold. Seek to know the values held in common. The questions about values have to do with what your desires and aspirations are for the future. Do you know?  

VIRGO: You will want to come out of the shadows and into a greater light. Standing in shadows, perhaps in the shadow of another, is comfortable for you. However, there comes a time when we each must define ourselves, become a sovereign individual, recognize our own self-identity, understand what we initiate, realize that we’re responsible, summon our confidence, and seek a new support system. Am I speaking to Virgo or Pisces? Both. For each is the shadow of the other.

LIBRA: As I prepared the garden for autumn I gathered together a sheaf of wheat. The Virgo symbol of nourishment for humanity. I thought of Libra, and what nourishes them—relationships, beauty, friends, equilibrium, balance, love, sacrifice, art. It’s the art of the wheat sheaf that caught my eye and I thought Librans must get back to their art in whatever form interests them. Some paint, some have galleries, some are collectors. What is your art form? It’s calling you.

SCORPIO: Do you sense with restlessness that there’s a group that belongs to you, and yet somehow you can’t find it? As you search for those like-minded who belong to you, assess what gifts you would offer them, and in turn, to the world. Your gifts and talents continue to develop. Summon patience. Speak with love to those close to you. Ask for their visions and goals. Synthesize everyone’s.

SAGITTARIUS: Saturn has been in Sag for several years now. He has called for a perfect execution of your work. With Saturn’s direction, new structures and new dimensions have been given, resulting in new thoughts flowing through your mind. You’re being impressed with ideas that become ideals for humanity. Share your ideas with others who will assist you. Diplomacy is paramount.

CAPRICORN: What will you do this autumn? How will you reflect the autumn season in your home? Is the world calling to you with new ideas, new creativity? You are being prepared within for something new to emerge in the near future. Perhaps it’s a course of study, something you want (or need) to learn, somewhere to visit, travel to, discover? Is there something you want to say to someone far away? Many things professional come your way.

AQUARIUS: Take extra care with and tend carefully to your money, valuables and resources. Create a place of safety for your money. Know what is coming in and going out. Use this time to discover what is needed and what is not. Give away what is not and then give more away. Giving provides you with meaning, a true sense of service and a liberation that allows you to move forward in your life. Will you be travelling?

PISCES: We are to do our best in every place we find ourselves in. Many of us are indecisive these days, sitting on the fence (uncomfortable), unable to decide where we’re going, what to do when we don’t know what to do, how to provide our gifts when opportunities don’t seem to exist. Again, we (especially Pisces at this time) are to work at our best wherever we find ourselves. Relationships need compromise, patience and acceptance. Adaptation liberates us.



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