.Burning Man: A ‘Welcome Home’

RisaNewSThursday evening the Sun enters the disciplined Virgo, sign of gestating new states of consciousness. And always in time for Burning Man (Aug. 26 to Sept. 2), the radical arts community/temporary metropolis, in the playas of Nevada’s Black Rock Desert. Burning Man, with its ethos (spirit) of freedom and culture, organically begun in 1986 in San Francisco, is a field of survival (it’s 107 degrees) amidst creation—together building the new world. It’s irrational, primal, celebratory procession of humanity, days and nights of gritty dust under the Sun and stars, individually in communion. Its build, burn, dismantle—leave no trace. It’s shared community with rules, laws, ordinances, precepts and Principles.

Here are the 10 Principles. They could define each of us, were we courageous enough to live by them. Burning Man is an experiment—someday realty for everyone. The Ten Principles: 1) Inclusion. 2) Gift giving (unconditional). 3) No commercialization. 4) Relying on inner resources. 5) Self-expression. 6) Communal effort, community values, creative cooperation/collaboration. 7) Civic responsibility for public welfare, respecting laws. 8) Respect of environment, leaving the environment in a better state. 9) Participation, Open heart–beingness through doing-ness. Everyone working, playing, makes the world real through actions that open the heart. 10) Immediacy—relating to the moment, to those around us, contact with the natural world, no barriers.
Burning Man is an ongoing work of performance art.
Burning Man to humanity: “Welcome Home.” Visit burningman.com.

Esoteric Astrology as News for the week of Aug. 22–28, 2013 For Sun and Rising Signs

ariesAries-March 21–April 20
It will be important to focus on details. To be organized and complete things. At day’s end, walk through your environments. Observe what’s out of place, open, astray, afoot, and generally lying about. Place everything where they belong. Aries leaves a trail of things undone. This is natural for Aries, moving quickly to each next phase, forgetting the previous one. Try this month to complete tasks as a meditation.

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21
Hang natural rock or faceted lead crystals on a red string in all windows open to the Sun, a practical approach to the Sun’s light. Crystal refracted prisms radiate rainbows everywhere. The colors are the Ray colors stimulating creativity, beauty and balance. Hang crystals in halls, darkened corridors and corners where energy is obstructed/unmoving. Crystals in sunlight restore health and well-being. You need this care from the Sun.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20
Gemini and Pisces are not of this world. They never really make descent into physical matter, living instead in the etheric—the world of non-physical form where matter is first conceived in pattern of light. The information Geminis gather and disperse provides for others a new template of thinking which results in new actions. Realize therefore how important your communication is. Be aware of what you say, why, its veracity and intention.

cancerCancer June 21–July 20
It’s important to be keenly aware of impressions and perceptions. They come from the Soul and are directions for (y)our life. You are keenly sensitive, as is Leo. Sensitive to higher unseen worlds, to feelings, moods and sensations. Other signs are not sensitive in the same ways. Hiding under your shell does not decrease sensitivity. It’s important to capture the precious moments when such direction occurs. Many rely on your knowledge.

leoLeo July 21–August 22
Leo is the sign of creative identity. One becomes very clear, when a Leo, about self-identity. Leo says, “Look at the work I’ve done. Here is my creative self. I am this creative self!” Do you have what you need during these times? It’s important to state your values and needs. It’s also important to give unselfishly—talents, gifts, time, resources—to those appreciating you and to those in need. Use your kind heart in all

virgoVirgo August 23–September 22
It’s important to know how your physical presence affects others and your environments. You pay attention to details, are ordered and organized. Excellent traits. However, there are many others incapable of this. Only a special type of person adapts to those less able. Do you patiently approach the world with such purpose? Do you seek perfection in all things? It’s good to understand everyone is imperfect and perfect at the same time.

libraLibra September 23–October 22
What atmosphere (architecture, sensitivities) do you prefer? Being challenged, of leadership, separation and boundaries, of music and art, of kindness, of noting the details, of meditation? Perhaps some or all of these. Attempt to define which are best for you. Recognizing these helps us become aware of the fields we create. We are more able to bring into manifestation things we have only previously sensed or thought about.

scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21
Often, in the depths of your being, you realize you want to be of service. You want to speak with goodness and kindness, exuding personal power through how you communicate. You want to improve the world, discover and share systems for the good of humanity. You want to be in an organization that links groups doing good together. You wonder how you, a hermit-like person, would fit into such group. You assess your gifts.

saggSagittarius November 22–December 20
I came across a quote in the book “You Are a Cosmic Traveler” (untranslated) by Brazilian author/spiritual teacher Trigueirinho, founder of the Figueira monastery (in Brazil). The quote concerns your world service (which you are or are not aware of.) Your service is invaluable.The quote: “The service you give is not yours alone. It belongs to the cosmos. Because you are a cosmic voyager.” Sag is always the voyage.

capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20
You are the ultimate earth sign. Earth is a school, one of many in the cosmos. Earth school prepares us to understand how to live in form and matter. As spirits encased in matter, often we don’t know how to behave. Having forgotten our spiritual identity, we long for it. Tending gardens, working and living in nature, helps reconnect with our innate spiritual lineage. A most important profession is the gardener—a humble work

aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18
Perhaps in your daily life you’re encountering other people’s problems and these impact your emotional and mental field. It’s important not to shy away from these people. Instead, help them overcome and release their suffering. You have a purpose at this time while encountering intense situations. Radiate the Light of the Soul outward to these people and situations. It dissipates the intensity and the suffering. Others feel your service.

piscesPisces February 19–March 20
You’re not to give up your visions or goals, even though it seems a long time to manifest. Incorporate ideas from other sources, adding a facet to the diamond that is your vision of community and a village that serves humanity. In the meantime, know that what is presently around you is your present community (for now). Be fully present to it. Be for those around you a humble and kind companion. Know that we are all in training to be Hierarchy.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.

More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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