.Things To Do in Santa Cruz: Jan. 13-19

A weekly guide to what’s happening.

Featured event: ‘Love You Madly’ Livestream Rebroadcast

The “Love You Madly: Artists for Santa Cruz Fire Relief” campaign’s rebroadcast of its star-studded livestream on Friday, Jan. 15, is another chance to see two-and-a-half hours of musicians and community members pulling out all the stops to raise money for victims of the CZU Lightning Complex fire (more than $110,000 already, and counting). It’s another chance to see everything from local band Wolf Jett’s incredible performance of “Garden of Pain” on the former site of the drummer’s burned home (see photo) to Rogue Wave’s gorgeous cover of “More Than This” to Steve Earle’s perfectly chosen rendition of “The Firebreak Line,” all the way through Bonnie Raitt and Boz Scaggs’ incredible finale. Campaign organizer Jon Luini says he’s not sure exactly what is in store for “Love You Madly” this year, but that more weekly videos are ready to roll out at santacruzfirerelief.org, including another contribution from local punk heroes Good Riddance. “The response was so much greater than I could have hoped for,” Luini says. “People are enjoying it, and it raised a lot of money. You don’t usually get to have the combination wins.”


Livestream rebroadcast begins at 7pm on Friday, Jan. 15. Free; go to: santacruzfirerelief.org. 


A CONVERSATION WITH JONATHAN FRANZEN: SOMETHING TO LOVE—SOMETHING TO HOPE FOR Bestselling author Jonathan Franzen reflects on what gives us hope in these times. Joining Jonathan will be Lynda Mari­n, who leads the local Citizens Climate Lobby, Mireya Gomez Contreras, co-leader of Esperanza Community Farms in Watsonville, and Rick Longinotti, teacher of Nonviolent Communication. The event is a benefit for the Sierra Club and Campaign for Sustainable Transportation lawsuit to stop the expansion of Highway 1. Saturday, Jan. 16, 5-6:30pm. Learn more: sustainabletransportation.eventsmart.com/events/conversation-with-jonathan-franzen.

CALL FOR COLLABORATION: MLK DAY JUSTICE JOURNAL Share your dreams and submit a page into a community journal in celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. You can write and draw your responses by hand or digitally. Written responses can be of any language. Submitted pages must fit within 10 inches by 10 inches. Per submission, please include a note with your name, address, email or phone number, and selected prompt available on the event page. At the end of February, all the submissions will be compiled and pieced together. The completed journal will be displayed the week of March 1 as a close to Black History Month and continuation of a Black future. Submissions accepted through Feb. 19; guidelines can be accessed on the event page: santacruzmah.org/events/justice-journal.

BANFF CENTRE MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL VIRTUAL FESTIVAL This year, bring the adventure home! Fluff up your couch cushions, grab a snack of choice, and make sure you have a good internet connection, because the Banff Centre Mountain Film Festival World Tour is going virtual! For the first time ever, travel to breathtaking destinations, embark on daring expeditions, and celebrate some of the most remarkable outdoor achievements, all from the comforts of your living room. The Covid-19 pandemic has created extraordinary circumstances around the world and many of our live World Tour screenings have been postponed or canceled. While we can’t replicate the experience of seeing the Banff films on the big screen of your local theatre, surrounded by friends and your community, these curated programs of amazing outdoor films will inspire you to live life to the fullest, however that looks these days! Please visit riotheatre.com for more information about the online programs and how you can support your local screening. 


HOW TO HAVE A (TRULY) HAPPY NEW YEAR—A VIRTUAL PUBLIC TALK WITH KHENPO KARTEN RINPOCHE Are you hoping to find purpose and meaning in the events of the past year while living with greater peace and authenticity in the year to come? Spend an evening with Tibetan monk, scholar, and meditation master, Khenpo Karten Rinpoche, who has distilled centuries of Buddhist wisdom to its essence in original poetic verse. With warmth and clarity, Rinpoche will draw on his decades of personal study and meditation practice to explain a selection of verses on the nature of happiness and methods to cultivate it. Time will be made for Rinpoche to answer your questions. Attendees are also invited to register for our virtual annual retreat (Jan. 16-18), where Rinpoche will teach on “The Instructions of Gampopa: Precious Garland of the Supreme Path.” Registration is requested, but not required. Registration will allow participants to receive a reminder email two days prior to the event, and fifteen minutes ahead with the Zoom and Facebook links to join, so the links below will be close at hand. To register, please visit Eventbrite: eventbrite.com/e/how-to-have-a-truly-happy-new-year-public-talk-wkhenpo-karten-rinpoche-tickets-134906156947 or visit our webpage: manjushridharmacenter.org/event/how-to-have-a-truly-happy-new-year-a-virtual-public-talk. Friday, Jan. 15, 6-8pm.

LABSIDE CHATS: A CONVERSATION WITH A SCIENTIST, FEATURING ADINA PAYTAN, PH.D. Tune in for the next Labside Chat with Adina Paytan, a research professor with the Institute of Marine Sciences at UCSC. We will be exploring the fascinating field of chemical oceanography and learning how chemical elements are transferred between living organisms and the marine environment. Join us to discover what this process reveals about previous and present climate and oceanography records, and how human impacts on the biogeochemical cycles can cause long-term changes to the ocean. Join the conversation! Submit your questions in advance for Adina, then watch the conversation to hear the answers during the live chat. Visit the Seymour Center’s website to submit your questions and to watch the live conversation: seymourcenter.ucsc.edu/learn/ongoing-education/labside-chats. Thursday, Jan. 14, 11-11:30am.

SALSA SUELTA FREE ZOOM SESSION Keep in shape! Weekly online session in Cuban-style Salsa Suelta for experienced beginners and up. May include Mambo, ChaChaCha, Afro-Cuban Rumba, Orisha, Son Montuno. No partner required, ages 14 and up. Contact to get the link. salsagente.com. Thursday, Jan. 14, 7pm.

EIGHT-WEEK VIRTUAL PARENTING GROUP: FOR FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN 2-12 YEARS OLD January is Positive Parenting Awareness Month! Join us for an eight-week virtual Triple P Group for families with children 2-12 years old, held Thursdays, Jan. 7 – Feb. 25.  Individuals, couples, and any friends or family members who are helping raise children are welcome to attend. Participants will meet other families and learn simple strategies to help you strengthen relationships in your family, encourage positive behaviors, teach your child new skills and behaviors, handle disruptive or challenging behaviors with greater confidence, and take care of yourself as a parent. Presented in English on Zoom by Cori Burt, of Community Bridges’ Mountain Community Resources. To register contact Cori Burt at 831-335-6600, ext. 6605, or visit bit.ly/TripleP-Group-Jan2021. Participants must register and attend the second session on Jan. 14 in order to participate in the group. If the group is already in session and you would like more information about another upcoming eight-week Triple P group, please contact First 5 at 831-465-2217. Thursday, Jan. 14, 5-6:30pm.

VIRTUAL BILINGUAL PARENTING WORKSHOP: FAMILY READING TIME IS QUALITY TIME January is Positive Parenting Awareness Month! Triple P Workshops cover practical tips and strategies for handling specific parenting questions and challenges. Attend this free virtual parenting workshop with your kids to learn how sharing books and stories is a positive parenting strategy that promotes children’s learning, development, and well-being; learn strategies for reading together at home that will help children in school; participate in family reading activities led by Raising a Reader! Presented in English and Spanish with interpretation on Zoom by: Gladys Gómez, Community Bridges’ La Manzana Community Resources, and Jennifer Robinson, Raising a Reader, Pájaro Valley Unified School District. Register to get the Zoom meeting link for this virtual workshop: bit.ly/Reading-Children-Jan13. Attend Triple P classes in January to receive a gift bag and be entered into a raffle drawing. More classes means more chances to win prizes! Los talleres de Triple P ofrecen consejos prácticos y estrategias para manejar las preguntas y desafíos de crianza específicas. Asista a este taller crianza virtual con sus hijos (0 – 12 años) para: Aprender sobre cómo compartir libros e historias es una estrategia de la crianza positiva que promueve el aprendizaje, desarrollo y bienestar de los niños Aprender estrategias para leer juntos en casa que les ayudarán a los niños en la escuela. ¡Participar en actividades de lectura familiar dirigidas por Criando a un Lector! Presentado en español y inglés con interpretación por Zoom por Gladys Gómez, Puentes de la Comunidad’ La Manzana Recursos Comunitarios y Jennifer Robinson, Criando a un Lector, del Distrito Escolar Unificado del Valle de Pájaro. Wednesday, Jan. 13, 5-6:30pm.

VIRTUAL PARENTING WORKSHOP: TEACHING TEENS HEALTHY EATING HABITS January is Positive Parenting Awareness Month! Triple P Workshops cover practical tips and strategies for handling specific parenting questions and challenges. Attend this free virtual parenting workshop to learn why it’s important to develop healthy eating habits during adolescence, how to encourage healthy eating, and how to identify and handle concerns about teenagers’ eating habits. Presented in English on Zoom by Gladys Gómez of Community Bridges’ La Manzana Community Resources. Register to get the Zoom meeting link for this virtual workshop: bit.ly/Teens-Healthy-Eating-Jan14. Attend Triple P classes in January during Positive Parenting Awareness Month to receive a gift bag and be entered into a raffle drawing. More classes equal more chances to win prizes! For questions, contact Gladys Gómez at 831-724-2997, ext. 220, or contact Triple P at 831-465-2217. Thursday, Jan. 14, 5-6:30pm.


ENTRE NOSOTRAS GRUPO DE APOYO Entre Nosotras support group for Spanish speaking women with a cancer diagnosis. Meets twice monthly. Registration required by contacting Entre Nosotras at 831-761-3973. Friday, Jan. 15, 6pm.

OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS All our OA meetings have switched to being online. Please call 831-429-7906 for meeting information. Do you have a problem with food? Drop into a free, friendly Overeaters Anonymous 12-Step meeting. All are welcome! Sunday, Jan. 17, 9:05-10:15am.

WOMENCARE ARM-IN-ARM Cancer support group for women with advanced, recurrent, or metastatic cancer. Meets every Monday at 12:30pm via Zoom. All services are free. Registration required, contact WomenCARE at 831-457-2273 or online at womencaresantacruz.org.

WOMENCARE MINDFULNESS MEDITATION Mindfulness meditation for women with a cancer diagnosis. Meets the first and third Friday, currently on Zoom. Registration required by contacting WomenCARE at 831-457-2273. Friday, Jan. 15, 11am-noon.

WOMENCARE TUESDAY SUPPORT GROUP WomenCARE Tuesday Cancer support group for women newly diagnosed and through their treatment. Meets every Tuesday at 12:30pm. via Zoom. Registration required by contacting 831-457-2273. 

WOMENCARE: LAUGHTER YOGA Laughter yoga for women with a cancer diagnosis. Meets every Wednesday at 3:30 via Zoom. Registration required by contacting 831-457-2273. 


COMMUNITY PERMACULTURE CALLS WINTER 2021 Practice permaculture each week at our ‘village campfire’ of ongoing interactive group calls. Hosted by experienced permaculture mentors including Santa Cruz Permaculture founder David Shaw, Lydia Neilsen of Rehydrate the Earth, and John Valenzuela of Cornucopia Food Forests. The goal of this program is to create thriving and resilient individuals and communities by supporting people to connect with nature, community, and themselves more deeply through permaculture. Each call includes a keynote talk on a relevant and seasonal topic. This is followed by a small group conversation for reflection, and a whole group conversation and Q&A. We close the calls with invitations for how you can apply what you’ve learned in your home and community. The next call begins with a check-in about how you applied what you learned. Learn more about and register for the 10-week call series at santacruzpermaculture.com/communitypermaculture. $25 per call/$250 for the series. The series begins Tuesday, Jan. 5 and runs for 10 weeks.


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