.Chiron Stations and the Birthday of the United States

Wednesday we talk a lot and do a lot. Then we feel we’ve done and said too much. So we pull back into a Saturn shadow. But we still keep talking (Virgo moon).

Thursday, Virgo moon continues and we are still talking. Why does Virgo talk so much? Because that’s how they integrate their experiences and understand their lives. We listen with patience. Thursday, we feel we’ve had enough talk, and so we thrust ourselves into a mystery. And stay there awhile—Mercury opposes Pluto.

Friday, Libra moon, we seek balance from the last two days. It’s the second quarter moon, rising at sunset, growing from crescent to full. We, too, are developing and growing toward a fruition.

Saturday, Chiron (the wound, the healing) retrogrades (till Dec. 5). Chiron helps us feel and be aware of our deepest wounds. Later we are able to recognize the same wound in others. As our compassion comes forth for others, a wholeness and healing occurs within us.

Sunday is Mars opposite Pluto. A day to be very careful of self, family and all others. Not a good day to climb mountains. Monday, our wounds heal.

Tuesday, July 4, Independence Day, is the 241st birthday of the United States, a country created by the Hierarchy (inner spiritual government) as an experiment in freedom. Externally, the U.S. was formed in order to liberate itself from England (freedom from the old ways). The United States of America is called to do a “great work.” That of “standing within the Light and leading humanity within and towards that Light.” The United States, in these days of crisis, is in need of new enlightened servers—the New Group of World Servers.

On July 4 under Cancer’s light, let us each become a Light for the World, a light that “nurtures and nourishes the little ones” (humanity). As we dedicate ourselves in service, we recite the ancient Mantram of Service together. “Help us, O Lord, to know and to do our part in the world.”

ARIES: The month ahead sees you working toward all that you value. If you don’t actually know what your values are, then be a keen observer of yourself—your thoughts, actions, friends, focus, communications. You may be slower than usual, tending what you love (and value) with extra care. You see your ambition, the acquiring of possessions, your impatience or impulsiveness. Your senses are more alive. You may eat more. Everything changes.

TAURUS: You have the Vulcan volcanic ability to make gold out of lead. You have so many abilities, you can share a few. Notice reactions to events and people. You’re more communicative, energetic, active, forceful and sometimes, a bit aggressive (shocking!). For a moment or two it’s OK for you to be overly assertive. Rarely do you do such things. Each day there’s more and more to do in your life. Do all that you can to achieve poise and equilibrium. And rest more.

GEMINI: Venus slipped into your house of Pisces. You become more spiritual, perhaps religious, more sensitive, reluctant to push the river. Confidence has taken a different path than you’ve taken. Working a bit more in secret, you can be blamed for things you didn’t do. Gradually a sense of instinct becomes intuition and the past merges with the present and life becomes more valuable. Dreams (day and night) appear, imagination is creative. Music of the spheres is a must.

CANCER: It is most important to think about efforts at cooperation that impact a group. With all of your thoughts and ideas, you may be inclined to talk more. It’s just a stage, as you continue to redefine yourself and your ever-changing values. You find yourself participating in a team effort, toward a humanitarian goal. It’s most important to have daily agendas, schedules, plans and goals mapped out. They become your order, context and protection.

LEO: You are a valued leader, the one everyone looks to, hopes to be, emulates and learns from. You’re recognized for your accomplishments. This pleases you, though you hide it. A Leo, to evolve, must be seen, recognized, praised and applauded for their efforts, gifts, talents, creative abilities. Praise is how (especially) Leos can more fully identify themselves. Praise helps Leos say, “I am because of what I create (and you see it).” Eventually you will turn to others and praise them, too.

VIRGO: There is a need, hope, wish and hunger for adventure far away from daily life. There’s a restlessness that can’t take no for an answer. Your mind and heart actually do need expansion through travel and new experiences. All of the energy you’re feeling will propel you into travel, new studies, new interests, new books and new learning. Stay away from overt opinions, disagreements, arguments and anything illegal. If traveling, travel with a group.

LIBRA: Careful with projecting any sort of anger from long ago toward others, especially intimates. You may be unaware of doing this. Are there issues with joint money and resources? Are there conflicts and crisis concerning different values? Sometimes you just want to act and be on your own. This is both subtle and overt. Careful of consequences. Begin with knowing your true needs. Then step forward and love more. Out of conflict comes great harmony.

SCORPIO: Everything may be changing or challenging, both professionally or intimately. Should you encounter conflict, attempt to see if it’s a reflection of your internal conflicts. This is how and why conflicts occur. They also appear after great struggle so that a new level of harmony will emerge. Everything will be conflictual, then it resolves, then there’s rapprochement. Help someone, in the meantime. Be as kind as you can be. And pray more.

SAGITTARIUS: Interesting new (and more) energy appears in the groups, daily routines, work schedules and workloads. Focus on health matters—exercise, diet, walking, running, yoga, etc. A daily regime of physical activity is important, otherwise depression, anger, frustration, restlessness, mental and emotional distortions can result. Be cooperative when working with others. Be on time. Respond. Don’t dispute anything. Recite silent Ohms. “Laughter is the best meditation,” said Alan Watts.

CAPRICORN: You might feel you have lots of energy out in the world. But really there’s a great need to rest, reflect and contemplate yourself. You have become like Persephone. Pluto has taken you underground. All you can do is drink pomegranate juice now, things red, orange, yellow, deep blue. At times Pluto had a jealousy issue. Do you see that in your life with those around you? Tend to close loved ones. Speak words of love. Is communication difficult at times? Is there a wound occurring? Is your home changing? So many questions!

AQUARIUS: Take special care of money and resources, or they will float away someday. Be more protective and defensive with yourself in order to have more security. Are you concerned about your family? You will be more moody, restless at home with possible family conflict or disputes. If previous issues from the past emerge, it’s time to talk with someone about them. Perhaps you’re asking “where is my true home?”

PISCES: Work efficiently on order and organization each day. Allow yourself to consider future aspirations. Talk about your ideas, plans, hopes, wishes, dreams and aspirations. Communications may become tense and heated, with disagreements emerging. Allow this to occur, step back, observe any impatience and/or impulsiveness. This is Mars at work. Tend to hands and feet with care. Sew, journal, draw and paint. Use your mind (visualization) and hands to create the needed order and beauty.


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