.I Have Come to Interrupt You—Uranus Retrograde in Aries

On July 29, Uranus (planet of revolutions, revelations, interruptions, waking us up to all things new) turned retrograde at 24 degrees Aries—right in the middle of presidential campaigns here in the United States. Uranus will be retrograde through December. That means Uranus will be retro during the November elections.
Uranus is the awakener. Awakening us like a jolt from beliefs and safety nets (being asleep to the true issues of our world). Uranus is unconventional and does not stand by any traditions. Uranus in Aries is a double quiver of unexpected and radical change. Uranus is the Tsunami that hit Japan releasing uranium into the Pacific waters. Uranus is electrical energy, a lightning strike that creates forest fires of the mind. Uranus is fireworks, unpredictable and beautiful. Uranus is the Mind of God. When a planet is retrograde the energy is focused inward within each of us, and therefore its potency is greater.
With Uranus retro we feel restless for change, discontent at the status quo. Uranus shifts our perspective into the future and dismantles all of the pieces, rearranging them to fit present and future needs. We are interrupted and disrupted at first, there is chaos and bewilderment. We will remember in the coming months the words of Uranus, “I have come to interrupt and revolutionize you.”

ARIES: Money and finances, resources and values. What do these words mean to you, Aries? Consider these in terms of your ethics, honesty and sense of safety. Also, consider tithing. When we give we are given more and more. So we can give again. Assess and be practical with your many resources. And have gratitude for all that you have. This blesses your daily life. And you realize that you are of great value.
TAURUS: Self-identity shifts, changes, bursts forth. Whatever our biography, we realize this is simply a foundation. New worlds, new endeavors, new ideas of self appear in what seems like chaos. But it isn’t chaos. It’s restructuring what you think you are, into someone who really is. Sometimes a shift into new self-awareness feels scary. But you’re brave, courageous, fearless and daring.
GEMINI: Religion, beliefs, limitations, messages from the cosmos. Uranus brings you to consider new groups and being with lots of people. For Gemini seekers, Uranus creates a desire/aspiration for community. Like-minded people recognizing your talents and capabilities. Something you only imagined happens. Your interactions with others expands everyone around you. You see humanity’s needs. You seek to serve and then to save.
CANCER: The world, career, focus, culture and civilization. Business or career opportunities, how to build the new world, how to utilize your talents and take action. These unanticipated thoughts, one or more, are on your mind. They just appeared one day and stayed. You see life opening. Up. It’s like the blue sky appearing as you climb the ladder. You’re ready to make big changes. You’ve been dreaming about them.
LEO: Love of knowledge, travel, justice, journeys, teaching. You feel restless for a new adventure, far and distant travels, new people. You’re like a journalist seeking new stories, a professor calling students to your study. You need information informing you of the world. A new project appears, expanding your mind and heart, balancing what you already know. You become an archer, arrows aimed at lands and people far away. New goals appear.
VIRGO: Unexpected events with money, sex, shared resources. You could feel off balance for a while. Your sense of pleasure and what pleases you may be interrupted. A focus on practical handling of money, investments, savings and safety are considered. All personal and intimate interactions may have a sense of experimentation about them. Divine Will seeks your cooperation. You seek the Right Use of Will. Well-being is the consequence.
LIBRA: Wild rides within relationships and partner interactions. You will need to remain grounded in committed relationships/partnerships, taking time to go even deeper, to anchor the love and friendship already established. Dancing together is suggested. If uncommitted, this will be a time of changing partners. Or, one could think relationships are silly and impractical. Things happen in relationships that jolt us to awareness. Jolts are good!
SCORPIO: Health, order, organization, details. Everyday life assumes a sense of immediacy. There’s a shocking recognition that wherever one finds oneself is where one is most needed. Tend with care to all areas of health, from top to bottom, inner and outer. If seeing a doctor, choose only a certified Functional doctor. Protect your head in all ways, always. Do nothing reckless. Martial arts, tai chi, yoga, swimming—all strengthen the body. Consider one or more.
SAGITTARIUS: Remain young at heart with new ideas, technology and music. You just need to have fun from now through December. You need music everywhere, even to the point of learning a new instrument. Create new (free) play lists, join an arts co-op, sing in a choir, go to museums, study botanicals, go on art walks, attend theater, plays, dances and musicals. Go to college, the library, learn pottery, and join a group discussion. New gifts and abilities attempt to make themselves known. Chant (kirtan) with Krisha Das.
CAPRICORN: Hard work, accomplishments, challenges and adjustments. Home undergoes constant change. Sometimes rapidly. Unexpected people, relatives, friends, maybe even workers come to the house. Or perhaps it’s a meeting of minds. Maintain a careful eye on family members. Things occur unexpectedly with Uranus. Family patterns, rules, tasks may need reviewing. Are you doing Family meetings yet? You may remember your childhood. Write stories about it.
AQUARIUS: Right thinking, communication, education, siblings, and walking the neighborhoods getting to know the community. You have flashes of insight. When shared others learn unexpected and new things. Careful driving. Be a defensive driver. Do not drive when angry.  If sitting awhile in traffic, look around. There’s something unexpected to be seen. Bikes (electrical) and biking become important and in the news. Your neighborhood is changing. Your present life experiences are preparing you for future tasks that assist humanity.
PISCES: Present yourself to the world with grace and beauty. Uranus brings you flashes of intuition, revelatory dreams, guidance and direction. Record dreams and impressions. Dreams help explain your life, its trials, losses, suffering and difficulties. You will learn and come to understanding about the past which was always preparing and strengthening you for future leadership. Notice you’re becoming specific about values—what you need and don’t need, want and don’t want. A new self-identity unfolds.


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