.Our Country in Crisis—Help Us To Know and Do Our Part

For those who have been reading my Facebook pages and my website, you are aware of the weather wars occurring in our country and why they are occurring, the Geomagnetic storms, solar flares, the magma flow creating earthquakes (in six states), Southern Mexico’s 8.1 (largest in a century) earthquake. Aware, also, of the continued West Coast drought and three western states ablaze with fire.

As we see and experience the devastating events occurring in our country, many want to respond. Last week I wrote about giving (a liberating process). Our giving needs to continue in all areas of our country in need.

The resources needed (quickly depleted as crisis follows crisis) must come from each of us. So, we are asked to give and give and give some more. We are always given to, so we can then give more.

There is also another response. And that is to “stand in prayer with massed intent” (calmly, poised, observing). Prayer and safeguarding for our brothers and sisters in all of the kingdoms (human, animal, plant, mineral). The world prayer called the Great Invocation (given to humanity by Christ at the 1945 June solar festival) is a potent protective prayer. Here is the last stanza that we can recite together: “From the center which we call the race of men (thinking ones). Let the Plan of Love and Light work out. And may it seal the door where evil dwells. Let Power attend to the efforts of the Great One. So let it be, and help us to know and to do our part for the world.” Standing together with massed intent.

ARIES: Below that risky and sometimes precarious behavior, there’s a very generous spirit within you that emerges more and more in the coming year. It’s the spirit of sharing, of comforting, loving and nurturing others. This is different for you. You will sense the undercurrents in everyone’s heart and also in the world. You will understand vulnerability more. You begin to heal others. You remember.

TAURUS: More and more ideas and information come your way. You find yourself, for hours, absorbing data needed for health and well-being of self and others. You store it away for future use, sometimes considering attending naturopathic, herb and natural healing school. You already bring in much from previous lives. You reshape the information learned. You write and teach to those in need. You become the Messenger.

GEMINI: You are always Mercury, the swift-footed courier. With Jupiter in Libra you feel your sense of Right Human Relations expanded. Your senses feel on solid ground, secure with knowledge. Now you need natural settings (nature, gardens, holy waters, temples), more comfort than usual, things artistic, too, that tell you always that spirit (life force) is within matter … everywhere, always, all the time. Introduce yourself to the devas.

CANCER: Many people admire your courage. Perhaps you don’t think you’re courageous. But you are. After circling tentatively to see if it’s safe, you often reach out to the edges of new experience. You love all things new; yet seek all that’s traditional to surround the new. Sometimes you’re a trailblazer. Your cardinal energy enables you to bring knowledge forth that changes the course of life.

LEO: Do you know the definition of empathy? Do you sometimes feel compassion for others? Do you feel like your creative abilities are part of your daily work? In the months to come you will feel a greater depth of faith. What is faith? Esoterically defined, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.” Many people have faith in you and in your leadership. The other kingdoms (animal, plant, mineral) do, too. They love you.

VIRGO: You have an inner call that guides, guards and directs your life. You respect the many paths to God, knowing each one leads to God. You never allow your beliefs to shine brighter than others’. Stepping out into the unknown lets you disengage from what’s acceptable into new, unusual, innovative and creative ways that bring forth the new world. The new ideals gestate within you, preparing you for winter solstice.

LIBRA: You know exactly what you want and how to get it. You work hard, and you are wise, practical and resourceful. You seem to be creating permanent structures. What are your choices based upon? What principles? Do you know the definition of the word “principle”? This is an important word for the new Aquarian age. You seek tradition along with many alternatives. In all of your success, seek understanding of others. Offer loving kindness always.

SCORPIO: You seek to place yourself where great knowledge and deep spiritual concepts and philosophies can be experienced. You will go slowly at first, and then leap into a new reality! It’s important to travel to places with new languages, depths of color and the many arts. Study mountain climbing, horses, religions, archeology, endurance sports. Begin a spiritual journey, a pilgrimage, across mountains and countries. They offer new states of possibility.

SAGITTARIUS: You will see more deeply into all things hidden, sensing the inner essence of life. Use this for the good, the beautiful, and for deeper compassion. Realize you will have to handle in the upcoming year extreme energies, intense and forceful, around you and from within. You must call upon your wisdom to handle, and not misuse, them. You seek mysteries, things sacred, expressions mystical and occult (heart and mind). Your original faith returns. You help others.

CAPRICORN: You seek all things stable and steady, moving toward balancing your experiences, creativity, family, friends, partnership, responsibilities. You weigh all options, poised in the middle of all realities. You create harmony and beauty in your home. You turn your gifts into a profession. You seek to right wrongs. You are an artist. Do you know the original definition of yoga? And its many paths? Yoga is a path, a journey, a yoke of goodness. You are “yoga” itself.

AQUARIUS: It’s important to maintain daily, weekly, monthly routines and rhythms so that you can feel efficient, effective and productive. These virtues actually reflect life standards. They allow you to expand your ability to help others without forgetting to care for self. Your heart always asks, “How can I help?”
You offer deep insights into already accepted systems, by adding the more spiritual approach. You are a server of humanity.

PISCES: You seek to understand royalty these days and well into the future. You recognize royalty’s responsibilities, the hope they must instill into humanity who relies on them. You realize the need for cultivation of thought, compassion and confidence—leadership qualities. You also know the need for play, celebration, art, theater and politics and right rhythms to renew your spirit. You see many paths on the road ahead. You choose the highest and brightest. Star filled.


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