.Best of Santa Cruz County 2020: Health and Recreation

Find out what readers voted as the best health and recreation.

Best Esthetician

Hazel Chadwick @ The Nook

  1. Hazel Chadwick’s desire to pursue her career as an esthetician originally started with an obsession for cleaning and restoring newness, and she prides herself on the way her facials bring her clients a fresh start.
  2. She feels that humans hold an incredible amount of tension in their faces and bodies, and she helps her clients to breathe, relax, and honor themselves.
  3. She offers several different types of facials and skin treatments, from elemental nature facials to skin renewing treatments and even plant peels, makeup, and waxing services.
  4. Chadwick does not believe in anti-aging but does believe in beautiful aging.
  5. She believes in the power of touch and the healing properties of plants, and uses all plant-based products as well as ayurvedic rituals in order to help clients find the ever-elusive concept of balance.

Andrew Steingrube

Best Medi-Spa 


  1. Dr. Steven L. Garner is the medical director of Ultraderm. He is a fully board-certified plastic surgeon who has been practicing locally since 1993.
  2. During business hours, no voice-prompting machines are ever used. Only real-life, trained, professional, and caring human beings will answer phone calls.
  3. They offer several different treatment options including modern laser therapy, Botox, microneedling, and even Kybella, which can help reduce the appearance of “double-chin.”
  4. Get complimentary and professional consultations with their team of providers in order to discuss aesthetic options, questions, and concerns.
  5. They embrace a philosophy of safety, service, and satisfaction–no one is ever a “patient-lite,” no matter if the treatment is elective beautifying or a major life-saving operation.

Andrew Steingrube

Best Personal Trainer 

Carina Reid @ Fuel Phitness

  1. Santa Cruz local Carina Reid formed Fuel Phitness in the spring of 2014.
  2. With an impressive and extensive sports resume, you can be sure Carina will cater to your physical needs as she develops “varied and eclectic fitness plans” for you.  
  3. Besides personal training, Reid also offers training through corporate classes and for small groups and couples. 
  4. Reid is certified in Groupx, Schwinn Cycle, Yoga Sculpt, and Hot Pilates. 
  5. Get a sense of Reid’s inspirational athleticism by watching promo videos on her YouTube channel.  

Denize Gallardo

Acupuncturist/Acupuncture Clinic

Five Branches University

200 7th Ave., Santa Cruz, 

476-9424, fivebranches.edu

RUNNER-UP Flux Acupuncture Lounge, Momo Acupuncture

Bike Shop

Bicycle Trip  

1001 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz, 

427-2580, bicycletrip.com

RUNNERS-UP Another Bike Shop, Spokesman

Cannabis Dispensary


533 Ocean St., Santa Cruz, 515-4114;

3600 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz, 471-8562, kindpeoples.org

RUNNERS-UP Treehouse, Santa Cruz Naturals

Cannabis Edibles 


533 Ocean St., Santa Cruz, 515-4114;

3600 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz,

471-8562, kindpeoples.org

RUNNERS-UP Treehouse, Santa Cruz Naturals

CBD Product (Local) 


533 Ocean St., Santa Cruz, 515-4114;

3600 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz,

471-8562, kindpeoples.org

RUNNERS-UP Jade Nectar, Treehouse


Duncan McCollum, DC
3555 Clares St., Capitola, 459-9990, mccollumfamilychiropractic.com

RUNNERS-UP David Love, DC; Marie Royer, DC

Crossfit Studio

Seabright Crossfit

1619 Seabright Ave., Santa Cruz,

600-7867, seabrightcrossfit.com

RUNNERS-UP Crossfit Amundson, Crossfit Santa Cruz


A. Gavin McClure, DDS

525 Center St., Santa Cruz, 426-1343, newstreetdentalsantacruz.com

RUNNERS-UP Michael J. Raffo, DDS; Kevin Ippisch, DDS

Doctor (MD)

Rachel Abrams, MD

740 Front St., Santa Cruz, 465-9088, santacruzintegrativemedicine.com

RUNNERS-UP Bruce Block, MD; Bruce Eisendorf, MD 

Doctor (ND)

Aimée Gould Shunney, ND

740 Front St. #130, Santa Cruz, 465-9088, drshunney.com

RUNNERS-UP Chad Borys, ND; Tonya Fleck, ND


Hazel Chadwick @ The Nook

1543 Pacific Ave. #215, Santa Cruz, 295-6233, thenook.us

RUNNERS-UP Sue Bell @ Simply Skin Esthetics, Brenda Pegram-Twohig @ Equilibrium

Golf Course


401 Upper Park Rd., Santa Cruz, 423-7214, delaveagagolf.com

RUNNERS-UP Pasatiempo, Seascape


Toadal Fitness

113 Lincoln St., Santa Cruz, 423-3764;

1200 17th Ave. #108, Santa Cruz, 464-3764;

2929 Mission St. Extension, Santa Cruz, 466-3764;

269 Mount Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley, 430-9200, toadalfitness.com

RUNNERS-UP Cabrillo Fitness, In-Shape Capitola

Martial Arts

Sanford’s Martial Arts   

4626 Soquel Drive, Soquel, 475-9676, sanfordskarate.com

RUNNERS-UP Garth Taylor Jiu-Jitsu & Martial Arts, Minorsan Self-Defense & Fitness

Massage Therapist

Shawna Ristic

501 Mission St., Ste. 5, Santa Cruz, (785) 691-6639, shawnaristic.com

RUNNERS-UP Gemmo Depolo, Lily Webber



3311 Mission Dr., Santa Cruz, 475-4315, ultraderm.com

RUNNERS-UP Rejuvenate Medi-Spa


Dana Ramsey, CNM

2907 Chanticleer Ave., Santa Cruz, 477-2375, sutterhealth.org/pamf

RUNNERS-UP Nancy Greenwood, LM, CPM; Sunshine Tomlin, LM


Jocelyn Dubin @ Nourish

130 Walnut Ave., Santa Cruz, 359-5335, nourishsantacruz.com

RUNNERS-UP Rebecca Hazelton, Margaux Keiser


Mark Joiner

1773 Dominican Way, Santa Cruz, 475-5500, joinerortho.com

RUNNERS-UP John A. Hedrick, North Coast Orthodontics

Outdoor Store

Outdoor World

1440 41st Ave., Capitola, 479-1501;

136 River St., Santa Cruz, 423-9555,


RUNNERS-UP Down Works, Patagonia

Personal Trainer

Carina Reid

ca*****@ym***.com, fuelphitness.com

RUNNERS-UP Margaux Keiser @ Keiser Nutrition & Fitness, Jason Lenington @ Toadal Fitness


Staff of Life 

1266 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz, 423-8632, staffoflifemarket.com

RUNNERS-UP Herb Room, New Leaf Community Markets


Agile Monkey Pilates Studio

121 Walnut Ave, Santa Cruz, 458-4125, agilemonkey.net

RUNNERS-UP Hotsource Yoga, Monarch Pilates

Running Store

Fleet Feet

7960 Soquel Drive Suite I, Aptos, 662-0886, fleetfeetaptos.com

RUNNER-UP Santa Cruz Running Company  

Sailing Charter


790 Mariner Park Way, Dock FF, Santa Cruz, 423-1213, chardonnay.com

RUNNERS-UP O’Neill Yacht Charters, Pacific Sail

Skate Park

Derby Skate Park

508 Woodland Way, Santa Cruz

RUNNERS-UP Mike Fox, Scotts Valley Skate Park

Skate Shop

Bill’s Wheels 

1240 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz, 469-0904, billswheels.com

RUNNERS-UP Boardroom, Skateworks


Helm of Sun Valley

1408 41st Ave., Santa Cruz, 462-6800, helmofsunvalley.com

RUNNER-UP Play It Again Sports

Spa (pampering)

Caress Day Spa

911 Capitola Ave., Capitola, 462-4422, caressdayspa.com

RUNNERS-UP Chaminade Resort & Spa, Well Within

Spa (soaking)

Well Within Spa

417 Cedar St., Santa Cruz, 458-9355, wellwithinspa.com

RUNNERS-UP Equilibrium Float Center, Tea House Spa

Sporting Goods

Play It Again Sports 

4770 Soquel Drive, Soquel, 475-1988, playitagainsports-soquel.com

RUNNERS-UP Bicycle Trip, Outdoor World 

Stand-up Paddleboard

SUP Shack 

2214 E. Cliff Drive, Santa Cruz, 464-7467, supshacksantacruz.com

RUNNERS-UP Covewater, Kayak Connection

Surf School

Richard Schmidt 

849 Almar Ave., Box 192, Santa Cruz, 423-0928, richardschmidt.com

RUNNERS-UP Club Ed, Surf School Santa Cruz

Surf Shop


110 Cooper St. #100D, Santa Cruz, 469-4377;

400 Beach St., Santa Cruz, 459-9230;

1115 41st Ave., Capitola, 475-4151, oneill.com

RUNNERS-UP Arrow Surf and Sport, Freeline

Surf Spot

Pleasure Point

RUNNERS-UP Cowell’s, Steamer Lane

Swim School

Adventure Sports 

303 Potrero St. #15, Santa Cruz, 458-3648, asudoit.com

RUNNERS-UP Jim Booth, Simpkins Family Swim Center  


Emmanuel Denike, LMFT

RUNNERS-UP Donna Ilstrup, LMFT; Kristin Nemzer, LMFT, CH

Veterinary Clinic

Adobe Animal Hospital of Soquel

1600 Soquel Drive, Santa Cruz, 462-5293, adobevets.com.

RUNNERS-UP Coast Veterinary Services, Scotts Valley Veterinary Clinic

Yoga Instructor

Victor Dubin 


RUNNERS-UP Nicole Duke, Hannah Muse

Yoga Studio

Luma Yoga 

1010 Center St., Santa Cruz, 325-2620, lumayoga.com

RUNNERS-UP Hotsource Yoga, Nourish

Read the full e-edition of the Best of Santa Cruz County 2020 magazine: bit.ly/BestOf2020Print


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