.Do you have any concerns about eating fish and seafood?

lt-tonaI’ve heard things about mercury and radiation, but otherwise I’m not really worried.

Tona Karlsson, Santa Cruz, Student/Service Coordinator







lt-maiaWith the pollution, mercury and garbage that goes into the ocean, I don’t want to be consuming it.

Maia Thomas, Santa Cruz, Student





lt-charlesI wonder if it is poisonous, but I don’t really think that it is. I don’t think there is anything wrong with the seafood here in Santa Cruz.

Charles Alexander, Santa Cruz, Landscaper



lt-spencerDefinitely, because of the toxicity of the water, and the crab season being delayed or canceled because of a toxin produced by a microscopic algae.

Spencer Corn, Santa Cruz, Freelancer





lt-hollyYes, I’m concerned about sustainability, and that our oceans are becoming more and more polluted.

Holly Schipper, Santa Cruz, Teacher


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