I wasn’t born in Santa Cruz. I chose it.
I’ve lived all over the country and when it came time to settle, I wanted a place that had culture, blue state values, spirituality, kindness, imagination, nature, friendly, literate people and institutions of higher learning where I could be a lifelong learner.
I found it all here.
When I finally moved over the hill from San Jose, where everyone seemed bothered and busy, I remember wondering why so many people were smiling and friendly on this side of the hill. They all looked like they were sharing some great secret. Are they all on drugs? Well, maybe.
But no, really, they have their needs met in a place like no other. Our county of 280,000 people has more culture than many cities of nearly a million. (I’m looking at you San Jose.)
There’s great live music every night of the week; there’s poetry, indie films, arts and crafts programs, artisan shops, foods, drinks, schools, easily accessible politicians and a government we can all participate in. But to get to the real point here: we have a world class symphony orchestra and, featured on our cover, Shakespeare performed and directed by masters.
Take a minute to appreciate our City by the Monterey Bay’s attributes and scan Christina Waters’ piece interviewing our Shakespearean mavens and then check out the things you say that Shakespeare created by June Smith.
Finally, we are adding back my favorite old GT feature: Question of the Day. Enjoy and Lay on McDuff.
Brad Kava | Interim Editor
Photo Contest Winner

Quote of the Week
If music be the food of love, play on.
Twelfth Night, Act I, Scene I, William Shakespeare
Well written article, thanks. Wondering about the reference to Indie films. I thought Nickelodeon closed, is there another venue now?
ok, that may be all for a person that moved in, for a person that moved in long time ago here we go: getting rid of homeless garden just to make space for more development, not being able to deal with homeless for decades, no affordable housing at all, if affordable is 2-3x national standard, not being able to agree on bike path, or to even make it for a decade, loss of businesses on Pacific, lower Pacific drug scene, homeless City Hall camp, constant police cruising and presence that actually does not resolve anything, policing local streets for people living in cars and vans, Delaware street homeless camp, murders and gang fights on Halloween, eviction of Santa Cruz Shakespeare from UCSC, stinking people sleeping in library, dog hours and fights on dog beach, corruption in City Hall, water and sewage cost, recycling thefts, – should I have more ink? Yahoo SC
Like you I found Santa Cruz. Living in England and fed-up with the weather. My brother suggested I check out Santa Cruz. Like you I needed a college town. Life time learning. A government of the people by the people and for the people! Monterey Bay, Santa Cruz Mountains added to the equation. Redwood Trees quadrupled my need to live near these Monmouth, overwhelming trees that represented nature’s finest. They put into perspective humans insignificance on Mother Earth. Despite me being different I fit in perfectly. In fact I am not even noticeable compared to others! Which I love!
Living here over forty years finally allowed me to write and publish an autobiography based on actual unbelievable events that made me what I am. Who I am despite many people premeditating my death at age eighteen. Love Al