If you aren’t scared about the environment right now, you aren’t paying attention. Every day this month we’ve hit record heat around the world. We’re living in what seems like the worst sci-fi movie, unfolding right before our eyes in real time.
We live in one of the most temperate zones on Earth, so we aren’t feeling it as much as they are 20 miles east, or all across the globe.
It’s so frustrating and sad that the economy has become more important than the environment that houses it. So-called progress has given us toxic microplastics, showing up in our food, in our bodies. Some claim recycling is an answer, but sadly, much recycling is only wish cycling. It’s not happening in enough volume to make a difference. Studies show that less than 9 percent of what you place in the blue bins actually gets recycled.
But before you give up hope, this being Good Times, we have a positive slant. Santa Cruz is on the cutting edge of some hopeful green alternatives and we have a lot to be thankful for.
Addie Mahmassani’s cover story brings out some of our local green blessings, ways that our progressive community is working to change the world and fight climate change. We’ve got a company making organic surfboards, replacing toxic chemicals with natural elements; we have another company making a new kind of grass that digs deep roots and requires less water; and yet another company, backed by some famous Hollywood stars, is replacing polystyrene foam with shrimp shells.
Yes, there is plenty of good news in that story. If the rest of the world follows Santa Cruz’s lead, maybe there’s reason for hope.
What should we change Cabrillo’s name to? That’s a tumultuous and confusing issue covered in John Koenig’s story assessing the costs and divisiveness about renaming the 64-year-old community college. What do you think the name should be?

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