.Explore Santa Cruz 2020: A Guide to Santa Cruz Wine

This guide is part of Explore Santa Cruz 2020.

Alfaro Family Vineyards

420 Hames Road, Corralitos, 831-728-5172, alfarowine.com

Armida Winery in Capitola Village

103 Stockton Ave., Capitola, 831-462-1065, armida.com

Armitage Wines

105 Post Office Drive, Aptos, 831-708-2874, armitagewines.com

Bargetto Winery

3535 N. Main St., Soquel, 831-475-2258, bargetto.com

Beauregard Vineyards Tasting Room

10 Pine Flat Road, Bonny Doon, 831-425-7777, beauregardvineyards.com


204 Church St., Santa Cruz, 831-425-4811, birichino.com

Bonny Doon Vineyard Tasting Room

450 Hwy. 1, Davenport, 831-471-8031, bonnydoonvineyard.com

Bottle Jack Winery

1088 La Madrona Drive, Santa Cruz; 402 Ingalls St., Santa Cruz, 831-227-2288, bottlejackwines.com

Bruzzone Family Vineyard

Rancho Don Bosco, 1690 Glen Canyon Road, Santa Cruz, 831-332-0909, bruzzonevineyards.com

Burrell School Vineyards

24060 Summit Road, Los Gatos, 408-353-6290, burrellschool.com 

Byington Winery

21850 Bear Creek Road, Los Gatos, 408-354-1111, byington.com

Cantine Winepub

8050 Soquel Drive, Aptos, 831-612-6191, cantinewinepub.com

Capitola Wine Bar

115 San Jose Ave., Capitola, 831-476-2282, capitolawinebar.com

Clos Tita Winery

4 Kendall Lane, Santa Cruz, 831-439-9235, clostitawinery.com

Cork and Fork Capitola

312-B Capitola Ave., Capitola, 831-435-1110, corkandforkcapitola.com

Corralitos Wine Company

9687 Soquel Drive, Aptos, 831-709-1500

David Bruce Winery

21439 Bear Creek Road, Los Gatos, 408-354-4214, davidbrucewinery.com

Equinox Sparkling Wines/Bartolo Wines

334-C Ingalls St., Santa Cruz, 831-471-8608, equinoxwine.com

Hallcrest Vineyards & Organic Wine Works

379 Felton Empire Road, Felton, 831-335-4441, hallcrestvineyards.com

Integrity Wines

135 Aviation Way, Watsonville, 831-322-4200, integrity.wine

Kissed by an Angel Wines

75 Mount Hermon Road, Scotts Valley, 831-234-6252, kissedbyanangelwines.com

La Rusticana d’Orsa Vineyards

15700 Kennedy Road, Los Gatos, 408-371-3067, larusticanadorsa.com

Left Bend Winery

346 N. Santa Cruz Ave., Los Gatos, 408-502-9280, leftbend.com

Loma Prieta Winery

26985 Loma Prieta Way, Los Gatos, 408-353-2950, lomaprietawinery.com

McCarthy Estate Vineyards

20108 Foster Road, Los Gatos, 408-356-2300, mccarthyfamilyvineyards.com

McHenry Vineyard

6821 Bonny Doon Road, Santa Cruz, 530-756-3202, mchenryvineyard.com

MJA Vineyards

328-A Ingalls St., Santa Cruz, 831-421-9380; 24900 Highland Way, Los Gatos, 408-353-6000, mjavineyards.com

Mountains to the Bay Wine Tours

831-275-4445, mountainstothebay.com       

Muccigrosso Vineyards

21450 Bear Creek Road, Los Gatos, 408-354-0821, muccigrosso.com

Nicholson Vineyards

2800 Pleasant Valley Road, Aptos, 831-724-7071, nicholsonvineyards.com

Odonata Wines

645 River Road, Salinas, 831-566-5147, odonatawines.com

Pelican Ranch Winery

102 Kennedy Drive, Capitola, 831-426-6911, pelicanranch.com

P M Staiger

1300 Hopkins Gulch Road, Boulder Creek, 831-338-4346, pmstaiger.com

Radonich Brothers Vineyards

25700 Radonich Road, Los Gatos, 510-552-5302

Rexford Winery

429 Ingalls St., Santa Cruz, 831-426-1500; 19 East Carmel Valley Road, Suite C, Carmel Valley, rexfordwinery.com

Rhys Vineyards

11715 Skyline Blvd., Los Gatos, 510-552-5302, rhysvineyards.com

Roudon-Smith Winery

18 Hangar Way, Suite B/C, Watsonville, 831-438-1244, roudonsmith.com

Santa Cruz Mountain Vineyard

334-A Ingalls St., Santa Cruz, 831-426-6209, santacruzmountainvineyard.com

Ser Winery Tasting Room 

10 Parade St., Suite B, Aptos, 831-612-6062, serwinery.com

Silver Mountain Vineyards

Silver Mountain Drive, off Miller Cutoff, Santa Cruz; 402 Ingalls St., Santa Cruz, 408-353-2278, silvermtn.com

Silvertip Vineyards

14572 Big Basin Way, Saratoga, 408-647-2297, silvertipvineyards.com

Sones Cellars

334 B Ingalls St., Santa Cruz, 831-420-1552, sonescellars.com

Soquel Vineyards

8063 Glen Haven Road, Soquel, 831-462-9045, soquelvineyards.com

Stockwell Cellars

110 Fair Ave., Santa Cruz, 831-818-9075, stockwellcellars.com

Storrs Winery

1560 Pleasant Valley Road, Aptos, 831-724-5030; Old Sash Mill, 303 Potrero St., #35, Santa Cruz, 831-458-5030, storrswine.com 

Surf City Vintners

Swift & Ingalls streets and the Sash Mill, Santa Cruz, surfcityvintners.com

Testarossa Winery

300 College Ave., Los Gatos, 408-354-6150, testarossa.com

Villa del Monte Winery

23076 Summit Road, Los Gatos, 408-353-0995, villadelmontewinery.com


4901 Soquel Drive, Soquel, 831-426-8466, vinocruz.com

Wargin Wines

11 Hangar Way, Watsonville, and 5015 Soquel Drive, Soquel, 831-531-8108, warginwines.com

Windy Oaks Estate

550 Hazel Dell Road, Corralitos, 831-786-9463, windyoaksestate.com

Wrights Station Vineyard & Winery

24250 Loma Prieta Ave., Los Gatos, 408-560-9343, wrightsstation.com

Zayante Vineyards

420 Old Mount Road, Felton, 831-335-7992, zayantevineyards.com


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