.Flags—the Spirit of a People

June 12-18 is National Flag Week. Wednesday is Flag Day. Flags, flapping and waving in the air, are symbols. They reflect the visions and aspirations of the state, country, nation and the people the flag flies over. Flags are art forms. Flag Day in the U.S. (not a legal holiday) is a federally-recognized day that dates back to 1870. The U.S. flag was created June 14, 1777. The California flag was also created June 14.

The study of flags is called vexillology (new vocabulary word). Flag Day prepares us for the U.S. July 4 birthday. President Woodrow Wilson said about the flag, “The flag, which we honor and under which we serve, is the emblem of our unity, our power, our thought, and our purpose as a nation. It has no character (other) than that which we give it from generation to generation. The choice is ours.”

Flag Day, celebrated June 14, observes and memorializes the adoption of the U.S. flag, June 14, 1777, one year after the Declaration of Independence (1776). Flag Day celebrations include: Quincy, Massachusetts, with the longest running flag parade and Troy, New York with the largest parade. Flag Day is a three-day event in Three Oaks, Michigan. They have the largest and oldest flag in the nation. June 14 is also the birthday of the U.S. Army.

A flag represents a nations’ freedom and ideals, loyalty to the nation, a belief in liberty, justice and unity. Our U.S. flag is called “Old Glory” or the “star-spangled banner.” Colors, emblems, shapes on a flag are deeply symbolic. Vigilance, perseverance, justice, prosperity, peace, revolution, determination, valor, freedom. Flags represent the art and spirit of a people.

ARIES: You are known for individuality and freedom of expression. Only Aquarius rivals you in this. In times to come, the urge for individual creativity and freedom becomes extreme. Because you must initiate changes in the present culture, the planet Uranus will radicalize and revolutionize you. Expect unexpected changes—part of the Divine Plan to “make all things new,” for which you’re partially responsible.

TAURUS: You need to be out and about most of the time because you often feel a certain claustrophobia. Sometimes you find you must be and work alone so your intuitive and investigative gifts can be fully accessed. As usual you avoid anything that feels like an opposition, attempting instead to flow with the accepted reality. Something or someone shatters this calmness. It is not comfortable, yet it’s needed. Keep going.

GEMINI: Everything you say has importance. All that you do has importance. Your hopes, dreams, wishes, friends, groups and associates are important. Your life goals and ambitions, always changing, unplanned, unpredictable are important. Your mind, even unsettled, is important. As your life twists and turns, and as you search for the Soul of yourself, you becoming liberated and forward thinking. You thought that could never happen.

CANCER: Flashes of intuition and insight occur. It’s good to create a new Insight journal. So many journals for an esoteric student. Retrograde journal, New and Full Moon journal. Now an Insight journal. Insights help us to see behind fogs, miasmas, glamours and illusions. People will see that you have changed. Begin to explain your thoughts and actions to others so they can understand step by step the source of your knowledge. You will teach them.

LEO: In the coming weeks and months, notice a new and different philosophy of life emerging. You may consider a utopian view of how to live your life, perhaps in community with others. Living with like-minded people, realizing ideas from the past need updating in order to build the new culture and civilization. To be successful in the future one must know and live the new Aquarian Laws and Principles. Unanimity, Goodwill, and Right Human Relations are a few of them.

VIRGO: It’s important to review money, finances, banking, insurance and investments. Make sure they are safe and secure. The economy may behave erratically, with sudden ups and downs in the future. Attempt to stabilize all resources. Consider investing in gold and silver even when the market shifts and changes. Maintain the precious metals in safekeeping (special safes). You are intuitive enough to understand these things.

LIBRA: Careful with relationships, marriage, partnerships, close intimate connections. They may either be disrupted by sudden change or they may feel wounded. The outcomes can last far into the future. Develop more stability through truthful and caring listening, asking questions, communicating more. These will absorb unexpected upsets when everything turns upside down. Health wise, careful with the liver and pancreas. Eat accordingly.

SCORPIO: Nothing routine will occur in your daily life, concerning work or health or communication. The disruptions will prove to be creative for you, helping to develop new abilities that express new and original ideas. Instead focus your energy into inventing things. As you upset the apple carts wherever you are, you become the change maker—greatly needed everywhere. Tend to your health with the utmost care.

SAGITTARIUS: Within your great level of creativity you find the need for more self-control, which would also provide you with more self-knowledge. This is interesting. Through discipline you come to know yourself more, your needs and then a new level of creativity arises. Speculation is costly. Instead focus on independent thinking and how to break with all that is old. You are crying for liberation.

CAPRICORN: As you attempt each day of your life to bring constancy and calmness to your home, know that sudden upsets may occur there. Moments of unexpected freedom occur too. And a sense of life for you as a state of constant transformation. You assess present needs with past needs and see how much has changed. As life proceeds into states of breakdown, new opportunities arise. Look for these changes, write and communicate about them. You will be creating a new tradition.

AQUARIUS: Be aware that your thinking, communicating, processing information and interacting with others is significant and that it changes people. Careful, therefore in the thoughts you think, which become the ways you speak. You consider striking out in different directions, going here and there. A rebelliousness erupts, an aspect of advanced and new thinking. You become interested in sources of light. And will begin to think more and more about community. It’s where you belong.

PISCES: Often you experience daily life as not steady and stable. During Earth lives, vicissitudes continually occur. We must hold ourselves with poise no matter what occurs. Material things come and go, unforeseen events upset plans. This is not due to anything you have created. All conditions in our world are changing. The new world is being created. It’s not quite here yet. It’s built through our creative visualizations. For now, remain near a pine tree and rest a while.


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