.From The Editor

Greg 12

Plus Letters To The EDITOR

Are you open and receptive to receive all good? That may sound too California woo-woo for you, but we are living in California, after all. So, when I was recently asked the question, I had to ask myself: Am I? It also reminded me of something I overheard in a recent spin class with a group of indoor cylists who were simulating an uphill bike route: “Take the struggle out of it.” Think of it as a cross between “letting go” and detachment. Any way you spin it—sorry, had to do that—metaphorically speaking, life often mirrors the cyclist’s journey. For every challenging hill climb, there are smooth plateaus to experience, too. It’s something to remember as fall approaches and schedules become filled up with more structured activities. Hopefully, somewhere in between all of our dashing about, we can take some time to reflect on the good around us, and the good we’d like to experience.

Understanding the wealth of good found in our local agriculture is nothing new to the Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF). Over the years, the local nonprofit has generated national interest for its passions. Now, with the federal Farm Bill still up for review, OFRF’s fight for organic farmers has never been more significant. This week, News Editor Elizabeth Limbach explores the OFRF’s journeys and shares up-to-date information on the new Farm Bill. This is one of those cover stories that features dynamic locals whose work in the world is worthy of inspection and plenty of praise.

In the meantime, the local events unfolding this month continue to win accolades—from Shakespeare Santa Cruz’s dynamic season to the Cabrillo Festival of Contemporary Music, creativity is soaring. And then, there is Outside Lands, the festive music outing in the Bay Area to which many locals head. Entertainment Editor Jenna Brogan updates us on that.

Thanks for reading. Stay inspired. Inspire somebody else. Onward …

Greg Archer | Editor-in-Chief

Letters to the Editor

Fixing Government
In response to GT’s Q&A with Bill Monning, I feel that the government is not working either. School Boards can eliminate vending machines, restrict off campus leave, educate on nutrition and organic gardening, sponsor school lunches with local organic produce, promote athletic activity, on campus gardens, and support local 4H programs. Food vans restricted with their business license. We need to support families that take children very seriously. Many feel taxes and laws will solve all problems. In reality, they make it worse. The job is ours, claim it, and prove them wrong.
Bill Smallman
Santa Cruz

The GMO Debate Goes On
Regarding Prop 37 and California being ground zero for the GMO debate, I wish to have the right to choose to avoid all so-called organic foods. Products should carry a label whenever they contain the merest trace of organic produce. And we need testing to ensure compliance. That will generate a whole raft of additional jobs at the consumers’ expense—just like testing for GM.
Valentine Dyall
Santa Cruz

Online Comments
On ‘GMOs’ …
Whether you agree of disagree about the safety of GMO foods, we deserve “the right to choose” to purchase GMO foods or not, Please vote to require mandatory labeling of GMO foods in California! For more information please visit justlabelit.org.
Tammy Andrews

On Sandy Lydon and ‘Forest of Regeneration’
How wonderful to learn something of the human history of this amazing place. I’m curious now to know more. I’ve hiked and run through the trails of Nisene Marks often. Thanks for the article—informative about the park—and about Sandy Lydon too.
Jackie Pascoe2

On ‘Boardwalk Empire’ and Fred Swanton …
An intriguing fact about Swanton is that in 1904 he made a tentative agreement to sponsor a season of exhibitions of the Montgomery Aeroplane in manned flight at Santa Cruz Beach. However, Swanton abandoned the idea and John Montgomery instead sponsored flights in the spring and summer of 1905, and thereby provided the California public with the first exhibitions of high altitude, human controlled flight in history. The upcoming book “Quest For Flight” (University of Oklahoma Press) reveals the full scope of local and regional-based achievements and contributions to the conquest of the sky.
Craig S. Harwood co-author, “Quest For Flight”

On Sam Farr’s ‘Republicans’ War on Oceans’…
This is just another example of our Socialist congressman pushing for Big Government takeover of our oceans while taking away the freedom of fishermen and citizens. Don’t be fooled by his statement that this is not regulation. It is regulation overseen by the Department of Commerce. That is why ordinary citizens who live by the oceans are so up in arms about the NOAA. This is no “Republican War on the Oceans.” It is Socialist War on America.
Floyd Van de Vere

I agree. This “Big Government Act” of NOAA is going to further choke the freedom of the people and fishermen. You have to watch the actions and words of this particular representative. They will lead us down the wrong path. The Earth is strong and has survived and mended itself like it has for thousands of years. It regurgitates junk and heals its waters. Republicans are trying to keep these Socialists under control and keep them from taking away our freedoms. This representative is still a representative of the government to the people, not the other way around.
Marsha H.



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