.From The Editor

ednote stevePlus Letters To the Editor

DNA has been writing about local arts and culture in these pages for quite some time, but this week he gets to give the inside scoop on the scene closest to his heart: Santa Cruz underground comedy. There’s no one better qualified to do it, and no better time, either, it seems, since Santa Cruz stand-up is flourishing right now. While DNA reveals what goes on behind the scenes of the comedy scene, and offers a terrifying look into what motivates anyone to get involved in stand-up, Jacob Pierce profiles three of the top comics to come out of the local comic community recently.

Meanwhile, in this week’s news section, Aric Sleeper takes a look at a new strategy that could keep us from slowly crumbling into the sea. We’re all for that. And Aaron Carnes examines the controversy over the removal of a popular mural in Beach Flats, and why city officials say they didn’t see this communication breakdown coming.

Lastly, GT’s annual Visitor Guide hits the streets next week. Don’t be caught trying to plan your summer fun without it!

Steve Palopoli | Editor-in-Chief



Prime Directive
I’m glad Sven Davis addressed end-of-life decisions in his article. Having worked in hospitals for over 30 years, I’ve seen too much needless suffering that could have been avoided if the patient had only had an Advance Directive. 

Intensive Care Units are very good at keeping you alive. That’s great if you have an illness or injury from which you will eventually recover. Frequently, though, an individual may end up having a painfully prolonged and expensive course of treatment when there is no realistic hope of regaining consciousness or a reasonable quality of life.

It’s often the case that family members aren’t prepared to make the right decisions involving life-support. When the patient is extremely ill and/or elderly, keeping him comfortable while he dies is a reasonable choice, and the kindest thing to do for him.

Unfortunately, a single hold-out may force the medical care team to do “everything possible, no matter what.” This does not do the dying person any favors. Don’t let this happen to you. Choose someone you trust to make decisions for you if you should become incapacitated—download the Advance Health Care Directive and call the shots yourself.
Don Coolman, RRT | Santa Cruz

Sven Diagram
Sven Davis’ article “The End is Coming, Look Busy!” was amazing! Funny, informative, and just an incredible jaunt though the inevitable made palpable, and even fun. It’s been too long since we’ve been treated to his whimsical insight—bring the boy back! GT seems to be remaking itself; well you couldn’t find a more perfect feature and, hopefully, column writer.
Daraj Maxfield | Santa Cruz

Letters Policy
Letters should not exceed 300 words and may be edited for length, clarity, grammar and spelling. They should include city of residence to be considered for publication. Please direct letters to the editor, query letters and employment queries to le*****@gt******.com.” All classified and display advertising queries should be directed to sa***@gt******.com.”  All website-related queries, including corrections, should be directed to we*******@gt******.com.

photo contest


LOOKS SWELL A surfer gauges the waves off Pleasure Point last month.
Photograph by Steve Kater.

good work

Meeting in the Lobby
Long ago in Washington, “lobbyist” wasn’t such a bad word. With that in mind, five Santa Cruzans are going the extra mile this year to try to make a difference. Polly Hughes and four other county residents from the local Citizens Climate Lobby head to D.C. this month at their own expense for the group’s conference, where they’ll meet with legislators to talk carbon tax legislation.

good idea

I Spent the Rest on Candy
So, you want your kids to get to the beach and leave you alone? Well, the Santa Cruz Metro invited the public to a hearing last week at Louden Nelson to discuss a proposed $1 fee for K-12 students with school I.D.s this summer. With tight budgets throughout regional government agencies, and routes having been cut in recent years, it’s not a discussion the board should take lightly, but it is a good one to have.


“Dying is easy. Comedy is hard.”
   — Edmund Kean


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