.From The Editor

ednote stevePlus Letters To the Editor

Is green good enough? Certainly this is a community that has long been ahead of the curve when it comes to eco-consciousness, and let’s all raise a wheatgrass shot to that. But does our past success lead to a certain amount of complacency—a feeling that, not to worry, Santa Cruz is doing A-OK by the Earth?

Unfortunately, any movement that doesn’t innovate is doomed to irrelevancy. The good news is that Santa Cruz has all kinds of eco-innovators to look to for inspiration, and this Green Issue will introduce readers to a few of them.

For instance, we’re all pretty down with recycling around here, but some artists and businesses are taking it a step further by embracing upcycling, which turns the recycling process into an art form. There’s also a story about local author and radio host Michael Olson’s “2×2 Pledge,” a creative way to remind everyone how the smallest gestures can make a huge impact. And while there’s nothing new about organic produce in Santa Cruz, what the SH/OP group is doing with it is a different kind of “green” story—and the most moving one I’ve read in quite some time. Here’s to those in our community who are taking environmental consciousness to the next level.






12 Angrier Men

The July 1 article “Getting the Boot” highlights a long-standing problem in Santa Cruz, the lack of parking. Sometimes this can be more than an inconvenience. I was recently called for jury duty, told to report at 1 p.m.; my summons including a parking pass at 701 Ocean St. However, this merely allowed me to park in certain spots if one was available, with no guarantee that any would be available. The nearby street parking is one hour to two hours only, useless for voir dire. So I parked in a mixed commercial/residential area which had no time limits and walked about 15 minutes to the court house. One of my fellow panel members told me that she arrived at the county building about an hour early and had her lunch in the car, just to make sure she got parking.

You might think that there would be reserved parking at least for the people on an actual jury. There is none.

Geoffrey Ellis, Santa Cruz

No Facts

In reply to “Tabloid Fodder” (Letters, 7/1): I am surprised that someone who faults another writer’s style, limits and laziness would rely on a long list of fallacies to try to make his point. Mr. Culligan, even if every word you say in your criticism were true, I would be unreasonable to believe it since you offered no public facts. Your speculation about motives suggests that you either have a camera in the editor’s office or you simply make up your own fantasy evidence to support your conclusion. It is obvious that the writer you fault made his points clear to you regardless of any lack of skill. I can reasonably assume that you did not offer a strong argument, that is, dispute your opponent with contrary facts, because you didn’t have any.

You rely on a diatribe, not evidence.

Todd Vickers, Santa Cruz

Weir Tales

I’ve really liked the article by Mat Weir in this week’s paper on the homeless, and the one he recently did on housing in Santa Cruz County. These are issues that need to be discussed more in the community instead of glossing over them for flashy topics that seem interesting, but don’t directly impact our community. Cultural events, tech, research, etc., are all important to explore and write about. At the same time, I would love to see more of Weir’s work in the paper that also focuses on the socioeconomic struggles that are an everyday reality for many of us in the community.

Larisa Carranza, Santa Cruz

Letters Policy

Letters should not exceed 300 words and may be edited for length, clarity, grammar and spelling. They should include city of residence to be considered for publication. Please direct letters to the editor, query letters and employment queries to le*****@gt******.com . All website-related queries, including corrections, should be directed to we*******@gt******.com .


photo contest


CRITICAL MAST A boat passes beyond the break as surfers catch waves off West Cliff. Photograph by Kasia Palermo.


good work

Run for a Trail

Kudos to Ron Goodman, who organizes the 12K/4K “Run by the Sea” set for Aug. 23. Now each entry fee will go toward building a new rail trail north of Wilder Ranch along Highway 1. It may not sound like a lot, but each runner represents 4 inches of trail, which eventually will be a 32-mile paved trail along the coastal rail corridor. Check out runbythesea.org.

good idea


Surf Responsibly

The New Leaf Community Market on 41st Avenue is teaming up with Ventana Surfboards to sell a line of environmentally friendly surf clothes, with 5 percent of sales going to ocean conservation groups like Save Our Shores and Surfrider. The market sells Ventana beanies, shirts, sweatshirts, surf wax, and leashes, just inside the door.



“Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises.”—Pedro Calderon de la Barca


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music in the park, psychedelic furs
Good Times E-edition Good Times E-edition