.From the Editor

greg_archerPlus Letters to the Editor

Just how prepared is Santa Cruz for climate change, anyway? It’s a great question and this week, GT’s News Editor Elizabeth Limbach looks into the matter. With climate change comes ocean changes, something that will no doubt affect our area—as the recent tsunami debacle proved. In a revealing testimony from Ecology Action’s Chuck Tremper, we discover that we may not be making huge environmental strides at all. Are we being the great environmental stewards we can be? Learn more and become part of the conversation taking place around this vital matter. Keep sending your thoughts to le*****@gt******.com .  Also in news, writer Caitlin Sullivan takes a different look at local water issues.

In the meantime, if you’re psyched up for the summer months ahead, then you may appreciate this week’s cover story, written by Sven Davis. Our local humorist, who’s known for offering a clever spin on any number of topics, tackles the inner workings of … backpacking. And camping, too. It’s a refreshing read and just in time for the summer fun ahead. Dive in. (Send us your quirky outdoor experiences to le*****@gt******.com .)

Blog hungry? Good. This week, we’re here for you. Log onto goodtimessantacruz.com and experience a gaggle of new—and downright interesting—blogs and other online features. Take note of Culture Beat and Mind & Body. Look for more in the coming weeks, including some new outings from our GTv crew. Speaking of …? Have a great short video/film idea? Be on the lookout for GT’s short film contest, emerging later this summer. Winners of the contest will be treated like the rock stars they are!  There’s more. Stay tuned …

Have an amazing week …


Greg Archer | Editor-in-Chief

Letters to the Editor

Hail The Students

I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the piece by the Santa Cruz High student Akosua Busia, “Anthing But Pedestrian”

(GT 6/9). The writing was wonderful and am almost certain this student did not come up in our country’s schools. Her writing is reminescent of English writing with much description and creativity. As a former teacher I would give this student an A+. Would you please pass on to the student how much I loved this piece?

Marged McNeely


Buzz About Backstage

Thought I’d drop a line about the nice article on the Backstage Lounge by Evelyn Shafer (GT 6/9). I see nothing but good things coming for Santa Cruz with Laurence Bedford’s newest venture, and encourage all to check out the great food of Lenny Calandrino and the awesome performance space available there. One correction in the article though.  I have some art hanging there and hope to have more soon, but if anyone’s art is “lining the walls” there, it is the beautiful woodcut work of Bridget Henry. Her work is as good a reason to drop by there as any. And while you are there looking it over, you will indeed find a piece or two of mine there also that Laurence has been kind enough to make room for. Thanks again.

Dag Weiser

Santa Cruz

Best Online Comments

On “Not That Weird” by Kim Luke:

As a global snob that has chosen to live here after inhabiting world class creative hubs like Barcelona, Shanghai and San Francisco. I pride myself as a newbie here. I embrace the culture of Santa Cruz because it is so selfishly authentic. The jaded and tragically hip should do a little yoga at the beach. The whole enchilada that is the Santa Cruz experience was summed up with an authentic voice by Ms.Luke. Brava, yet again. She shoots, she scores. Thank you for yet another great piece of local journalism. (Excuse me whilst I decorate my bike.)


Weird=Damaged. I’ve had therapists that I’ve met at confabs visit me here in Santa Cruz. They know that they can say anything to me. After I’ve shown them around we settle down for a quiet dinner and talk. I invariably ask them, “Well, what do you think of Santa Cruz?”

“It’s a town of walking wounded.” “There are many damaged people here.” “Why is there this anger and resentment lying just underneath?”

To the newly placed people, I ask the same.

“People don’t say what they mean or mean what they say here.” “No sense of humor.” “Take themselves too seriously. Everything is an issue.” “Elitist attitude with no concept of what people actually have to suffer through.” “All talk without the walk.”


Santa Cruz is weird because it celebrates the “free spirit.” That’s fine. But, too often this becomes that just because you’re doing something different, it means that you expect the public to take you seriously. It’s fine to experiment, but don’t expect to be the next Karamazov Brothers or [The Great] Morgani and expect your tip till to spill over. Too often have I seen people with one song and three cords serenade us on the mall and get hostile because no one’s listening to them or are asked to move on. Too often does this “free spirit” celebration involve drug use, violent protests, a dissipated lifestyle, anarchist take-overs, and a sense of entitlement that whatever spills forth from you is gold and a reward is in order. “This is Santa Cruz, man. Everything is cool here.” Wrong.

Thank you Neal Coonerty for a publicity stunt gone wrong. Thanks for opening up a can of worms that cannot be closed down unless with a lot of effort and many people looking like the bad guys, especially our safety personnel. Thanks for creating our asylum reputation.



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