.Under Gemini—Speaking in Tongues: Risa’s Stars June 5-11

Sunday, June 9, is Pentecost—50 (pente) days after Easter, and one of the most important festivals for the Aquarian Age.

It is good to understand Pentecost in today’s language as we enter the Aquarian Age with its incoming “new world religion.” In the coming new era (Aquarius), two festivals already celebrated in the Catholic/Christian Church will predominate, the Resurrection (Easter) festival and Pentecost gradually falling away.

Before Christ’s ascension, the disciples, realizing their teacher would be leaving, became very sad. Christ in his compassion said he would send a “Great Comforter” to them. This comforter was the Holy Spirit in the form of tongues of fire. The disciples were told that one week after the ascension they were to follow a man carrying a water pitcher (prophesy of Aquarius). He would lead them to an “upper room,” of high mental comprehension. And so, while they were there, according to Acts 2:2-4:

“Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm, and it filled the upper room where they were sitting. Then, flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled above each of them. And everyone was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in tongues. They were filled with virtues and abilities.”

These “tongues of fire” imparted to the disciples soul virtues—joy, inspiration, vivification and great love. Speaking “in tongues” means the disciples began to speak languages other than their native Hebrew, the many languages of humanity.

This gift of different languages allowed the disciples to speak to the hearts of humanity, which produced over time Goodwill and Right Human Relations. Pentecost symbolizes the establishing of Goodwill and Right Human Relations in our world. Pentecost promises to all of humanity a “tide of inspiration so that we may all begin to understand each other.”

ARIES: All that you value—physical, emotional, mental, spiritual—you can move forward on bringing into manifestation. The last weeks have been about planning. Now is the time to negotiate with others. As you define your plans and goals, you will also define your values and everyone will know where you stand. Business activities are important. Life seems more elaborate. Elaborate more.

TAURUS: During both days and nights, waterfalls of information flow into your mind to be instantly forgotten. However, they’re not really lost. They’re embedded within your imagination for later revelation, action and application. These times find you constantly changing, which is not under your control. New projects must come into form and matter for humanity’s welfare. You’re responsible for them. Who else can understand these ideas?

GEMINI: As a new self-awareness unfolds, you’ll find there’s less ability to adapt to old ways of being. You will begin to form new alliances and new realities emerging from the new Aquarian laws and principles. You’ll move back and forth between old and new ‘til you’ve anchored the more inclusive Aquarian principles. Tend to the Earth (Ray 3) around you. It’s your spiritual task to do so, and it will help in your new becoming.

CANCER: If you observe carefully, you’ll discover your mind restructuring itself, gaining new dimensions, creating new understandings of self and others’ behavior. What you feared before is being replaced by joy. You’re aware of the changes accelerating daily in the world. No longer in resistance, you now work with those changes. Spirit comes into matter (mater, mother) through you. Align with this realization.

LEO: As the past continues to be present, think of it as a gift allowing you to reminisce, forgive and release many behaviors that, when remembering, you may not be happy with. Here’s a way to redo and correct the past, bringing love to all interactions. When a sad or unhappy event/interaction is remembered, redo it by re-visualizing what should have occurred. Healing in your heart then occurs to you and everyone involved.

VIRGO: First read Leo for healing and release from past wounds inflicted upon self and others. Think about your relationship(s) and ask yourself how they’ve changed in the past seven years. In what ways did you bring change to them, and in what ways have you been changed by encounters with others? A new accelerated cycle (of change) begins soon. You will never again be who you were before.

LIBRA: Family life affects you (everyone) profoundly. Over time, very deep changes with family have occurred. You made choices years ago that affected the family. Are those choices still valid and in effect? Of what importance is family to you? Who is your family now? You reflect upon these thoughts both as the child you were and as an adult creating your own family. What resources from childhood do you cherish? Have you forgiven and offered gratitude yet?

SCORPIO: The planets have brought a focus to family life, childhood issues, motherhood, and nurturance. Here are questions to ponder and to answer: what feelings came forth; what thoughts emerged; what wounds surfaced; what dissolved; what became larger than life; how did all of this affect you? The past weeks have been difficult. Now there will be a drive toward relationships. Do not be irritable, angry or pushy. Be constant, kind and patient. Like a Taurus, your shadow self.

SAGITTARIUS: If I write about giving, what do you immediately think about? I will write about giving because it’s the most powerful of all actions creating a magnetic force field directing us toward others and away from ourselves. When giving to others in small ways and large, a great love emerges and encompasses us. We become free. When we give, we are then given to so we can give more and more. It takes a great and courageous spirit to do this. Quite like your spirit in hiding.  

CAPRICORN: The ways you’ve been responsible for and handled money and resources has been beneficial. Soon a change occurs in the use of money and resources which makes you more aware of monetary inflow and outflow so you can better save and prepare for the future and adjust to the coming times in ecological, innovative, informed, and sustained ways. You will work with more of the whole and not only discrete parts. This is what “permaculture” means as it defines and organizes. You will seek to become a “permaculture family system.”

AQUARIUS: It’s good to take stock of the following things in your life, pondering upon and answering the following questions. What is vulnerable in your life now? Is something wounding you? What issues are you concerned with? What in your life needs care, tending and healing? What’s almost too big to handle, and what’s dissolving. Know that many in your life stand with you in love and friendship. You are the future for many. Carry on always doing your very best.  

PISCES: A life event, journey or a meeting with someone occurs bridging the past with the present and future, creating a new unfolding self-identity and new opportunities to serve others. You will, in the coming weeks, need extra care, rest and tending while experiencing solitude. A wound slowly heals; something is taken away, and a greater, larger, more loving presence envelops you. Mantras are a solace. Here’s one just for you: “The joy of the Divine Self is my strength—at the center of all love I stand.”


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