.Go with the Flow

blog_karmaFeng shui style with Sweet Nectar Designs
As 2010 hastily rumbles to a close, I’ve recently found myself stewing in a pool of self-reflection. Musing over what? Oh, you know, just the little things: What will the new year hold? How do I want things to blossom in my life? How can I make things happen so that those pesky dreams might actually come true?

More than simply cleaning out the dust bunnies in my home, I feel ready to clean out the old energy; reach out and open the blinds in my life to let the light in, so to speak. And seeing as how I spend most of my hours in my bedroom, it sort of makes sense that any attempt to balance the flow of chi in my life should start there.


Since the change of seasons seems like a perfect time to synchronize a change on the outside (via my furniture arrangements) with a change on the inside (self-reflection and meditation for the forthcoming year), going beyond my usual perusal of Gateways books on feng shui seems in order. The evolution? I recently brought in the professional. Enter Ariela Najman of Sweet Nectar Designs, a Santa Cruz design consultant and certified classical feng shui expert.    

Astute in both the art and mathematical science of the Chinese tradition, Najman came into both my life and my humble abode like a feng shui Mary Poppins. Sans magical umbrella, but with pen and paper in hand to dutifully take notes, Najman’s attention to detail and intuitive nature coalesce into a comforting package.

After I filled out a basic questionnaire about myself and my living arrangements (via email) to begin the process, I set up an appointment to have Najman come to my house. With my personal astrological background figured out, she performed an initial assessment of my bedroom and analyzed the overall layout of my home in relation to the Santa Cruz Mountains and coast. As I mulled over my life goals, challenges, and attempts at manifestation, the hour with Najman felt therapeutic—her sense of calm understanding wasn’t outweighed by objective professionalism.

blog_karma_baguaUpon her return for a final consultation, Najman came back with a surprising multitude of print outs in hand. If you think a feng shui consultation is simply hippie-dippy randomness, think again. With a comprehensive diagnosis of the scene that came in the form of 11 informative pages, I was empowered with different computerized design layout options for my room, a Google Earth image and land form analysis of my property, elemental cures according to where the earth, fire, water and wood sections are in the room (Bagua and Bazhai analysis), and a long list of specific suggestions.

Some of the changes I’ve already instituted? Wind chimes are now hanging in the home doorway, a metal box holding a paper with my goals written on it is placed in the northwest corner of my room, a water image is now on my southwest wall, a green curtain dangles as my closet door, a hanging plant (to balance energy) is in the northwest corner, and I’m still in search of a headboard for my bed to symbolize support. And that’s just a start. These may be little adjustments, but the careful thought that goes into each act means a lot.

As Najman explained to me, every time you look at what may seem like a minor change in your home arrangement, it’s a daily reminder that reinforces your hopeful, progressive intention for your life.

One small step in feng shui, could mean one giant leap in manifestation.


Sweet Nectar Designs is offering a $250 holiday package if purchased by Jan. 15, 2010. Actual service can be executed after that date. The package includes Yin/Yang and Elemental Assessment, Ba Gua, Form Analysis, Bazhai, Ming Gua Analysis, Space Clearing/Activation, and Land Form Evaluation. For more information, call 305-343-1992, or go to sweetnectardesigns.com.



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