.Home and Garden 2014

HGcoverwebWave goodbye to winter and say hello to spring with Good Times’ Home & Garden issue—the ultimate resource guide for designing, maintaining, and reinvigorating your living space, both inside and out.

The first half of the magazine, starting on page 6, focuses entirely on the home—covering topics as diverse as eco-friendly improvement projects, interior design, decorating, and organization. Ever wondered why so many locals are seeking out alternative sources of electricity for their homes? Allterra Solar weighs in. Do you want to design a shared living space that makes both you and your partner happy? One local interior design professional shares her secrets. Are you looking for a way to introduce some fashionable, yet environmentally conscious furnishings into your home? You’ll find all that and more.

Then, in the second half, beginning on page 18, dive into all things garden. First learn about the many benefits of homegrown herbs. Spoiler alert: They’re not just useful in the kitchen. Then, take note of a number of design techniques for creating the perfect vegetable garden. Got kids? Try out a hands-on gardening activity from Life Lab, which will not only get them out of the house, but having fun too. Plus: find out the best way to water your plants during a drought, and how to put together a unique floral arrangment for spring, using California native plants.

But wait—that’s not all. Take note of five local home and garden experts who have made a splash in the scene. And lastly, find tons of related events and workshops in our calendar.

—Jenna Brogan, Entertainment Editor, GOOD TIMES

Click here to download the Home & Garden PDF


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