.Home & Garden Magazine 2016

Screen shot 2016-04-22 at 1.48.02 PMThere are a million reasons to love the rain. It fills our reservoirs, replenishes our soil and allows all of us to breathe just a little easier when thinking about the future of our ecosystems. But forget all that high-minded stuff—around here we’re just happy to be able to put out a Home & Garden Magazine that isn’t about the drought.
Rain, people! Give us a torrent of it; we’ll happily splash through a thousand puddles, soaking wet (because we pretty much forgot what umbrellas and galoshes are even for) to get this issue out.
But with great showers comes great responsibility. That’s why our first story is about rainwater collection, and what we can all do to hold on to some of this precious precipitation while we have it.
The rain is good news for the subject of our second story, too: Mesa Verde Gardens, and their effort to bring vegetable gardens to low-income Pajaro Valley neighborhoods. It’s an innovative way to bring organic produce to a community.
If the rain is keeping you indoors, you might start thinking about redecorating. If so, we have two stories about home decor in this issue that you’ll want to read first. One is about the growing popularity of sustainable furniture, and where to find it in Santa Cruz; the other is about Agency, the second store opened by Artisans’ Linnaea Holgers James and Peter James, and their own unorthodox furniture line Telegenic California. Finally, as we race into spring, you’ll want to know about local flowers; let Carra Duggan of Flowers By Carra tell you everything you’ll need to know.
Until next time, don’t stay dry!
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