Week of August 28


To our friends and family in the music community and beyond.

Tammi Brown needs our support. As you may know, Tammi was recently and very unexpectedly diagnosed with stage 4 reproductive cancer with lung metastasis. This horrible disease means she is unable to perform. Your donations will displace that crucial loss of income and help cover mounting medical and living expenses so that Tammi may focus on her health and loved ones at this time.

Tammi has dedicated her career to singing uplifting, healing melodies. For the past two years, she has sung with Bobby McFerrin & Motion weekly at The Freight in Berkeley, and monthly at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco. She is on faculty at Bobby McFerrin’s Circlesongs School. She performed the Ella Fitzgerald songbook to much acclaim in Santa Cruz earlier this summer. Tammi tours extensively with Lauren Monroe. She’s an integral member of Raven Drum Foundation, the philanthropy run by Lauren and her husband, Def Leppard drummer Rick Allen. That’s really just the tip of the iceberg!

Tammi has given her all for us, and she promises to fight off this cancer with everything she’s got. Let’s rally for Tammi, keep her in our prayers, and use this opportunity to give back generously!

Help Here:


Daniel Bowman Simon


As the country and the rest of the world experience another year of scorching heat waves, private for-profit utility companies—which we rely upon for our basic necessities like heating, cooling and electricity—are keeping us reliant on climate-wrecking fossil fuels while reporting record profits.

When they work well, utilities exist in the background of our lives: they power our homes, cool us down when it’s hot, and give us heat when it’s cold. But too often, they are sources of aggravation: The power goes off when it’s dangerously hot or cold out, our bills skyrocket, and these for-profit companies threaten to shut off services when we’re unable to pay.

We know that climate change raises those stakes even higher, and utility companies themselves play a massive role in exacerbating the climate crisis: 80% of electric utilities in the U.S. run on fossil fuels.

Shifting utilities to clean energy is integral to working toward a safer climate, but these private, for-profit companies would rather maintain the status quo and keep the public in the dark. Utility companies are charging us more while they get paid off by the fossil fuel industry to block the transition to renewable energy.

Utility companies have gotten away with profiting at the expense of people and our planet for too long. It’s time we hold them accountable and demand they stop using our money to burn our future while individuals and families struggle. We deserve an energy system that allows everyone to have access to clean and affordable energy.

Richard Gallo


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