.Mars Retrogrades in Aquarius: Risa’s Stars June 27-July 3

We are moving into many months of retrogrades (Mars, Mercury & Venus joining Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto & Chiron). Retrograde times cause us to pause, to refresh ourselves, to review, re-assess and re-evaluate. Mars turned stationary retrograde this past Tuesday (June 26) at 9 degrees Aquarius. Mars will be retrograde through Aug. 27. Mercury retrogrades July 25. Venus retrogrades October through mid-November.

Mars is concerned with the physical body, with action, desire and aspirations. Usually we project out into the world what we desire and aspire to. Our actions are performed in the world. With Mars retrograde, actions are turned inward toward rest, relaxation and reflection. It is not a time to begin anything new. Mars works with Aries (action) and Scorpio (reflection).

With Mars retro we can assess past actions, present day projects and reflect upon them. Did they bring hope to others, offer goodwill to others? What are the consequences of our past actions? Notice while Mars is retrograde that perhaps we hesitate first before taking action. Impulses, anger and frustration may be internalized. Mars is our physical and emotional energy system. If we project too much out into the world, physically and/or emotional, we may experience exhaustion.

Mars retrograde in Aquarius informs us that the ways we have been living need to be brought to the present moment of time, acting in the new ways that respond to the needs of humanity in a new era. Mars asks us who are our true friends, what groups do we belong to, and what would community be like if we each were responsible for creating one? Mars gives us time to ponder and contemplate. When Mars turns direct, we are to be ready to act in completely new, innovative and creative ways.

ARIES:  All that you do, consider and ponder upon has to do with groups, friendships, organizations and the forming of community that restores and reforms society. You know what’s coming. You are concerned with hosting new ideas, creating collective objectives, helping others realize hopes, wishes and dreams that sustain life on earth. There is a mantra that is useful to say: “Let reality govern my every thought and truth be the master of my life.”


TAURUS: You search for new values. They have changed over the years. You explore the values of others, listening to their talk of sex, intimacy, money, death, regeneration. You discover your ability to diagnose illness in friends, extending this ability to pets. You like to be the detective and for a while read mysteries that provide courage through conflict. Be not jealous or combative. You will lose. Life in the shadows for a while is best.


GEMINI: During this month you will be asked to consider the values within yourself, your abilities, talents, resources and all possessions. You will realize you have vast resources, some of which you will want to give away. You will seek ways of making money and will find a state of reserved strength that sustains conservative yet liberal values. You will seek comfort and a new love to keep you warm.


CANCER: A quiet peaceful change comes into your life. You become sensitive, compassionate and sympathetic toward everyone, especially those in need. You’re drawn to things mystical, religious, spiritual, meditative, functioning behind the scenes, and the why isn’t apparent. You seek forgiveness while offering it. You allow no persecutions of any kingdom. Here your Aries comes forth.


LEO: The Sun’s golden morning light provides you with heartfelt aspirations and high ideals to learn something new that develops a new level of consciousness leading to wisdom. Remember to never assume a position of knowing until it is experienced or its validity proven. You will expand your mind through travel, study, a philosophy, or encountering soil and the earth (gardening). Then you are to teach others. Be adventurous and experiential.


VIRGO: When observing you for a time we sense a new level of dignity emanating from you. We also sense a new level of creative self-expression, which in time can lead the world towards new artforms that restore the art of living to the world. Sometimes, you focus on happiness, things that entertain and are playful with games, children and/or sports. You speculate on ways resources can emerge into form and matter.


LIBRA: You find yourself through relationship interactions, whether intimate, close friends or who and what you identify with in the moment. You want to cooperate, seeking harmony within all situations so a sense of life-in-balance emerges. From person to the political, from social justice to world peace, you travel the range of relationships within the world of humanity’s endeavors. Do you remember the esoteric formula for peace?


SCORPIO: Family continues to be your concern—creating, tending to, or writing about one. Your history is like a tree growing within you, its roots go deep; the trunk is your life force; and the leaves reflect how you interact with the world. Realize how important parents were, whether they were good enough or not, all parents are “good enough” in terms of what we must learn (and realizing we choose them). A radical thought. Moodiness may assail you. Take shelter.


SAGITTARIUS: You’re interested in new ways of communicating, expressing yourself and talking with family, friends, neighbors, and siblings. Most important will be things literary and artistic, either in books, attending museums, music fests or simply reconsidering how to once again bring forth the arts. You love change now and are very adaptable. Realize that others around may not be. Restlessness can upset our organized and artistic apple cart. Draw your greenhouse.


CAPRICORN: There’s a sense of well-being, exaltation and a radiant willingness in all that you do. You will initiate new ideas others will accept, reject and react to. This is good. Controversy is productive, calling forth harmony at the core of chaos and conflict. The light of Cancer is creating a state of dignity, magnetism and confidence within. Handling this is Mars retro in Aquarius. Tend with care to all the kingdoms and beings surrounding you.


AQUARIUS: You become practical in all ways, tending to daily necessities for self and others. You become the social worker for the world, using your gifts and capacities to create roles for others so they too can be of assistance and of service. You make improvements wherever you go, tending to details, being scientific and concrete in your healing information. You drop all levels of criticism. You understand forgiveness.


PISCES: It’s good to use mantrams (holy words) daily in our lives. They are useful for the dissolution of glamours (esoteric word)—not only of self but when encountering the glamours (distortions, miasmas, illusions) of others. Eliminating glamours helps us focus on goals, a successful life of service, and allows for an honorable ethical reputation. You have authoritative tasks to perform and an influential position to fulfill for the saving of humanity. We begin first through recognition.



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