.Mercury Direct, Full Moon, Leo Solar Festival

RisaNewSThursday is Nelson Mandela Day (b. July 18, 1918, South Africa). He has Sun, Jupiter and Pluto in Cancer (sign of liberation for the masses) with Uranus in Aquarius (freedom for humanity). We honor this man of courage, a cultural icon of freedom and equality imprisoned for 27 years. After his release (1990), Mandela created policies of reconciliation and negotiation. Mandela received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. As of this writing, Mandela’s health is in a critical state. Let us pray for him.

Saturday, Mercury turns stationary direct, 13 degrees Cancer, the degree of Sirius and conjunct the U.S. Sun.

After Sun enters Leo, the full moon, Leo solar festival occurs Monday. The heart of the Sun aligns with the hearts of humanity. And this alignment extends to Sirius (blue-white star to the left of Orion) where both love and freedom originate. From Sirius, into the heart of the Sun, the heart of the Earth, the kingdoms and into our hearts a great love streams forth calling humanity to free itself from the bondage of materialism presently imprisoning the human spirit. We are called also “to love more,” reflecting a decision made long ago by the Spiritual hierarchy when the choice to destroy the world was placed before them. They didn’t destroy our world. They “loved us more.” We are now called to do the same.

Esoteric Astrology as News for the week of July 18–24, 2013 For Sun and Rising Signs

ariesAries-March 21–April 20
Over the next several weeks you become more discriminating, seeing details as never before. You become a bit fussy, needing environments to be orderly. You begin to pay more attention to health, diet, daily schedules. Accuracy becomes important. Be careful of any criticism directed toward others or any endeavors, including your own. You become interested in things intellectual. Sympathy and compassion emerge. You change.

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21
You become a bit more romantic, seeking only what pleases you, intent that your day not consist of work and research only. Your affection for others begins to show a bit more and it becomes a creative force. You are more warmhearted and affectionate. Some display this toward the animal and/or plant kingdom. Others will show extra affection toward partners and loved ones. You want to be the center of someone’s universe to them. You are. Careful with health.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20
you recognize their importance in your life. They are your entire support systems. You seek to become closer and more harmonious. You may invite friends over, cooking for them, creating a warm environment. You realize your love of country, your garden, your life. You seek to nurture, understanding who the “little ones” are, and their needs. You “love more.”

cancerCancer June 21–July 20
Always you attempt to maintain harmony with friends and neighbors. You are deeply sensitive and emotional with all situations and circumstances. Communicating with others is important now. Often you are on the phone or traveling here and there short distances. You seek variety, to help others in new and interesting experiences. If you’re a gardener, your garden is different, filled with greens, vines and un

leoLeo July 21–August 22
You maintain a cool dignified exterior but inside hides passion, deep feelings and sometimes great hurt. Ruled by the Sun, your moods can be quite dramatic. Security (home and finances) being of great value, you manage personal resources with care. You also value friends. Your deep romanticism is hidden too. You’re attracted to artistic (objects of beauty) people. They reflect for you the possibilities of your own creativity.

virgoVirgo August 23–September 22
You display always a personal grace and a kind manner, willing to please, wanting to develop friendships. Beware of this time when you can be emotionally over-wrought and self-expressive, feeling competitive and sometimes hurt by others. Always project harmony toward others, projecting beauty, creating a cheerful attitude even in times of crisis. You hold within a new state of consciousness which everyone learns from.

libraLibra September 23–October 22
You have great compassion and sympathy and these are expressed in your work. You understand what it’s like to be lost, not heard, forgotten and misunderstood. So you are careful that no one you know has these experiences. You’re sensitive, always needing great love around you. Love is what you base your relationships on. Sometimes you don’t express feelings, afraid of being hurt. So you suffer in silence.

scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21
When we’re kind to friends, they return that kindness. Now is the time to display kindness to everyone you know, for kindness assures us that many of our hopes, wishes and dreams will be achieved. It’s like alchemy or a golden cup passed around with an ancient herbal elixir of which everyone partakes. This is an excellent time to visit art galleries, housing the most modern and the most ancient of treasures. Observe closely. Your new style emerges.

saggSagittarius November 22–December 20
You can be quite rebellious these days, attempting to break free from the past, saying “no” to rules and regulations, needing to do and achieve differently. Are you watching the HBO series The Newsroom? You’re friendly but impersonal. You have friends, are well liked yet, a certain loneliness in the crowd exists. It’s your search for freedom that becomes continuous, coloring all interactions and fields of endeavor.

capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20
Always you choose honesty and optimism. You see the good in all situations. You have humor (dry) and laugh a lot. Laughter saves you. Your companion, unseen but always with you these days, is Jupiter, providing you with gifts, travel, knowledge, experience, wisdom, culture, the outdoors and far away activities. You love distant places. They help you become philosophical. Wherever you are is home. Enjoy these days. It’s a magical time.

aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18
Through a partnership, something social, relationships or family and marriage, there will be resources and financial gain. It’s possible that a process of inheritance begins. Don’t wait for this though. Continue daily life as usual. Let the incoming resources (there’s no time-table) be a surprise. Share with others all. Your emotions may be quite intense. Let every feeling be a source of interesting temporary information.

piscesPisces February 19–March 20
Wherever you are these days know that those around you are very important to your life and well-being. Wherever you are is where you are to restore balance through your ability to be cooperative and to compromise so that others feel understood and significant. You see both sides of all issues and know that creating conflict will create imbalance. You seek intelligence, companionship and security. These are your values in relationship. You give everything in return.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.

More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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