.NUZ: A Santa Cruz City Council Recall?

Two separate Santa Cruz groups critical of city councilmembers Chris Krohn and Drew Glover have filed notices of intent to try and recall the controversial local politicians.

The first effort stalled at the city clerk’s desk due to a paperwork issue in the filing documents. The second group’s paperwork initially got approved, but GT has learned that the second notice may too get rejected due to a possible discrepancy in one of the signee’s listed addresses. If anyone can get the right paperwork in, The clock will now start ticking, giving petitioners 120 days to gather signatures from 7,939 city voters about whether to hold a recall election to decide Glover and Krohn’s political futures.

Some reasons listed on both petitions for requesting a recall have to do with the Ross homeless encampment, which closed weeks ago. Other criticisms focus on the city not enforcing safety and environmental codes at the camp. Forgive Nuz for asking the obvious question here … but how many of the right-wingers who signed onto either of these petitions ever cared about the wellbeing of a homeless person?

Anyway, the local recall effort will strike even many Krohn and Glover critics as premature and poorly timed. And if the effort is unsuccessful, it may only serve to embolden them.


Santa Cruz County Bank and Lighthouse Bank have announced that they are joining forces.

The merger will be bring Lighthouse’s customers to Santa Cruz County Bank, boosting total assets to nearly $1 billion. The banks are saying that Santa Cruz County Bank is also absorbing Lighthouse’s two banking locations, one in downtown Santa Cruz and the other in Cupertino. That raises two interesting questions.

First of all, will Santa Cruz County Bank actually keep Lighthouse’s North Pacific Avenue location, which is practically across the street from Santa Cruz County Bank’s newly renovated River Street spot, one-fifth of a mile away? And secondly, how many Silicon Valley-ites will want to keep their piles of money in a bank called Santa Cruz County Bank, which happens to have a chunk of a surfboard as its logo?

Time will tell.


The one house on the wrong side of West Cliff is now up for sale, with a price of $5.5 million, according to Zillow. The 1307 W. Cliff Dr. home is the only house on the oceanside of the iconic coastal street. It may sound like a steep price, even for a home right above the water in Santa Cruz. But just think: It’ll only take one or two landslides, and you’ll have your own houseboat!


  1. Right wingers are being identified by Good Times as being the ones who are behind the recall of Khron and Glover? That’s ridiculous and you know it GT. I’m a left wing democrat long time resident of Santa Cruz and I have my pen ready to sign the petition. These counsel members have to realize that they represent the entire populace of Santa Cruz, not a few. They need to understand that they pledged to be responsible for taking care of the city’s business, not walking out as some protest. These counsel members need to pay attention to the health of the community’ instead of catering to a lawless few who have no regard for the community’s health including their own. Glover lied when he sided with the homeless activists when attempting to sue Santa. Cruz in fed court. He claimed there was no drug use at Ross Camp. Really?

  2. Right-wingers? Really, NUZ? Your accommodating arrogance puts you firmly in the running for Krohn’s next candidate recruitment, since Justin Cummings turned out to be so disappointingly independent. And to think just yesterday I was telling someone that GT’s journalism was superior to the Sentinel (a low bar, I know). I guess we all have our blind spots.
    8000 signatures will be a snap.

  3. Typical garbage from the left blaming the “right-wingers.” Residents are sick and tired of the filth, crime, environmental degradation and magnetic draw of undesireables from other cities to Santa Cruz caused by the homeless policies of those like Glover and Krohon. Add “just cause evictions” and you keep bad tenants in apartment complexes to the detriment of the good renters and good landlords. And with rent control caps, good luck finding enough landlords willing to sacrifice their properties for little return. So tired of the LEFT’s old arguments and blame game. Differentiate right from wrong and quit watching so much CNN. NUZ is drinking the wrong Kool-Aid.

  4. This “Good Times” article contains biased snark. I agree that Republicans as a group make decisions that are callous. But by pointing out that Republicans can be sh!tbags, it’s as if you’re saying the “opposite” is automatically laudable? That’s just stupid. Drew Glover lied about there being no drug use at the Ross camp, and five people died on the premises. I consider myself to be VERY far left. Glover and this article are embarrassments to the group.


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