.Nuz: Santa Cruz’s Recall of Two Councilmembers Has Officially Passed

UPDATE, March 31, 8am: This story has been modified to reflect the finalized vote tally for San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District.

Santa Cruz County’s election results are finally almost finalized.

As of Friday, March 27, the recalls of Chris Krohn and Drew Glover have officially passed. In the end, they were close. Krohn’s removal from office got 51% of voter support, and Glover’s got 53%. It’s quite possible that, if Krohn hadn’t hitched his wagon so firmly to Glover’s or if Glover had ever apologized with any convincing sincerity whatsoever, we may have seen a different result here. (Also, if the pro-recall crowd wanted to win more convincingly, they could have actually walked around town a little and campaigned, like the anti-recall activists did—instead of just sending out tens of thousands of dollars worth of mailers and sitting idly in their upper-Westside homes, while drinking wine and listening Hall and Oates, or whatever it is pro-recall people do.)

In other election news, the San Lorenzo Valley’s school bond measure narrowly passed. Soquel Union Elementary and Cabrillo College’s measures will both fall short, and the rest of the local measures passed by comfortable margins.

But back to the recall: if you have a single bipartisan bone in your body, the past year has probably made you think less of not only Krohn and Glover, but also a lot of the people who outwardly supported their ouster from the very first opportunity. As Santa Cruz prepares to move forward, Krohn and Glover’s seats will soon get filled by women, now that Renée Golder and Katherine Beiers have both won seats on the City Council.

That, in and of itself, should be welcome news, because, if there’s one thing Nuz has learned from watching local and national politics over the last three years, it’s that you can’t trust men with anything.


  1. Yo Nuz, Mocking people with crude stereotypes is the epitome of social injustice. we DID walk the neighborhood to support the recall, and for the record, NEVER liked hall & Oates, but what dif does that make? Thanks all to those who voted to kick da bums out, and yes, we’ll open a bottle of vino now….

  2. Oh, I didn’t know I had to be rich and snobby to want a cleaner, safer community. I rent and I am still overjoyed that we got the recall.

  3. Gender isn’t a qualification. But Santa Cruz that sees itself as a white liberal utopia is incapable of understanding that.

  4. They literally bribed people with free wine to turn in signatures. They literally spent thousands of dollars to spread recall propaganda. The recall landlords perpetuate their own stereotypes.

    • “Bribed”??? Like the way Krohn bribed the UCSC brats (who shouldn’t be allowed to vote here to begin with) with donuts, and used the UCSC transportation to bring them down to register? Telling them to vote for only two Candidates (guess which two), instead of three, to skew the vote?…And what about the FACT that measure M got overwhelmingly voted DOWN, but those two idiots tried to push it through anyways, to pay back the brats they promised cheap housing to, in exchange for a vote?

  5. This marks the biggest shift in 40+ years in Santa Cruz politics since the so-called “Progressives” appeared politically correct to winning margins.

    It will be interesting to follow Chris Krohn’s and Drew Glover’s joint and several reactions up to and after the April 14 Council meeting, their last, unless re-elected on some future rebound.

    Ms. Lynn Renshaw emerges as a twice-proven political fundraiser and organizer. It will be interesting to follow how she redirects.

  6. Insulting Hall & Oates? Really? That’s the best you have? Perhaps you can tell us which musician you like more. {p.s., I fully expect you to say “neither”. So now take a deep breath and try to come up with something witty.}

  7. Nuz you must be phishing for reactions from both Krohn and the pro-recall crowd.

    At the risk of defending Krohn, I know of no instance where he “hitched his wagon” to Glover. Krohn is/was the puppet master of the council majority and his political faction. It’s not difficult to imagine how fast Krohn would dump Glover if it served his own political calculus.

    Second, the pro-recall group worked their tails off for almost a year, partner. We walked the entire city *numerous* times collecting signatures and delivering campaign material. Over 2000 volunteer hours were spent tabling alone. During the course of the campaign, literally thousands of conversations took place in the streets, living rooms and the council chambers about the future of Santa Cruz. If there is any group or organization that has a better understanding of the pulse of this town, I’d be surprised. To characterize our efforts as idle is utterly false or borderline tone deaf.

    We do drink wine though.

    – Santa Cruz United

  8. Wow, the hoity-toity recall folks are sooooo thin-skinned. A few hundred votes difference shows how divided the recall was, and seems so petty now with this virus crisis. Fortunately we have adults in local/county government health departments doing the planning and coordination to respond and keep us all alive – whatever our political stripe.

  9. Hall and Oates? Sounded familiar, but could not recall them. Looked them up. Apparently they were the best-selling musical duo of all time, exceeding the Everly Brothers or Simon and Garfunkle. But I remember the EB and S&G.

    My point is: Sometimes a duo is popular, sometimes a duo is not. Now, who does that bring to mind?


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