It’s been an unsettling week, with the first two cases of coronavirus documented in Santa Cruz County. Alisha Green, working with Todd Guild and Jacob Pierce, has a comprehensive and thoughtful look at exactly what’s happening, and what it means. The headline says it all, I think: “New Normal.” Both words of that phrase are equally important right now, because this is a time for caution, not panic. In the coming weeks, we’ll keep you informed on developments, and look at how locals are dealing with this new normal.
In the meantime, we’re overdue for a zen moment, so read Richard Von Busack’s cover story on the new documentary about Tom Killion. He’s a printmaker and activist with a long history in Santa Cruz, and the new film from Chikaran Motomura documents how Killion followed his muse to Japan to learn from the masters. As you can tell from the beautiful image on the cover, Killion has a way of making you stop and take a deep breath, not to mention a talent for capturing the sweeping beauty of this area.
Lastly, just like everyone else I’m out at fewer public events right now, but I will be at Michael’s on Main Sunday, where I’m one of the many guests who’ll appear on the 1200th episode of KPIG’s live music show Please Stand By. Wallace Baine will be there as well, along with musical guests like Keith Greeninger, Carolyn Sills and Gerard Egan, Sherry Austin, Michael Gaither and many more—and of course host “Sleepy” John Sandidge and the whole PSB crew. It’s from 10am to 1pm and there’s no cover. Come down and say hi (without shaking hands) or if you’re social distancing, tune in to 107.5 FM!
Read the latest letters to the editor here.
Dog Bias
Re: “Biting Chance” (GT, 2/26): Bad on the Good Times for choosing a photo of a lunging, un-neutered male “pit bull” dog as your photo attraction to promote and encourage prejudice and misunderstanding about bull breeds. Who chose that photo? Whose dog is that? Instead you might have listed resources for training and perhaps information encouraging people to understand bad behavior is about the owner, not the dog. It’s awesome to have the wonderful people from the SCC Animal Shelter speak at the dog films event at the Rio. Do you actually think the message will be delivered to the homeless community at $15 a ticket and no home to leave their dog safely in?
Erica Chapin | Santa Cruz
Rooting For It
Regarding “Roots of Uncertainty” by Jordy Hyman GT, 3/4), what a good, solid well-written article!
We’ve recommended it to others to read.
Thank you for publishing it.
L. Spalaris | Santa Cruz
Re: Dog Bites
Some of us know from personal experience that pit bulls, their mixes included, are much more untrustworthy than other breeds. Seen them snap for no good reasons.
Good owners of these dogs that never saw it coming when their dog goes pit. They weren’t abused or trained to go for the kill. It’s inherited, it’s what they were bred to do, historically. You think the name would give some people a clue.
So I believe Dogbites.org. They’re out to save save both humans and other animals, including pit bulls, the heartache. Any research at all would show a person that most dogs that contain pitbull DNA are risky to own.
We just have a lot of stupid people out there, willing to take those risks, unfortunately.
— Onyx DW
Re: Recall Op-Ed
Leonie, thank you. This took a lot of courage to write. I absolutely understand your hesitation in speaking up prior to this, as the Santa Cruz progressive community has their own share of bullies. Watching City Council meetings has been very difficult the last two years. Watching women come forward and calling out their abusers only to be attacked by members of the progressive community has been so disheartening. These so called feminists have now turned to victim-shaming. I have heard several women say “well, I have never seen him speak that way before, he has always treated me very respectfully.” I guess those women forgot it isn’t all about them. How self-centered does someone have to be to think that if it doesn’t happen to them then it can’t happen to anyone else? This is how abuse festers and grows. This is why victims stay quiet and abusers get empowered. With all the controversy over Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein and other men that abuse their power there is always some sect of people defending them. Come on Santa Cruz. We can do better. Women are speaking up. Can we please hold them up, can we please embrace them, can we tell them they are courageous, send them love, honor their bravery, and do everything we can to stop the abuse?
I am a survivor. I know what it’s like to speak truth and not be believed, I know what it’s like to have an abuser that is close, I know what it’s like to have people glorify the abuser because they either have no idea or don’t want to believe the truth. It’s 2020. #metoo is a real thing. Stop discrediting victims and breathe in the truth.
— Sharon

Wild turkey at Quail Hollow Ranch in Felton. Photograph by Andrew Shachat.
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Local nonprofit OneReef has a vision for saving coral reefs in the Asian Ocean. On Monday, the group launched a fundraising campaign to raise money for patrol equipment to help them protect these biodiverse spaces, amid their decline due to global warming, pollution and overfishing. OneReef, which has an office in Santa Cruz and another in Micronesia, is asking donors to give by going to globalgiving.org and searching “Micronesia.”
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 31% of high school students have depression. The Boulder Creek-based HeartMath Institute has announced that it will be giving away 100,000 copies of a program to help kids learn to manage their emotions. The new online interactive program, called HeartSmarts Adventure, teaches kids about emotional well being and heart-healthy living. It’s designed for children ages 4 to 6, and offers 63 activities.
“A certain type of perfection can only be realized through a limitless accumulation of the imperfect.”
-Haruki Murakami