.The GT staff is asked: What’s the quirkiest thing that happened in 2013? What’s the best thing that could happen in 2014?

lt roseHealthcare … and for 2014 … mandatory cookies and milk and nap time for everybody.

Rose Frates-Castiglione
Ad Sales







lt kate2kateMy husband knocked down a wedding altar after a wedding and it came falling down on top of us. For 2014 … world peace and for my children to listen to me.

Kate Kauffman
Ad Sales








lt elizQuirkiest thing was probably Greg Archer. The best thing that can happen in 2014 would be if everyone, everywhere, adopts Meatless Mondays.

Elizabeth Limbach
Managing Editor









lt i9anEdward Snowden’s revelations about the NSA and in 2014 … total revolution.

Ian Webb
Graphic Designer








lt stefQuirkiest thing: Twerking and all that Miley Cyrus stuff. The best in 2014? A boost in the world’s helium supply. Other than that … it would be great if four new businesses fill some of the empty spots in Downtown Santa Cruz and thrive.

Stephanie Lutz
Advertising Director


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