.Related Loma Prieta 20th Anniversary Events


cover08holeThursday, Oct. 15 The Great California Shake Out—A statewide simulation at 10:15 a.m. to help Californians prepare.  It will be the largest earthquake preparedness activity in U.S. history.  Anyone and any organization can register to participate.

Saturday, Oct. 17  Dangers in Paradise: Preparedness Fair and CERT Muster—Aptos Village Park, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free.  This promises to be a veritable smorgasbord of exhibits and demonstration for residents about earthquake and other disaster preparedness.  There will be a visit by the Shake Cottage with its simulation of a large earthquake, and a full-fledged CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) competition.
Revisiting and Remembering at the Epicenter 4 p.m. (Oct. 17), Forest of Nisene Marks State Park, at the intersection of the Fire Road and Aptos Creek Trail—presentations by Sandy Lydon, Gary Griggs and others about the earthquake, and then a small ceremony at 5:04 p.m. to honor those who perished exactly 20 years earlier. This event is free.  Participants will have to hike approximately 1 mile into the epicenter area.

Sunday, Oct. 18 Two Earthquakes—1906 and 1989: A Special Journey to the Big Slide Participants in this event will be transported deep into the Forest of Nisene Marks State Park for a catered lunch and presentations by historians and geologists about the two earthquakes.  This will be followed by a guided hike down into the Big Slide area where the effects of both earthquakes can be seen—a land of twisted landscape and twisted trees.  Crevices from the 1989 earthquake can still be seen.  This is a rare opportunity to see this part of the forest with those who know how to interpret it. Director of California State Parks, Ruth Coleman, will be a special guest.

This event is produced and sponsored by the Friends of Santa Cruz State Parks.  For further information and to purchase tickets go to their website: thatsmypark.org

cover-townclockDowntown’s Past, Present and Future

In its impressive, ongoing series to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Loma Prieta Quake, the Downtown Association hosts the following: Present, Thursday, Oct. 15

Is everybody ready? City Council Member Lynn Robinson will moderate this presentation on disaster preparedness. Learn first hand what the City’s Police, Fire and Public Works Departments are doing to prepare. Red Cross and PG&E will update us on their plans, and, most importantly, find out what is left for you to do to prepare. Presented by the City of Santa Cruz and Santa Cruz Neighbors.

Future, Friday, Oct. 16

After the Loma Prieta Earthquake: A panel of local visionaries ignite a conversation about the future of downtown, moderated by Downtown Association Executive Director, Chip. Presented by the Downtown Association of Santa Cruz.

All lectures begin at 5:30 p.m. at the Museum of Art & History, 704 Front Street, Santa Cruz. It is highly recommended to make reservations. Visit downtownsantacruz.com or call 429-8433.

20th Anniversary Earthquake Commemoration Mayor Cynthia Mathews, former Mayor Mardi Wormhoudt and numerous invited guests will mark the anniversary of his extraordinary moment with a special community event in front of the Downtown Post Office. The ceremony begins at 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 17.

Downtown Gala – Saturday Oct. 17

Undoubtedly, the soiree of the season, and atop the E.C. Rittenhouse Building overlooking all of downtown Santa Cruz to boot. Enjoy appetizers from some of downtown’s finest restaurants, a champagne toast, a very special awards presentation, silent auction and music—by longtime Santa Cruz favorite Don McCaslin and Warmth, plus DJ Sparkle, and more. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 17. E.C. Rittenhouse Building, Pacific Avenue at Church Street, Santa Cruz. Tickets are $30 in advance. Available at downtownsantacruz.com or call 429-8433. Cocktail attire.



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music in the park, psychedelic furs
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