.And Then … Jupiter Retrogrades

RisaNewSJupiter is a planet that expands all of us, increasing our experiences, knowledge and understanding of life, representing optimism, growth, generosity, joy, and abundance. Jupiter in Cancer (sign of nurturing one another) turns stationary retrograde Thursday, Nov. 7 (retrograde 120 days till March 10, 2014). Jupiter’s retrograde motion makes a tiny loop in the sky against a background of stars. Ruler of truth-speaking Sagittarius, Jupiter is our integrity and honesty (and everyone else’s), our authenticity, philosophy, sense of justice—larger perspectives in life.

With Jupiter and Mercury retrograde (turning direct Sunday, November 10th) our perceptions shift and change. We do not begin a new business. Instead we set about restoring all that is troubled, incomplete, failing, dead or dying. We re-instate and re-establish, we return to things, grand perhaps and almost impossible, to their original state.

Jupiter is the “Great Benefic.” When retrograde, all that “greatness” internalizes for the purpose of reflection and reconsideration. We realize our goodness and greatness. Simultaneously, our life slows down so we can “correct” our direction, our course in life.

Jupiter provides limitless blessings to humanity. It’s the key to our spiritual purpose (love). Retrograde, we understand all these things.

Esoteric Astrology as News for the week of Nov. 7–13, 2013 For Sun and Rising Signs

ariesAries-March 21–April 20
You turn inward, assessing where you’re living and work environments along with the foundations of your life. Your personal world is most important at this time. Perhaps you need a new home. Perhaps you need a garden or architectural landscaping. You realize only peace and quiet bring forth your authentic self. You think about security, what it means for you and if you can maintain it. You sense the need for more happiness.

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21
You’re called away from your semi-hermetic life to be in contact with more people. Not necessarily happy about this, you however realize only you have the skills needed for a plan to be completed. You call for grace (what is grace, you ask?) to assist you with communication. Learning new skills your focus is now on Thriving, not only surviving. Loved ones, far away, are contacted. They wait for your call.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20
Jupiter provides you with self-revelatory discoveries all about you, a deeper sense of self-worth and value. These are discoveries for a later time when you will actualize and bring into manifestation decisions that reflect your true needs, beliefs, knowledge and all that you value. Moving beyond the ‘talk’ stage increases your spiritual world. Manage your finances and resources with care and tithing.

cancerCancer June 21–July 20
An event from the recent past helps you feel more confident, healthy and optimistic. A new cycle of inner growth is beginning. This will manifest in outer circumstances next year. Begin to have gratitude daily for this coming benefit. A new philosophy is also appearing enhancing your goodness and sense of self. Allow for some indulgences. You’ve been restricted too long. Consider what pleases you. Ask for it.

leoLeo July 21–August 22
Many things complete themselves in your life in the next 120 days. This is a 12-year cycle of completion. Spiritually you’re seeing and understanding realities hidden behind veils, realities others don’t understand. Immersion in religion, the spirit, study and practice yields revelations. You’re called to greater service to creatures, plants, animals and/or humans in need. As your love increases, their love also increases.

virgoVirgo August 23–September 22
You begin a new series of goals and new ambitions, setting your sights on horizons far into the future. You dream big dreams for humanity and the world. Realizing the need to participate in community you begin to build and construct in your mind what that community would be like. You are detailed, ordered and organized. You hold this quietly in your heart. Gestating the new reality for humanity. Draw that community.

libraLibra September 23–October 22
New realities that expand your professional work emerge next spring. For now, in order to create a firm foundation, you consider your past work history—plateaus and upheavals, changes, stops and moving forward. You assess if you want to continue on the same track or expand into something completely new. Something concerning parents or parenting needs support and recognition. Careful with love these next months.

scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21
You explore many ideas concerning how you want to expand yourself in the coming year. You need a new sense of adventure, outwardly and inwardly. Later you will be studying and reading more, perhaps taking up new spiritual practices or researching meditation. It’s an excellent time to write, to create journals of research and investigation, of travel and study. These expansions of consciousness will be professionally useful.

saggSagittarius November 22–December 20
Thoughts on partnerships, mergers, sharing of resources, deep intimacy stir through your mind like rainy-day clouds. You realize the need for inner preparation before they come fully into view. All intimate relationships, resources and finances go through a review. You feel more open and vulnerable seeking connections with all things. The mystery of life and death, things magical (manifestation) and occult (mental not mystic) appear.

capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20
For the past six years you’ve experienced personal development. After this year you move out of your garden entering the world once again. Personal encounters assume a greater depth of love and intimacy. There will be fruitful interactions, helpful people, mutual agreements, beneficial advice and advisors, healers and counselors assisting in understanding your life and goals.

aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18
You seek to improve skills and accomplishments, mastering a craft that for many years has been asleep, waiting to be awakened. You create more effective daily routines, tend to health, diet and care of your body. All that you do for yourself will be supported by the precipitating cosmic energies. Your hard work brings a great sense of fulfillment. Seek less stress in your world. Find ways to have more relaxation and rest on a daily basis.

piscesPisces February 19–March 20
Creativity increases and as it does, more courage comes forth, too. Tend to your heart. And tend to those you are responsible for. I found a poem the other day for you. Its message is important. “Life is short and we do not have much time to gladden the hearts of those who travel with us, so be swift to love and make haste to be kind. Be swift to love and make haste to be kind. Gladden others’ hearts.” Written by Henri-Frederic Amiel.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.

More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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