As Burning Man (nine days, Aug. 30-Sept. 7 in the sign of Virgo) burns in the hot white desert sands, a petal of the rose created by retrograde Venus and the twelve-petaled Sun in Virgo’s petals unfold. All of us are on the burning ground (Leo) in the womb (cave of the heart) of the mother (Virgo), gestating for humanity once again (each year) a new state of consciousness. Both Virgo and Cancer, feminine (receptive energies) signs, are from our last solar system (Pleiades). When humanity first appeared on Earth we were nurtured by the mother, a matriarchy of energies (on islands in the Pacific). Eve, Isis and Mary are part of the lineages of our ancient Mother.
Overseen by the Pleiades, the Earth (matter, mater, the mother) in that last solar system was imbued with intelligence (Ray 3). As we move toward autumn, another mother, Ceres realizes she has mere weeks left with her beloved daughter, Persephone. Persimmon and pomegranate trees prepare for autumn, their colors signs of hope as the light each day continues to dim.
Sunday, Venus in Leo turns stationary direct, yet continues in her shadow until Oct. 9 (when retrograde Mercury turns direct). Slowly our newly assessed values emerge from the Venus retrograde. We thought in Venus retro how to use our resources more effectively. Mercury retrogrades Sept. 17.
Monday is Labor Day. Let us honor the labor of everyone, all life a “labor.” Let us honor Labor Day and all those who have “served” (labored for) us this past year. We honor their labors. We honor the labor of our parents, those who have loved us. We honor our own labors, too. We are all in service, we are all laboring. We are all valuable.
Esoteric Astrology as News for Week of September 2
Aries-March 21–April 20
Those working with you seek your mentorship and direction. You’re the courage, bravery and light needed that “lights their way.” This is not a compliment. It’s a responsibility of leadership and love. It’s important to maintain health, exercise and a simple diet. Possibly you need more calcium/magnesium for calmness. With all relationships, don’t be harsh.
Taurus April 21–May 21
The work and responsibilities continue to arrive. You tend to everything needed, forging ahead with Vulcan’s (Soul ruler) help. Vulcan fashions gold out of iron (Soul/personality), creates a forward momentum, allows for optimism (a little) and drives you toward future goals. On your mind, always, is how to create and sustain community. It takes more than a village.
Gemini May 22–June 20
Home continues to matter more and more—where you live, with whom, and how to create community. These questions sustain your curious and dual mind. Movement forward is always an issue. Continue to care for those in need with compassion and humor. You’re to serve with a wise heart. Venus is your companion. She surrounds you with a pale golden light.
Cancer June 21–July 20
Home and family become increasingly filled with responsibilities and work. You try to carry on traditions to family. However, so many tasks interfere. Restrict how much work you’re doing for others or exhaustion ensues. An acupuncture treatment is most likely needed and chiropractic, too. You’re the one at home needing tender loving care. Rest a while.
Leo July 21–August 22
Are you finding yourself going out and about, creating deeper relationships with others? Leos often tend only to themselves and this creates loneliness. Wherever there’s an imbalance, ask questions, listen, assess, speak from the heart and forgive. Saturn, Dweller on the Threshold of new ways of being, asks you to review past beliefs before new foundational realities can form. Share resources and values.
Virgo August 23–September 22
In your daily life, have the intention to focus on facts not fictions, fantasies, or wishful thinking. Facts are the foundation of a clear thinker and later, good leader. Facts help uplift emotional disturbances, disappointments and confusing changes. Saturn asks that you consider what is of value to you and provides both emotional and intellectual inspiration. Listen for the still small voice of God.
Libra September 23–October 22
You seek a sense of belonging. Your talents and gifts have created a life filled with spiritual intuition. You wonder when all that appears in your mind and heart can be used with less stress and limitation. You know you’re here to serve. You change your appearance with confidence and a desire to be more harmonious. You’re a bit mysterious now. Careful with exercise. Careful with bones and ligaments.
Scorpio October 23–November 21
Notice your concern with how others (groups) see and assess you. Notice a change of values occurring, too. It’s an excellent time to make new friends and contact old ones, as well as create business opportunities with groups and social media. There’s a community or group needing your research abilities. The present work situation may shift about. This will accelerate. Maintain composure, balance and faith.
Sagittarius November 22–December 20
Work should be good, you know you’re well-liked, however, you may possibly feel restricted, constrained and controlled by situations out of your control. It will be important to make yourself more productive, creating harmony at all levels of work. Banish all thoughts of limitations, create a positive, light-filled aura. The outcome will be
more than expected. Work on the honor system. Your honor.
Capricorn December 21–January 20
Make contact with those far away who love and care for you. Your communication creates harmony and happiness. As your mind ponders future goals, include religious as well as physical, emotional and intellectual considerations. Religion stabilizes and sustains for its energies are greater than we are. Prayer stabilizes us. As you continue to transform recite the Great Invocation daily and with family.
Aquarius January 21–February 18
Your focus on money is correct in terms of the future. Assess how you are living and if it’s sustainable for you. Consider other ways of living, new futuristic ways. Allow no limitations of thought. Discuss with others how the present world situation affects how and where you live. Share with everyone what you value and what you need. Daily routines are changed. Your vitality (life force) is intact. Pray to the devas. They’re your friends.
Pisces February 19–March 20
Walking that raggedy precipice of reality, not remembering yesterday, not seeing tomorrow, summon faith that there is indeed a path you’re walking even if it’s invisible. There will be a moving forward soon (after years of un-knowing). The forests will become the trees of opportunity. Do what’s necessary to create and build that community. Ask humanity to help.
Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.
More at Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology