.Calling Humanity, Humanity in Crisis


There is a humanitarian crisis in Europe that is affecting the world. Thousands of refugees, forced out of their countries due to war, persecution, terrorism, injustices, slavery, violence and death squads are seeking refuge and asylum in many European countries.

The leaders of the countries do not yet know how to meet this crisis. When crisis occurs in our world (globally or individually), notice at first we don’t know how to respond, often entering into states of denial, duality, separation and isolation—a reaction due to shock and unfamiliarity. To solve the problem (crisis) we must expand beyond it in order to see a solution. Europe is finding itself in this stage of the crisis. The refugee situation is unprecedented. Refugees are not migrants or immigrants (seeking better economic opportunities). Refugees (seeking asylum from persecution, wars, death, etc.) are protected under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR, 1948) and the 1951 Convention on the Status of Refugees. The situation in Europe is one in which David Miliband, CEO of the International Rescue Committee says that this is a crisis that needs to be “burden-shared.” All of us—from great nations to individuals. The humanitarian crisis calls each of us to new acts of service.

What is service? Service is a law of the soul, a life demonstration, a soul urge, an evolutionary impulse of love. In Virgo, our personality (doing the action) and soul (pouring forth love) unite. We express the soul by offering healing, help, comfort, assistance and service to those in need. The forces of materialism have created a disastrous human crisis. It is a battle for the survival of humanity. World Servers stand with and support the Forces of Light, responding with the Three Jewels: 1) the Teachings (compassion), 2) the Dharma (our service), and 3) the Sangha (creating safe communities). Together.

Esoteric Astrology as News for Week of September 9

ariesAries March 21–April 20

Assess if there are any needs you or a partner have that are hidden, that only come to life when there’s conflict. This is a good question to ask in all relationships, but especially now. Are there legal situations you must tend to? Carefully make plans for implementation. Assess what’s needed.

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21

It’s time to teach others what you know. You’ve been hiding information until the right time, and now is that time. You cannot do what you’ve been doing alone for much longer. Are you asking others to help you? Ask them what they need and can do in return. All levels and each step are important in the building of the new culture and civilization. Calling all resources and resourceful people.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20

Is there difficulty with concentration, communication or making contact? What do you value most in your daily life? Soon, Mercury retrogrades. As expectations are placed upon you, explain that you’re working slowly now, as life is turning backward and sideways. You’ll be called to duties and tasks not quite to your liking—an exercise in sacrifice. Call an old intelligent friend.

cancerCancer June 21–July 20

You’re most likely tending to family. Are you sleeping enough? Your appetite may increase. Something slips into your life that makes you happier, allowing for a surging forth of determination and courage, along with a new sense of creativity. You’ll be inspired. Prepare, through order and organization, for a new life to appear.

leoLeo July 21–August 22

Saturn has been a home companion for a while now. Should you feel you cannot stray too far from home, remain there. Tend to personal issues, things domestic, cleaning and clearing, giving yourself solitude and time for research. Contact previous friends. Is there a misunderstanding to be explained, care and tending to be offered, remembering?

virgoVirgo August 23–September 22

Make sure you’re getting enough sun each day during the month of Virgo. Make sure you’re standing on the Earth barefoot, absorbing both the sun and the Earth’s fields. You may not have an appetite. Do more fresh vegetable juices. Green and orange. Monetary situations continue to unfold. New ideas stream through your mind. You’re pondering many issues.

libraLibra September 23–October 22

Finances should be in order by now.and assessments carefully made. Finances affect our emotions and therefore our health. Rely on your heart’s values, remember to be alert to humanity’s needs. These both guide you in terms of how to use and safeguard resources. Bring everything you’re thinking and feeling to the light. It’s a time of solitude for you these days and recollections. Rest more.

scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21

Suddenly your life assumes additional intensity and you’re unable to hide your reactions and responses. You think your thoughts are hidden, but some can sense and feel them. To ease the discomfort of this concentrated power, force and energy, maintain rhythmic and consistent exercise, and double it. There’s new self-identity and strength coming forth. Set your sights on new distinguishing goals. 

saggSagittarius November 22–December 20

The structure you’ve sought is finally forming within your sphere of work in the world. Discipline yourself in the right use of energy and time. Don’t waste these on emotional likes and dislikes. Remain behind the scenes for a while. Work independently. Plan for future endeavors. In between, do nothing at all. Careful who and what you give your heart to.

capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20

Don’t take on excessive tasks lest exhaustion compromises your immune system. You’re capable of holding the world on your shoulders (like Atlas), but soon this becomes too burdensome, unattractive. Create a manifestation list with your hoped-for goals and priorities, especially travel, other cultures, living foods, songs and rhythms. Your lift creates a magnet of energy around you. Delays become normal. Don’t fret.

aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18

Your understanding of humanity’s needs and sorrows bring forth new ideas, messages of balance and harmony. You have tremendous energy and potential to bring into form hopes, wishes, dreams and aspirations. Focus on specific goals. Write them down. Draw them. It’s also a time for financial planning. Make and maintain needed contacts. The Devas want to help you.

piscesPisces February 19–March 20

Pisces (teachers, travelers, writers, adventurers and religious leaders) is busy with schedules, plans, visions, aims and goals. In all ways, attempting to inject harmony and balance into everyone’s daily life. Often Pisces feels isolated. They need a stimulus package filled with resources, direction and hope. Safety (emotional) is also important. Interact with Sagittarius or Scorpio. One takes you on a vacation, the other? Well…it’s secret.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.
More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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