.Sun Enters Scorpio, United Nations Day, Full Moon


Wednesday and Thursday (Oct. 21 and 22) are the last days of Libra. Friday, a very complex day, Sun enters Scorpio. During Scorpio we can expect the Nine Personality Tests, Scorpio’s emphasis on death and regeneration and its call to discipleship. There are unusual and multiple interactions with the planets, reflecting the deep complex emotional and mental waters of Scorpio itself. A major shift of energies is the sign change (from Libra to Scorpio), from balance to desire, rest to transformations, choice to revelations. Continuing through Sunday.

Saturday, United Nations Day, is the 70th birthday of the United Nations (Scorpio organization), created by the hierarchy to bring forth the rule of law for the world. The U.N., in its reconstruction work, is a deeply Scorpio endeavor.

Sunday is favorable with Venus/Jupiter in Virgo, radiating love/wisdom (Ray 2) to Earth and humanity, expanding goodwill. Tuesday is the full moon, Scorpio solar festival (4 degrees). Scorpio is the sign of deep feeling, Temple Mysteries, Persephone and Pluto’s underworld—psychological, spiritual, hidden and sheltered. Scorpio is the “flaming sword” protecting the Tree of Knowledge (and desire), from which the serpent plucked the apple offered to Eve (feminine mental plane). Scorpio is the sign and color of pomegranates, the orange of persimmons, pumpkins and Halloween, the latter informing us soon “something wicked (good) our way comes.” Scary indeed! 

Esoteric Astrology as News for Week of October 21

ariesAries March 21–April 20

A shift is occurring, a threshold almost crossed, new realities, work and responsibilities appear. You face the Sun, hidden behind Scorpio waters. Although not a Scorpio, you and the sign of discipleship (Scorpio) share the influences of planets Mars and Mercury. So you’re in Scorpio’s family. All of you have transforming work to do. The key is intelligent communication. Use it for goodwill, for knowledge, to dispense knowledge, to uplift.


taurusTaurus April 21–May 21

There seems to be no rest and each day provides new challenges, surprises, upheavals. Healthwise, sometimes your back hurts, your head or knees. Don’t let your heart hurt even if things seem somewhat slow and difficult—weather, finances, moving forward, being understood. Help arrives in the form of unusual events, sometimes books. Continue with intentions to uplift humanity into the light through loving visualization. 

geminiGemini May 22–June 20


The Libran energies offer you inspired thinking, dispersing new information, praise of others and identifying your creativity. You are the builder of a bridge (Antahkarana, between spirit and matter. Building this bridge is Gemini’s purpose) in many ways, opening the minds of others to think differently, to see a new light, a new day, a new life ahead. Although you may not fully understand yet, ponder on this identity.

cancerCancer June 21–July 20

What at present is the focus of your life? Are you tending to resources for yourself and/or others? Are you being careful of what you communicate, how and to whom? It’s most important that you use language filled with kindness and compassion, or separations around you and within your heart will occur. Language can either create and strengthen or destroy. Each of us must go beyond family and children, creating goodness and gladness in the world. 


leoLeo July 21–August 22

Good things are occurring with your money, finances and resources. What you give now returns to you ten-fold. Careful of any criticism—thinking and/or speaking. Criticism inflames our bodies, inflames situations, events and others. It’s good to take turmeric (curcumin) daily. When anger occurs, neutralize with praise. Garden. Identify yourself through what you create. Our new identities are recognized through our creations. Even if you hide away, we still see you.  


virgoVirgo August 23–September 22

Communication, all levels and aspects, is important for you to understand at this time. Mercury (your planet) rules communication. As the Sun in Scorpio moves through your house of communication, talk, thoughts, ideas and interactions are transformative. Use communication for goodness and to bring forth loving kindness.


libraLibra September 23–October 22

This is an inward-looking time for Libra. Some event has forced Librans to concentrate on the past. There’s deep thought concerning new choices of behavior and beliefs to be made. Some Libras are pondering marriage, commitment. Attempt to complete things unresolved. In Libra we face the past, clear it through forgiveness, planning for future unobstructed lives. Release all non-respectful and unkind attitudes. Use words that “give love a chance.”


scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21

For a while you become more hidden and protected. There’s important internal work to do, developing self-empowerment through clearer identification. This happens yearly around Halloween. You drop into dark waters for renewal, emerging when comfort calls. Your communication for the next year becomes more potent. Some will understand. Some won’t. Tell everyone you’re searching for Persephone.


saggSagittarius November 22–December 20

Communication with groups is key this month. You may feel somewhat restricted for the next several years. Saturn, the disciplined teacher, is reforming your identity. Tend carefully (not wildly) to resources. Are the foundations you relied upon no longer available? Is there uncertaint
y? Are things somewhat nebulous and painful? These are better than piercing and sharp. The wound will heal, making you more compassionate. New work comes calling. What will you choose?


capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20

As you continue to have deep and transforming (Pluto) experiences, you may find that communication at times seems nebulous (with others) and a wound with communication may occur. Work through it with carefully chosen words, with love and deep listening. Deep listening is part of spiritual psychology. Deep listening eases the suffering of others, the world (and the self). Travel, new philosophies, a sense of justice, a new journey appears. Sturdy new shoes are needed.


aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18

Be very cautious with resources and finances. Maintain this caution for the next several years. Have intentions for goodwill in all endeavors. This leads always to right relations. Plant seeds of kindness wherever you are, in all speech and actions. Choose only what empowers you and attempt to empower others. Think on these things one by one. Place them in your heart. This is a spiritual time of opportunity for you. 


piscesPisces February 19–March 20

Expect increased work and responsibilities. Maintain health and strength in order to meet all expectations. Catch up on medical exams, tests and doctor visits put off too long. Do you also need new shoes and a new bed? I heard you need newer technology. Relationships have been restrictive, money’s been perplexing, and change ceaseless. Who listens to you?  Where is your home? No matter what occurs, have gratitude. 

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.
More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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