.Rosh Hashanah (New Year) & Virgo New Moon Festival

RisaNewSOn Thursday two festivals occur—the Virgo new moon festival (13 Virgo, Mercury in Virgo) and the first day of Rosh Hashanah (till Sept. 6), the Jewish New Year (High Holy Days, Days of Awe). The blowing of the shofar (ram’s horn) begins 10 days of asking (and offering) forgiveness, ending in Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.
“Let matter reign” is the personality-building keynote for Virgo new moon. Matter (the word) originates from the Latin mater (mother).

Virgo is deeply connected to matter and form life. For many lifetimes, as we build the personality vehicle, we are unaware of the Soul. Eventually when life experiences have built a strong personality, we call out for a new reality. And the Soul appears. Virgo is the Three Madonnas—Eve (mental, Tree of Knowledge), Isis (emotional, veiled), Mary holding the Holy Child (the Soul [Holy Child] has entered the physical plane). During Rosh Hashanah, we ask for and provide forgiveness for any personality behaviors that created separation with others. When forgiveness occurs the Soul’s light is able to penetrate into and direct the personality. When we forgive, our names are inscribed in the Book of Life. Shanah Tovah (Happy New Year), everyone. We pass bowls filled with apples dipped in honey wishing everyone a sweet year.

Esoteric Astrology as News for the week of Sept. 5–11, 2013 For Sun and Rising Signs

ariesAries-March 21–April 20
Diplomacy and friendships become most important. As you seek one-on-one interactions, your mind offers you thoughts like negotiate, collaborate, understand the other side as well as your own. You will be asked to choose. You will seek to be rational. At times you will go back and forth, unable to choose. Seeking peace between you and others you will not jump to conclusions. You’ll be challenged to accommodate. You do it.

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21
Making lists, clearing the surrounding archeological digs of papers, tending to daily health, paying bills, making schedules – all are part of your work this month. You must concentrate on not dissipating your energy. You might just have a half-day’s worth to work with. The rest of the day needs to be for rest and care of the body. You will want to learn something new, detailed, perhaps a bit obscure. You seek efficiency and comprehension. You find it.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20
You’re attempting to express yourself in creative and powerful ways – ideas, thinking, conversations, humor, writing, art, children, playfulness, and romance. You may feel like taking risks, competing with others, participating in mental games—things stimulating spontaneity and pride of accomplishment. You seek the company of intelligent thinkers and artists. From these you are able to reflect upon and discover your own creative self-identity.

cancerCancer June 21–July 20
There’s a certain solitude available at this time giving you time to concentrate and focus on personal matters, family, the past and loved ones. You’re able to be rational and open-minded. You share memories about home and family. You take measures to bring about a greater state of healing. You’re preparing for something in the near future. You now have time to prepare adequately without interruption. You share revelations and impressions.

leoLeo July 21–August 22
You have a newly discovered ability with words, more curiosity and the ability to accomplish more tasks than usual. Short trips, emails, errands, visits, discovering new neighborhoods, chatting with family and friends accelerate, happening all at once. Then you feel scattered and overwhelmed with information overload. This is Mercury providing new stimulus, introducing new projects, making different connections. You might feel restless.

virgoVirgo August 23–September 22
Be careful with money, finances, income and outflow. Be rational, practical and know all the details of your financial picture. Consider ways of investing, with careful calculations. Tend carefully to possessions, discovering their value. Mercury helps us gain all that is new through communication – writing, editing, publishing, etc. Concentrate on whatever interests you and whatever you value.

libraLibra September 23–October 22
Things are private these days and you’re concerned with many issues from the past. You’re quiet and don’t speak much, standing behind veils that allow you to concentrate, contemplate and meditate on your worth, resources and purpose. You examine past behaviors and attitudes. The use of your creative imagination helps you change the past, which then changes the present/future. What would you want to change? Think on these.

scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21
It will be important to be listened to by those you trust because you will be having thoughts and ideas—unusual, surprising, revelatory and inventive –that surprise you. We’re told by great teachers to record impressions and dreams, because, over time, reviewing them, we will see a progression of ideas needed for our future direction. It’s also important share impressions, ideas and dreams with others.

saggSagittarius November 22–December 20
You may need, more than usual, to communicate professional business matters. Know your voice has authority and you are seen as the responsible one who accomplishes all tasks. Your words reach many for they have power and influence. You may be asked for information and direction.  Your professional opinion matters. You think about your standing in the world. You’re not frivolous now. It’s good now to develop your next career.

capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20
Your mind is filled with imaginations, with visions, great ideas and ideals. You seek to expand your knowledge through study and/or travel. It’s important to find perspective now concerning family life, relationships and friends. It’s important realize the greater picture and not only the small one based upon desire. Remember the virtue of ahimsa, of doing no harm in any way. Remember to cherish everyone close to you.

aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18
As you move about in the world, in the masses of humanity, you’re able to sense and intuit the many vicissitudes and hidden realities of humanity’s daily life. Being quite sensitive you attempt to be more rational and logical. Both create an intimacy – heart to heart from you to others. Begin conversations on topics that are difficult to communicate. Discuss money, finances, power, sharing and intimacy.

piscesPisces February 19–March 20
In all matters you’re able to assess the needs of everyone, be inclusive, always entertaining opposing views. Your purpose is to harmonize all realities. There are groups trained to do this work. They are called The Harmonizers. As you attempt to communicate through the chaos and conflicts of daily life, you’re called to reach the next level of harmony. This is inner work. Apply it to every situation. You become the ambassador.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.

More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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