.Ocean and Sea Creatures Alerting Humanity

RisaNewSSagittarius is the sign of “seeing the goal/task, reaching the goal, and recognizing the next goal”—until all goals for the good of humanity are reached. Sag, Knights of the Round Table, is concerned with the Truth. And the truth is our present world is in a state of emergency.

The ocean and sea creatures, migrating and gathering at the U.S. West Coast (Santa Cruz and Monterey Bay) are alerting us to the truth of an immediate crisis (Fukushima and irradiated waters). While the media has been silent, at the U.N., the world’s indigenous leaders have clearly signaled humanity to the realities of our world in destruction.

The disciples of the world (Scorpio & Sag) maintaining justice, peace and responsibility are called to respond to this ongoing catastrophe, to awaken and educate humanity, to create plans of action that save the world. Working with the indigenous peoples, these goals can be accomplished.

During this holiday season, Sagittarius asks us to see beyond our usual buying and indiscriminate “seeking of food” [material gains), turning our attention instead upon a suffering world.

Mars, presently in Libra (balance, equilibrium) calls us to identify and respond to the needs of the world and the kingdoms of Earth. During this time of giving, let us respond lovingly, intelligently and appropriately. Together.

Esoteric Astrology as News for the week of Dec. 5–11, 2013 For Sun and Rising Signs

ariesAries-March 21–April 20
What would you initiate if you were in charge of the world? How would you go about gathering people and leading them in saving the world? You do not have to do all the work. You simply need to take one step and other always follow. Your work at this time is forming new partnerships, bonding with others who are like-minded, to form harmonious relationships with a purpose and a plan. You are a leader among humanity.

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21
You realize your responsibilities. You always have, even as a child. There is the story of the little Taurus child who thought she was Annie Oakley. Before going to bed, she would walk around the perimeter of her yard (farm, land) with her pony, toy gun in hand, and make sure everything and everyone was safe for the night. She still does this today. This is your story, Taurus. You are to make the world safe for humanity.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20
Your task is always the gathering and dispersing of information, pointing disparities, polarities, dualities so humanity can know the truth (Sag, your shadow) of matter on Earth. Earth is your spiritual ruler. When you share real information to humanity, the creative ones become a catalyst for change due to how you have inspired them through the information you have shared. Do you know the truth? The Truth isn’t relative.

cancerCancer June 21–July 20
The United States, like you, is Cancer Sun. The U.S., reflecting the world in turmoil has a spiritual task—to lead humanity within and toward the Light. As you nourish all who come into your field you create a sense of home. Everyone’s sense of home now is upended. Do not allow this to occur in your world. You will be home for all of humanity at some future time. Prepare for this.

leoLeo July 21–August 22
Everyone you meet and interact with has a message. You, too. A message about Light. Each morning as the new day begins, bring the light from the Soul into your heart. With your imagination, radiate this light to the world, humanity and the kingdoms. Everyone is seeking the Path of Return. When others see your Light their Path of Return is revealed. When you serve in this way a golden five-pointed crown appears on your head.

virgoVirgo August 23–September 22
We are given resources in order to share them. The state of the world is in need of sharing. The world in which we each live needs mentors who show us the Way of Sharing. You have been given an increase in resources and possessions for the purpose of sharing. When old responsibilities fall away, begin new activities based on helping to create the Sharing Society. As you give, you are given back 100-fold. Give everything.

libraLibra September 23–October 22
You want others to love and recognize you no matter your foibles. Always you impress upon others your beauty, importance, knowledge and worth. You can shine like the Sun sometimes. It’s important to shine that light upon the one(s) you can’t forgive, the one(s) you try to forget. This is a great challenge. It may be the greatest in this lifetime. You can do this. Each moment is an opportunity to forgive and begin again.

scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21
So many times you seek concealment and you’re successful. However, there’s now a great energy within that needs an outlet. It can no longer be locked up tight in secret compartments. It can no longer be covert, hiding in shadows. You need a project that converts what’s hidden into real live substance anchoring in the earth, growing strong from there. You need a real physical project. What would this be?

saggSagittarius November 22–December 20
You need to be out and about and involved with groups of friends. It’s best for you if they have a humanitarian purpose, like Masonry. You may be called to lead such a group (now or eventually). Your presence accomplishes much. Especially for someone needing to learn, quietly, silently, in the shadows. Silence is a quality of Sag. You’re always called to this Silence. Its potency provides inspiration. You’re inspiring.

capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20
You may feel pressed to move forward and be something and someone in the world. You feel an inner initiative for direction. Great progress is being made on inner levels. Know this to be true. Many years of our lives are spent in preparation. So that when  “called” to leadership, we’re ready. You’re in preparation now. You have authority in all you do. Don’t be impatient with yourself or your present work. Everything we have is given.

aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18
You will expand beyond what you know and believe in. You will seek ways to learn new things. In turn, aware or not, you become a teacher to others in the ways you live, what you say, your behaviors, morals and values. Something long distance, something cultural, unusual may arise, perhaps a relocation of something or someone. Careful with legal situations. Take no risks. Something religious and/or ceremonial is important to attend.

piscesPisces February 19–March 20
Cooperation, cohesion and community—these are the words you like to hear. They define the new world. You will experience a pulling together of resources and efforts from everyone in order to bring a vision into form and matter. Everyone will be learning how to work together, to share, to live with no expectations except for opportunities to give. Losses, deaths and sexuality form a triangle of experience. These are resources, too.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.

More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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