.Countering the Darkness


It’s a busy upcoming week of feast days, rituals and festivals. Rituals (of goodness, gratitude and giving) counter the season’s darkness, framing it in light. Each day of Christian Liturgy is a saint’s day, celebrating the life of one who exhibited deep spiritual presence and actions in the world (like Nelson Mandela). Each saint’s day is a day of Light. We are the saints of our present day. The new and full moon festivals are “days of light.” They “counter” the present day darkness of materiality that has overtaken the world in clever and unseen ways. Rituals focus our minds, create a centripetal force, turn us inward, anchoring the Soul into our daily lives. This week has many festivals of remembrance and of light.

Thursday is Our Lady of Guadalupe. She is the “mother” of the Americas, her warm dark skin eventually the skin color of all of humanity.

Friday is Santa Lucia (St. Lucy, a Sicilian saint). Lucy/Lucia means Light. She is the saint of the solstice, of light in the darkness and also the saint of music. She wears candles on her head, walking in the dark through the village bringing forth the dawn. Later warm saffron (yellow like the sun) buns are shared.

Sunday, third Sunday of Advent (something’s coming!). We light the rose (joy) candle. Tuesday (full moon) is the Sagittarius solar festival. “We see the goal, we reach that goal, and then we see another.” Clearly seeing the needs of humanity, these become our life goals. We reach those goals through commitment, dedication, and cooperative-focused service to meet those needs—our “gift” to the world. We ask each other, “Do you see what I see? Do you hear what I hear?” Listen and watch: youtube.com/watch?v=Meu_uczBEqM.
Esoteric Astrology as News for the week of Dec. 12–18, 2013 For Sun and Rising Signs

ariesAries-March 21–April 20
The life of Aries begins with a fascination with speed, things red and glittery, taking risks, living at the edge and precipice of reality. Physical experiences are most important. Then something happens. The mind takes hold. Knowledge gathering is central. You become generous, enthused with learning. Morality and spirituality, tact and diplomacy emerge. Are you at this place yet, Ari?

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21
You seem to be on a secret mission researching humanity’s origins. And if not researching then you’re fascinated with magic, the magus and the mystical. It’s different than the occult. One is faith, the other the Ageless Wisdom. One is feeling, the other is knowledge. Loyalty, trust and faith are your important virtues. You’re the perfect partner, the lover everlasting.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20
You relate to travelers, to those who read and present different ideas. Always you’re on a quest, learning and sharing with others. So the quest never ends. There’s so much to learn. That’s why you can’t stay with one idea, one religion or one path. For now. Later on the right Path for you will appear containing all the previous Paths. May we meet there one day.

cancerCancer June 21–July 20
Many come for advice realizing your depth of experience and information on many subjects. You’re always available and willing to teach. You’re good-hearted, generous, helpful, caring and kind. Do people tell you this? At Findhorn, when complimented, we had to say in response, “I’m so glad you noticed.” Try not to be too fussy, tend to your tummy, and continue to ask for nurturing in return.

leoLeo July 21–August 22
Good fortune shining upon you eliminates all shadows gathered in your heart and mind about yourself. As a leader it’s important when expressing yourself for your words to be filled with optimism and clear expectations. You convey the spirit of great things and of even greater achievements. This helps people to believe in themselves. But they must believe in you, first. Offer others rays of hope and light. Be always worthy of this.

virgoVirgo August 23–September 22
Home life is filled with joyful fortunate circumstances. As if feng shui had come to visit, creating the perfect balance in your home. When faced with family situations you’re able to direct everyone to the best solution due to your high philosophical sense of responsibility. Books on religion, literature, philosophy, travel and government may enter your home. A new level of openness develops.

libraLibra September 23–October 22
During these weeks you will be more talkative and expressive—your ideas broad minded and cheerful with a touch of new spiritual values. You will seek what’s useful while decorating for the holidays. You create the usual dramatic seasonal magnificence. You might be traveling. You’re organized and prepared for any situation and emergency. However, you must remember to rest often. To maintain health.

scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21
Visualize attracting money and resources to meet your specific life needs. You’re able to be very effective in bringing into form and matter whatever it is you desire, aspire to, but, above all, need. You will attract what you focus upon. Money, resources will multiply. Along with visualization and focus, begin long-term planning concerning the use of your resources. You experience a continued sequence of fortune.

saggSagittarius November 22–December 20
You have many acquaintances and distant friends, Casual and work contacts. Often you wish for deeper relationships. You feel restless these days, reflecting and observing the rapid changes everywhere in the world. It’s important to think about the needs of other’s, to have tact and diplomacy, to surround frankness with kindness. You’re ambitious with grand goals. This is good. Take nothing for granted. Know that all that you do influences others.

capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20
Allow all your humor and goodwill into all your environments. Do not hold back. They help others have perspective, insight, and comedy, the needed laughter and delight. Your intuition is very accessible now. Listen to it. During Sagittarius we must be quiet and silent so inspirations from our intuition can be impressed upon us. These provide us with direction and Right Choice. You’re to be a joy to others. Let this be a discovery.

aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18
You can be a fun-loving friend filled with enthusiasm, exploration, socializing with all types of humanity. You create your own goals and objectives, different than what others would choose. You are to inspire others with the new ways of living, reaching into future possibilities. You gather friends possessing qualities you lack. Together you all create one entire whole. This is the Aquarian Way.

piscesPisces February 19–March 20
You often have many careers. Pisces is the gathering of all previous signs and gifts. Often Pisces is seen as not maintaining one reality. They can’t. Their hold all realities. Everything you do is a success. Even if in worldly terms it looks like failure. Everything’s a stepping stone, a place of learning. You must learn everything for you are to save the world. It’s a big task. Eventually you’re prepared enough to accomplish this.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.

More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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