.Things That Sparkle

RisaNewSSaturday, Dec. 21, after the Sun enters Capricorn and Winter Solstice begins, Venus (love, finances, beauty, resources and gifts) retrogrades (29 degrees Capricorn). For those still considering gifts for Christmas (a daunting task), here are some imaginative ideas. Consider things that sparkle and shine, resembling stars and planets. Things tasting divine. Things hand-sewn with a bit of tulle, bio-luminescent and incandescent. Things that bubble, boil, bringing a bit of trouble. Things that bend, lean, wave and sway—pink ostrich and peacock plumes. Things soft, satin, made of mohair, angora or llama.

Things found. Things with attitude, glamour, rebellion and style. Collections of things—stones, glass, shells, gems, gold, diamonds. Things that cover—smothered in hugs and kisses. Things handcrafted, supporting entire communities. Devoted narratives, magical colors, tender objects, unexpected ideas. Things jewel-like, hot and tasty. Things that seed, bud, sprout and thrive.

Things architectural, fractal, flourishing landscapes, textural (leather, bison, ceramic, glass and clay). All things biodynamic. Things made with passion, slowly, small and personal. Things that last lifetimes. Things rhythmic, moody, scented—sandalwood, frankincense and myrrh (joining the Three Kings). Cloved oranges, hanging chilies (green that turn red), dried roses, cedar blocks, lavender bundles, pinon, luminarios. Spices for ayurvedic medicines, foods and curries, chai spices. Cocktail items and Pendletons (retro).

Bowls, baskets, art, food from a local artist and artisans (Ladysmith Jams). Small cards, Corita prints, magazines (gift each month), flour sack towels (Watts Tower tea towels), fig vinegar, cactus, tree ornaments. A promise to live happily and mindfully.

Esoteric Astrology as News for the week of Dec. 19–25, 2013 For Sun and Rising

ariesAries-March 21–April 20
Tend carefully to career and your reputation. Things change, everything’s in review, and past events come alive again. Be kind and giving with co-workers. You may feel compromised professionally. Observe this carefully. Make no unnecessary moves or decisions. You may not realize your value or the value of others. In Venus retrograde situation this is not unusual. Allow bonds of respect to direct your decisions

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21
You may have an encounter with faith, religion, a white horse, riding over the plains, or having an adventure. You may have disagreements with others philosophically. You’ll assess and reassess your values, personal beliefs and all you’ve done and considered the last 18 months. You will refine and perhaps redesign whatever it is you’re envisioning.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20
An interesting time for Geminis. Venus is your Soul ruler (this is Esoteric astrology). Most of your life you pointed out dualities. You lived with and your behaviors reflected duality. That was your personality task. When the Soul begins to direct the personality one synthesizes dualities through Love. That’s what Venus is for you now. Venus supports you always. Ideas of love change.

cancerCancer June 21–July 20
You may remember past partners and relationships. You may feel alone or misunderstood. It’s important to talk all situations through with those you love. Refrain from judgments, gossip, and being distant emotionally. Be transparent, have patience, and wait out everything that feels uncomfortable. Things from the past appear (chaos) seeking a new level of harmony.

leoLeo July 21–August 22
Do all you can to make work and work relationships harmonious and unstressful. Maintain clear concise information. Display real caring and compassion to co-workers. Allow nothing to disturb the holidays. Create a warm environment in your heart and home, inviting everyone in. Focus on healing yourself which then heals others. The animals are all walking toward the manger. Join them.

virgoVirgo August 23–September 22
Whenever a sense of an argument arises or a feeling of chaos emerges in your world, realize it’s Ray 4 (light from a star in the Big Dipper) seeking the next level of harmony which you are to bring forth. Allow everyone their own beliefs. Don’t complicate others with information unable to be processed. Sometimes new ideas are too fiery to absorb. Everyone’s Soul takes care of them. Your Soul keeps you from disillusion.

libraLibra September 23–October 22
There’s something unspoken in your relationship to family. Every family is a Holy Family always learning new things together at different levels. No family is dysfunctional. Every family is learning how to awaken. Sometime in the next year you may come to a state of rapprochement with your family. You are ruled by Venus. You will ponder upon love for the next five months.

scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21
You’ve felt insulated these past months. You’re known to be a hermit, retreating in protection. In the coming months this will increase. You will consider past relationships and their value. Your values have changed radically. You allow less chatter, needing more sincerity. Think on what you truly need, desire and aspire to. It all requires sacrifice, which means “coming from the heart.”

saggSagittarius November 22–December 20
It would be good this Christmas to tithe in great quantities. To tithe from your heart. To give and then give some more to those in need. Not holding back. To tithe until you love so much you weep for those in need in the world. This is your Christmas gift to the world and to yourself. The results will be unsurpassed by any other experience. This tithing is a means of securing an insecurity you may feel. Just do it.

capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20
Your personal appearance, sense of self, even your mannerisms are beginning to change. And, therefore, who you project out into the world that others see. In meditation each morning, we call for the Sun’s light and our prayers to rest within and emanate a light from each of us. This light helps others discover their Path of Return. You are on that Path. You must rest more, not worry, stand in the Sun’s light each day.

aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18
All Aquarians need a Tesla Coil Christmas tree. The light from the coils helps illuminate all that lies beneath the surface of all feelings, sadnesses and aspirations. It will form a pathway for those from the past to visit. When they appear, offer them love and understanding. You may feel obscure for a while. It’s OK. You’re behind veils doing inner work for the next many months. The inner work illuminates and supports the outer.

piscesPisces February 19–March 20
You may want to make contact with previous friends and lovers and with some you will. However, do not expect any responses. The past has withdrawn as much as possible so you can move forward in the vision of the new world. Also, friends from the past may not be able to withstand your extreme intensity. They are not disinterested. They simply can’t respond. Use your present communications with those who already love you.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.

More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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