.Chinese New Year, 2014 – Green Wood Horse (馬 午)

RisaNewSChinese New Year is China’s Spring Festival. Last week in the California woodlands, I saw the first blooms of quince – traditional on Chinese New Year altars. Chinese New Year begins at new moon, ends at the full moon Lantern Festival. This year the full moon Lantern Festival is also Valentine’s Day. A confluence of celebrations.

It’s the Male Wood (Tree) Green (nature) Horse Chinese New Year. Horse contains fire. Wood helps fire burn hotter, brighter, longer. Fire is the child element of wood. Wood gives unconditionally, giving itself to the fire ‘til there’s no more wood. This means there will be opportunities in 2014. And then they disappear. We are to learn as much as possible for after the times of “disappearance.” We are to prepare for when there are no helpers. The wood tree needs water, sunshine and good earth to grow strong and tall. We are that tree. We are also horse.

Horse is bright, intelligent, strong and free-spirited. Dragon and horse are auspicious animals. Dragon flies, horse runs. Both are noble leaders. Horse has 30% Dragon personality. Dragon-Horse jumped out of the Yellow River with a diagram on his back inspiring Fu Xi (philosopher) to create the I-Ching (related to Tai Chi). During the year we seek a philosophy allowing us to transcend our potential so we can become true leaders.

Horse helps emperors conquer enemies. Horse protects. Horse intelligence must be trained to be useful, to provide unexpected adventures carrying us on journeys, across the plains to the mountaintop. Horse years are: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014.

Esoteric Astrology as news for week Jan. 30-Feb. 5, 2014

ariesAries-March 21–April 20
You seek your true profession after many burning ground situations previously experienced. Many times your beliefs were challenged; you found endings instead of open doors, often the journey felt exhausting, the purpose was lost. Now you’re at a high level of realization about your path. Revelations, stepping-stones appear, choices and directions are offered, a door comes into view. You step into your rightful place.

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21
For so long you were developing the self. Now you emerge into the light, moving toward a mountaintop. Goals and aspirations become clear. You’ve gained strength and confidence and these have expanded your awareness and direction. You’ve grown in commitment, convictions and knowledge. Change now for you isn’t so disturbing. It’s lighter, filled with hope and optimism. You move into the outside world. A teacher.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20
You have served others a long time. Loving, tending, caring, offering information have been main tasks. A quote for you. “The path is formed as we walk on it.” Chuang Tzu. So often you provided the path for others. Now you step upon your own path, following an inner voice, a call, a Presence on that Path. This will continue and intensify. You’re in transition. You can now answer that call.

cancerCancer June 21–July 20
You’ve been greatly responsible these past years. Much you gave away. Socially everything changed. Now you want to be out and about more, using your natural talents and abilities, having more interactions with others, impacting those around you. You’re emerging from the past and standing now in a state of transition. You want new people, new focus, a new geography, new direction. It comes slowly on little cat’s feet. From the garden.

leoLeo July 21–August 22
New realities appear at work, with health and daily life endeavors. It’s important to assess your health and work environment, bring forth new systems and concepts creating new direction, leaving old concepts behind. Your creativity must come forth more, be used graphically in work projects, blending old and the new, creating new areas of service. The animal kingdom assists. Loving and protecting you.

virgoVirgo August 23–September 22
You’re experiencing into new realities, a new dawn. Key will be your focused creativity, a new level of self-expression. You must have faith and trust in yourself, but also in introducing innovation. A new philosophy unlocks love and intelligence hidden within your heart. There’s a spark of artistry yet untouched. When you discover it new pursuits will be available. Things you never dreamed. Or perhaps you have.

libraLibra September 23–October 22
You releasing old concepts and moving into the direction of new understanding, new concepts and new states of forgiveness. What you believed about the past is over. With new understanding you comprehend the purpose behind all past experiences. Rebuilding your past on this new understanding your present/future also changes. A door opens; you walk across the threshold into a garden of your dreams.

scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21
You must bring forth the truth into a world mostly asleep. New information is exploding everywhere and you must be at the forefront of this knowledge for those you influence. Humanity must understand we are influenced everywhere by the Forces of Materialism. False, crafty, manipulated, distracting information is no longer acceptable. You must speak up, communicate where you’re heard, not back down, help bring forth the destiny of humanity. You’re the voice of your generation.

saggSagittarius November 22–December 20
You will (and must) reorient and revise your financial situation, ways of using money and investments with a  stronger newer value system that uses money to build the future based upon the values of the Aquarian Age. The foundation is sharing. The businesses that will succeed view humanity’s well being along with the well-being of the kingdoms and elements. You will strengthen yourself and your future should you implement these ideas. Everything beforehand has been preparation.

capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20
You step quietly into a level of seeing, challenging authority and ethics not reflecting the Will-to-Good. Your leadership will be subtle. You will walk through the burning ground so when you lead you will understand humanity with care, patience and compassion. You will be asked to handle great potentials not yet developed, expanding as you grow. You will be challenged and a new self-concept emerges. It will take a long time. In the end you will be a true leader. Rest now.

aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18
This is an important time when your destiny emerges. You will experience outer explosions reflecting inner changes. The spiritual world shimmers into form. Not understanding things before, you begin to with compassionate intuition. The business world is seen in a new and different light. Empowered by the humanitarianism, you begin to serve others. Your gift.

piscesPisces February 19–March 20
New career and work decisions are considered. A greater humanitarian vision, your focus for years, manifests in form. You summon all talents, including those hidden and unknown, to help bring the vision forth. Everything shifts and what you dreamed of comes true. You are now to ask for all preparations needed to come forth so you’re ready to accept the great expansion of what’s to come.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.

More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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