.Mercury Direct, Mars and Saturn Retrograde, Lent

RisaNewSFriday morning (Feb. 28) Mercury in Aquarius turns stationary direct. Until Marsh 21 we remain under the shadow of Mercury retrograde. If we begin each day aligned with the Will-to-Good, Right Choice and Right Action come forth. As Mercury turns direct, Mars (actions) and Saturn (structures) retrograde. It’s like a game of chess. The entire first half of 2014 is under a retrograde watch.

Mars retro is like Mercury retro. Instead of communication  (Mercury), our actions and usual ways of being (Mars) won’t be effective. Nothing goes anywhere. Not even love affairs.

Mars retrogrades are times of assessing actions, angers, desires, aspirations since the last retrograde (January-April 2012). Retrogrades do not support beginnings. We are to review, observe, acquire patience, watch realities unfold in strange humorous ways. Mars retro concerns emotional issues from the past to be resolved.

The Mars retrograde (27 Libra) squares the U.S. Pluto (27 Capricorn). Mars/Pluto is difficult to withstand. Mars means action. Retrograde means hidden. Pluto is power. Both the Forces of Materialism (read Darkness) and humanity itself have powers that are hidden. One is aware and wields power with cruelty. The other, still asleep, unaware of its power, is beginning to awaken.

The Mars retrograde (March 1-May 19) occurs through Lent (40 days and nights of purification and preparation for Easter, Resurrection Festival). Lent begins this Ash Wednesday. With the sign of a cross made of ashes on our forehead, the priest reminds us, “From dust thou art (what our physical bodies are made of—the stuff of the Earth). And unto dust that body will return.”

Esoteric Astrology as News for the week of Feb. 27–Mar. 5, 2014 For Sun and Rising Signs

ariesAries-March 21–April 20
Be aware of conflicts and struggles with power in all interactions (intimates, partnerships, etc.). It’s a natural occurrence with Mars retrograde. The struggle is complex. Attempt to understand what the struggle is about before stepping into what could feel like a war zone. Relationships assess their bonds – its purpose, beginnings, continuation. All relationships restructure. They’re not falling apart. They’re changing.

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21
Mars retrograde helps rearrange how you use your energy in daily life tasks, how to best apply your energy, the health and well being of others, including the animal kingdom. At first you may feel lethargy, exhaustion, unable to function as usual. But then a new rhythm comes forth, one more realistic, reliable and strengthening. There may be frustrations. Patience is cultivated.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20
There are gifts within each of us. Treasures, hidden and unseen. A found object of self we’re unaware of. These are the foundations of our creativity. During Mars retrograde a new level of self-expression is recognized, harbored in a deep part of ourselves. It’s deeply nurturing, watered from many years and lifetimes of hope and striving. It contains desires, aspiration and visions. The unearthing will be subtle. You have 10 weeks.

cancerCancer June 21–July 20
Your home shields and safeguards you. It’s your foundation in the world and of yourself in the world. It sustains and nurtures you. It’s your shell, your nest, your refuge. Here you sort out priorities, consider all actions (and reactions); rework everything quietly, in your own timing. It’s your place of solace. Your garden. Protect it.

leoLeo July 21–August 22
Nothing and no one will be organized in ways you expect. Everything will start and stop. Nothing will really be resolved. Commitments, negotiations won’t last. At times they won’t even begin. Good intentions will fade. Patience may be non-existent. Communications could flail about in the midst of anger and misunderstandings. Only things you’ve done before will work. Maybe.

virgoVirgo August 23–September 22
No financial action is best. Unless it’s taking money out of the bank. But don’t spend it. Hide it away for a very rainy day. Be conservative with finances as well as energy. Assess what you value and why. Go through all possessions. Eliminate what’s unnecessary, not used, and no longer of value to you. Investing in the future should not involve the usual ways of investing. There are more sustainable ways to invest. In tangibles.

libraLibra September 23–October 22
You will experience an inner consistent level of challenge concerning self-identity. You’ll be challenged to create new standards concerning who you are, how you use your energy, what and who you identify as and with. You will shape a new identity. One that considers your needs as valuable. You will eliminate those who do not consider you valuable. That means anyone who “dims your light.” Everyone’s light is precious and useful.

scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21
Every day is different, every experience unplanned. One cannot prepare from past experiences. It’s difficult to assess what efforts to apply or even the time of day. There’s exhaustion, nothing turns out as expected. Plans fall away, ideas get lost, energy dissipates. The wind blows every which way. You wonder how you’ll continue this for 10 more weeks. Only the intuitive realms are real now. Poetry, art, music and stillness.

saggSagittarius November 22–December 20
Everything slows down—comes to a halt actually. For 10 weeks, everyone’s movements, internalized and deeply focused within, greatly decelerate. You must understand this if in charge of people accomplishing tasks. Progress forward is arrested. Don’t push the river. And don’t push others, either. Not even yourself. This is a time when the world should be at rest. However, only a few know this. You know it now. Be patient.

capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20
Something changes in your ambition, your career, your steps up the ladder of success. You access new realities. You ponder upon your identity in the world and give deep thought to how you want to be recognized, what you want to be known for. You are your own authority. During these weeks of Mars retro defer to those in charge. Allow them their position. If you’re in authority, understand the Mars retro in depth.

aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18
It’s good to identify as a citizen of the world. Know that a world citizen’s “mother tongue/language” is astrology. The science and art, the foundation of the Aquarian Age is the study, knowledge and application of astrology to all people, events and situations. With astrology, a great wisdom develops and we access the Rain Cloud of Knowable Things. Do not allow your self to feel limited, restless or obstructed.

piscesPisces February 19–March 20
Review your definition and assess you ruse of power. Withdraw and gather into yourself. Review what is being absorbed from your environments. Allow many of the energies to fall away. Do not dominate family, friends or co-workers. You can do this unconsciously, indiscriminately and subtly. Focus instead on practical structures. Adaptation is your key. And loving more.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.

More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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