.The Soul and Spiritual Task of the United States

RisaNewSSunday is Fall Equinox with Sun entering Libra. Autumn and winter emphasize the Soul. “Destiny of the Nations,” by Alice Bailey (scribe for the Tibetan Teacher Djwhal Khul) refers to the Soul purpose of the United States. I quote from the book in the light of the Syrian situation.

“The U.S. is ending its adolescent stage, coming forth in full maturity. The vast land is ruled by Gemini (rising), which sees two sides of an issue, and Aquarius moon (serving humanity). Washington is Cancer (nurturer of humanity). The U.S., preoccupied with its own house, dashes into hiding at the first signs of trouble. Needing a long-range vision, it’s a country “in the making.” Eventually it becomes adult.

“The U.S., based on freedom and liberation, is overseen by Sirius, the star where freedom, liberation and love originate. The spiritual task of the U.S. is “Standing in the Light, to Light the Way” for humanity. The U.S. is to manifest Ray 2 of Love/Wisdom. To fulfill that office, The U.S., must nurture and bring forth the Mother aspect for humanity.

Esoteric Astrology as News for the week of Sept. 19–25, 2013 For Sun and Rising Signs

ariesAries-March 21–April 20
Your world becomes charming and graceful. You seek signs of beauty and places of refinement. You also seek harmony, which is quite against your usual risk-taking nature. You’re kind in relationships allowing others to step forward. You compromise and seek to be fair-minded. This is a transit (a temporary situation). However you will incorporate and synthesize new diplomatic skills into your life. You become interested in art and aesthetics.

taurusTaurus April 21–May 21
Always you’re in service to others, dedicated to doing a job well. Often you’re playing your role behind the scenes. However, eventually everyone realizes the significance of your work. It’s important to tend to health carefully. To shine a light on that aspect of your life. Some may begin embracing raw, vegan or vegetarian foods. Purification and rest at this time is most important. You’re preparing for a future spiritual step.

geminiGemini May 22–June 20
There’s a certain nobility and dignity about you, and your enhanced self-esteem you carry around with pride. You find yourself being warmer and generous with others and more dramatic. You may want to be the center of attention, in the spotlight, stepping into positions of authority. You show more affection for others. Be more forthright and study the word integrity. Take up a creative activity and realize how important love is to you.

cancerCancer June 21–July 20
You’re more sensitive than usual. Harsh thoughts or words create terrible pain. You forgive eventually but you won’t forget. Cancers remember everything. You’re protective of being hurt. That’s why you carry your shell around. It protects your inner sensitivity allowing you to climb inside with mood swings due to the moon influencing the waters in your body. You’re ruled by the moon, you’re the Mother of the World, sensing all emotional currents.

leoLeo July 21–August 22
You wlll experience duality, versatility, mutability in all interactions. You will bring forth your intellect to free yourself from anything holding you back. You feel rebellious, have great curiosity, become inventive and imagine how to solve a problem. Your mood swings create a restlessness. Routine does not interest you anymore. You ask if your present work is rewarding mentally and creatively. You need to be free.

virgoVirgo August 23–September 22
You will experience bravery and courage, behaviors of a warrior. Competitiveness may emerge from a sense of being a pioneer. Careful with arrogance which can creep in with new ideas. Careful also with impatience creating difficulties with others. You may have an idea, go into action, and then lose stamina and energy all quite quickly. Then it’s all forgotten. Blazing new trails requires constancy and control. It’s best not to go into battle.

libraLibra September 23–October 22
You may feel other people’s pain. It may feel like your own. This will lead to a level of compassion new to you and a sensitivity that will help you work more authentically and deeply with others. I discovered the other day, when I was very distressed that people turn away from distress. I felt abandoned. I learned from this. Say to those in distress, “I see you are in distress. How can I help?” You will begin to use those words, too.

scorpioScorpio October 23–November 21
You are a humanitarian, believing in intellectual and personal freedom for everyone. You’re concerned with social reform, humanity having equal rights. You understand that the phrase “All men (humanity) are created equal,” actually means, “All minds are created equally.” You stand up for the education of all of humanity, that they have knowledge, strength in numbers, supporting each other to bring about social changes.

saggSagittarius November 22–December 20
You may step into conservative shoes, feeling both young and old at the same time. You begin to see your life as a training ground offering opportunities that accelerate learning, being cooperative, forgiving, being for the world “a keynote of the times.” You do this through traveling, writing, communicating, creativity. You “do your part for the world” when focused upon the needs of others (humanity)

capricornCapricorn December 21–January 20
You’re concerned with honesty and truth. Remember some honesty can hurt others. Always we practice “ahimsa” (doing no harm). You aim your arrow to the heavens, seek to broaden your intellectual horizons and travel. What you encounter may change aspects of your life. Careful with exercise and over impulsivity. Give greater attention to safety and balance. Let your sense of humor be a soothing salve

aquariusAquarius January 21–February 18
Intensity and passion (Mars/Pluto) influence interactions with others. These planets also provide endurance. Placing our heart and soul into a project, we can become exhausted, entering a place of overwork. People see your power. They step back and turn away, sensing your focused purpose and ability to see what others cannot. Try not to be cold or ruthless. Stay away from dark places. Stand in the Light.

piscesPisces February 19–March 20
Harmony and beauty, charm, grace and refinement are most important at this time. Don’t hide your personality to please others. However, do remain protected by others’ opinions. You try to be fair-minded. Know there are many who do not understand this. Sometimes you feel invisible. Other times you feel attacked. The sign of Pisces is difficult. It holds all the other 11 signs. Tend to studying, and all forms of creativity given to you. These guide you.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.

More at nightlightnews.com. Risa’s email: ri**********@gm***.com "> ri**********@gm***.com Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology


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